Three Connecticut Legislators Feverishly Push For Removal of Religious Exemptions Amidst Controversy and Conflict of Interest

in #health5 years ago (edited)


On Monday, May 13th, there will be a hearing regarding the removal of the CT religious exemption for vaccination at the Legislative Office Building. There is no official bill for this hearing. At the time of writing this, Wednesday, May 8th, I am not even sure what committee the hearing will be in, or what time it will happen. Three legislators have made it their personal ambition to remove the religious exemption, Representatives Matt Ritter (D), Liz Linehan (D), and Josh Elliott (D), have bypassed the typical legislative process to push for its removal. Why the feverish push? They cite a hypothetical threat and claim that “antivaxxers” are the reason for measles outbreaks. There were three measles case in CT from 2018 to 2019, all outbreaks were in adults.

From measles to pertussis, “antivaxxers” spread disease and misinformation, claim all three legislators. Yet measles is a live virus and can shed. Hospitals warn not to visit if recently vaccinated with a live virus vaccine. According to St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, “Some vaccines are made from live viruses, which can pose a threat to the health of St. Jude patients.” For years researches have known that the pertussis vaccine is not effective, according to the CDC, “Whooping Cough (pertussis) remains a public health challenge in the United States despite high vaccine coverage, an increased number of cases have been reported since the late 1980s.”

Last March, Robert F. Kennedy, JR., was in Connecticut by invitation to attend a forum on vaccines organized by Representative Josh Elliott. Several doctors from Yale, and a pediatrician were confirmed to also attend the forum. Late the night before the forum, Elliott sent Kennedy a message letting him know the Yale doctors, and the pediatrician, had decided to cancel. The next morning Robert F. Kennedy Jr. went on to do a bipartisan press conference, and gave a power point presentation on vaccines using data from the National Institute of Health, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, PubMed, and clinical data from vaccine manufactures. Kennedy eloquently and succinctly exposed major issues with vaccines and the numerous side effects that plague vaccines. Kennedy elaborated on how vaccine manufacturers cannot be held liable for vaccine injuries, he lamented on the VIOXX debacle, and said, “What Kind of a cognitive dissonance does it take for a democrat to say yeah, but, they’re telling the truth when it comes to vaccines?” Armed with charts and studies neatly organized into a power point presentation, Kennedy pointed to the numerous side effects listed in vaccine package insert from Gardasil. Kennedy said, Gardasil by Merck, is an outright fraud and dared Merck to sue him for saying such.

Even as they pitch to take vital rights away from citizens, Ritter, Linehan, and Elliott, did not bother to go to the forum that Elliott organized. They discriminated against Kennedy, and their own constituents. Kennedy is a life long democrat to boot. They were not there to offer their science, argument, or dialogue. They were not there, they do not care. Despite them, over a hundred concerned citizens were in attendance. How can the public trust these legislators when they refused to show up? Kennedy traveled from CA, was an invited guest by Elliott, and our state representatives didn’t show up. Yet they plan to eliminate a fundamental human right, while completely ignoring the evidence that conflicts with their views. Vaccines should not be mandated, there are too many risks involved, rather laws should be written to make them safer!

Even with all this dissent the legislators repeat over and over again, the science is settled, vaccines are safe and effective. Regardless of your liberty and personal rights as a parent, the State comes first according to them. Regardless of the evidence from the NIH, and the CDC’s own studies, along with whistleblowers within the pharmaceutical industry, all pointing to problems with vaccines. Regardless of the fact vaccines can and do cause injury. Regardless of the fact that live virus vaccine can and do shed, spreading the viruses they are supposed to protect against. Regardless of the fact that vaccines do not work for everyone. Regardless of the fact that the federal government has paid out four billion dollars to families with vaccines injuries. Regardless of the fact that hundreds of people from around the state have come out to testify against more vaccine mandates and the removal of the religious exemption.

