HIV risk for major affected group and what are the possibilities

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Today, I'm going to analyze a topic that might be quite controversial and by using public US numbers I will show you some undeniable truth. Get ready! Before I start I would like to say I don't write this because I want to be judgmental, but to help you to avoid bad consequences and to open your eyes.

Everyone is probably aware what is homosexual behavior. When I'm using term homosexual I'm not talking about any permanent orientation in spite of mainstream view sees it like that. So I consider it more like adopted behavior regardless that many might disagree with that. But it's actually good news as you will see later.

Uncompromising numbers

Recently, I found some strong numbers. Men having sex with men are currently about 2% of US population, and although it's just a small group (in percents), this small group accounts for 67% of all new HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) causing AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) diagnoses. This indicates that man performing men homosexual behavior are major HIV patients. But mostly people see 67% and in their minds it's telling quite average and there is no alert. But when you take a look at it it means that if we have equal population distribution we will find out that 99.004% of HIV positive people are males who are practicing sex with other males. It's not an over-statements that HIV is a disease of male homosexual behavior. At last based on US numbers.

Again, when you look at it properly though this perspective, you will find HIV is almost totally dominated by men participating in homosexual behavior, other groups are not even 1% of total HIV cases (with even distribution of sexual activity). That should tell something to everyone and especially to group of those men. I will focus on this group in the rest of this post.

Life outlook for homosexual males

In U.S. with population about 320 million people, are about 40,000 new HIV cases every year just in US. Considering that homosexual men are 99% it makes about 6 million men in US practicing homosexual activities, it means that there are about 26,800 new HIV positive men in US from this group every year. Also considering there is already about 1.1 million of HIV positive people (from those 737,000 are men practicing homosexual behavior), this means there are about 700,000 homosexual man who are not yet detected with HIV in US.

Based on those numbers above (which you are free to re-calculate for correctness), you have about 4% chance to be HIV positive in this year if you are homo-sexual acting man. It also means that in about 15 years, you will be HIV positive with probability of 50% and in 60 years (if this trend continues), only 10% people from your group will not be HIV positive.

Economical burden

It's also worth noting that such a behavior is pretty costly in terms of treatment (which is actually more stabilization than treatment), not mentioning other risks which are even more serious. One year treatment is about 25,000 USD, it means currently about 27.5 billion of USD is cost of HIV treatment every year for all infected in US. This is pretty demanding for US (or any other) medical system and for the economy itself. Of course these people have also somewhat limited ability to work and it bring another cost for them and everyone else. Simply said this behavior is also economically very disadvantageous for you and also for other fellow tax payers. But it's still almost nothing compare to other risks but it's good to see all consequences.

What can be done?

Although most of people, even lot of scientists and also physicians are telling that you can do nothing except safe sex, costly treatment or suggesting you can do something even more crazy like to change your gender to the top of your confusion, it will not save you and your life and lives of many other people will be destroyed. Homosexual behavior is nothing special, it's just a strong sin, similar to all other sexual sins next to fornication and others. To be sure it's just an adopted sin and not your fixed nature, there is this verse proving it as God never condemns anyone for something that is fixed.

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
-- Leviticus 20:13

This one sin brings often stronger consequences (as we just proved by data and the Word of God) even on the Earth because is way too out of our originally designed sexuality. Even if one day there is an effective medicine for HIV, it will just mask coming consequences of such an behavior for a while.

Good news

However, good news is that all sexual sins and its effects that can be completely purged - repented (regret & ask for forgiveness & ultimately avoid this activity in the future), forgiven and completely removed from your life by grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. You can easily google multiple testimonies of many people who received freedom from this wicked sinful behavior and confusion or other sexual and LGBT mess and sexual sin slavery in general. Know for sure, God is still ready to forgive you and help you, there is His Word:

"Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked?" says the Lord GOD; "and not rather that he should return from his way, and live?"
-- Ezekiel 18:23

"Come now, and let us reason together," says the LORD: "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool"
-- Isaiah 1:18

So take it seriously, chose life, choose God, not cheap LGBT deception or other false solutions, you don't need to go that way which is bad for you and for others in the end.



Some more confronting information about homosexuals and HIV @jimmco. Thank you for having the courage to post the facts.

Thank you for your comment. Yes, these people are so terribly deceived and as they enjoy and even fight for such a deception. A partial warning is already upon them even in this world, everyone can see it. But even worse things they risk for eternity.

Your post from the forum only proves how bad and absolutely filthy this is. These people need to be informed about that and may God in His great mercy lead them away from this abominable lifestyle. It would be very good for them if they leave their perspective of victims, everyone here fights against some deceptions and various temptations. But if they fight for it (instead of against it), they are practically doomed. However there is still hope and some time for salvation today.

hey @jimmco I have good news: soon we can cure this disease with amazing molecular mechanism named CRISPR/CAS learn about it you can here:

Although a new cure for HIV and other diseases is in general good news and good opportunity, I'm cautious about DNA manipulation and also there is no escape from terrible issues when people stay in sinful behavior. When people were able to cure gonorrhea and other similar diseases, later on totally new advanced kinds like HIV/AIDS occurred. If HIV/AIDS is cured one day but people continue in sexually-corrupted behavior, more advance killing diseases will come. This cannot be bypassed just by some medicine or science.

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