These parents took their 4-day old daughter to the chiropractor to cure her colic. What the therapist did to the child was cruel and frightened thousands of doctors...

in #health7 years ago

These parents took their 4-day old daughter to the chiropractor to cure her colic. What the therapist did to the child was cruel and frightened thousands of doctors...

There are many treatments available for any given ailment, but which one should you choose? Currently, the medical world offers a variety of solutions for  treating specific health problems. Some methods are traditional, while  others are more modern and carry with them a much higher risk. It’s up  to the patient to decide on what kind of help he or she wants to use and  what risks they’re willing to take on in order to feel better.

Many factors influence our choice of treatment, including the  effectiveness of previous treatments. If conventional methods don’t  bring about expected results quickly, the patient may turn to more  extreme treatment methods. The parents of young Millicent decided on non-standard medical  practices and took their daughter to a chiropractor. Although  chiropractic therapy is valued by the medical world, it’s not used on  newborns, and this girl was only 4 days old … You’ll find out more about  the crazy chiropractor in the rest of this article. 

On the following pages you’ll also find a scary video of the treatment that was performed on Millicent.

Dr. Ian Rossborough is a chiropractor that believes his massages help  with more than just bone alignment. The man claims that his treatments  also help heal autism, colic and reflux in infants. Recently a couple  from Melbourne brought their 4-day-old girl, a premature baby, to him.

Little Millicent suffered from a painful colic, and traditional  stomach massages did not work. So her parents decided to trust Dr.  Rossborough. Of course, he was willing to take on the young patient.  First he pressed her upper body and then laid her on his lap and pressed  her in a way that everyone heard the loud crack of her spine!

 Moments after her spine cracked, the girl began to cry. Obviously,  the chiropractor caused her pain, but he continued his treatment. He  assured the parents that nothing was wrong and he recorded the entire  visit with their daughter, which he later uploaded onto the internet. As  you can guess, the medical world’s reaction was immediate.

Dr. Ian Rossborough not only cracks newborns’ spines, but also pulls  on their necks and in general uses many odd practices whose  effectiveness in infants has not been proven. Because of this, the  Australian Chiropractic Board decided to investigate the entire case.  Until the investigation has been completed, the chiropractor is not  allowed to accept patients under 18.


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