The three legislators continue to ignore the public who want to retain the Constitutional right to refuse vaccines. Instead they call their constituents, dissenters “those people”, “antivaxxers”. Therefore they do not have to listen to them, because they know best, because the CDC and the FDA has said so, vaccines are safe and effective. The three elected public servants, feel they have the right to use coercion and force parents to vaccinate against their wishes for a hypothetical threat. This is the United States, this is Connecticut. What happened to open debate, a dialogue? There is too much evidence that the pharmaceutical product, vaccine, has flaws and causes a lot of injuries, and live virus vaccines shed. From autoimmune disease, encephalopathy, transverse myelitis, neurological dysfunction, eczema, chickenpox, measles, mumps, pertussis, and even death. According to the CDC 1 in 59 children have autism. 1 in 6 has a developmental disorders, 25% has a chronic health conditions, food allergies, diabetes, obesity, behavioral and chronic illness. I have seen a stat of chronic illness in children as high as 54%, and autism as high as 1 in 36. Just a few generations before, it was extremely rare for a child to have any of these conditions. Our children are more vaccinated than ever, and they are also sicker than ever, and no one in our government is asking why? Parents who raise these children are asking why, because they are on the frontlines of this epidemic of illness in our children. Parents are doing the research the legislators fail to do. Let’s look at the FDA and CDC for a moment since that’s all that Ritter, Linehan, and Elliott, continually refer to.

The FDA approved VIOXX even fast tracked the now infamous drug by Merck. Merck the makers of the MMR vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine, and Gardasil. VIOXX had to be taken off the market for killing people, yet it was FDA approved. Merck was later sued and accused of manipulating data to trick the FDA. There is a long list of drugs, medical devices, and chemicals, the FDA approved, and later took off the market. Then there are the whistleblowers, William Thompson, senior CDC research scientist. According to Dr. Brian Hooker, Thompson confessed a coverup within the CDC over the phone and Hooker recorded it, “CDC scientists colluded to cover up a relationship between the timing of the MMR vaccine and autism in African Americans that was first discovered in November of 2001. Rather than reporting the results to the public, all data regarding this relationship were destroyed at a secret meeting held some time in August/September of 2002. This fact has been affirmed via an affidavit given by Dr. Thompson to Rep. Bill Posey in September, 2014.”

Then there is the government’s star witness for “vaccine court”, Dr. Zimmerman, whose testimony the government used to say vaccines do not cause autism later told the government, that in some children vaccines can cause autism. Zimmerman blew the whistle a decade ago and the rise in autism continues to grow across the nation. Once 1 in 10, 000 with autism in 1980, is now 1 in 59. Investigative Journalist Sharyl Attkinson wrote, “Dr. Andrew Zimmerman— the government’s own pro-vaccine medical expert who helped the government and pharmaceutical industry defeat vaccine-autism claims in vaccine court in 2007— now says he learned vaccines can cause autism in certain susceptible children. He said he informed the government a decade ago but that they hid his opinion and misrepresented it in vaccine court. Advocate Robert F. Kennedy, Junior, an attorney, has filed a fraud complaint against the Dept. of Justice lawyers accused of covering up Dr. Zimmerman’s opinion in vaccine court.”

Not only that, there are two scientists from Merck who blew the whistle on the mumps portion of the MMR vaccine and are currently suing Merck. The lawsuit states among other charges, “Third, Merck took steps to cover up the tracks of its fraudulent testing by destroying evidence of the falsified data and then lying to an FDA investigator that questioned Merck about its ongoing testing. Merck also attempted to buy the silence and cooperation of its staff by offering them financial incentives to follow the direction of the Merck personnel overseeing the fraudulent testing process. Merck also threatened a relator or in the Qui Tarn Action, Stephen Krahling, a virologist in Merck's vaccine division from 1999 to 2001, with jail if he reported the fraud to the FDA.” According to the CDC there are over 700 cases of mumps in the USA reported since January of 2019 to April of 2019, mostly in college students. “From January 2016 to June 2017, health departments reported 150 outbreaks (9,200 cases), including households, schools, universities, athletics teams and facilities, church groups, workplaces, and large parties and events.” A US war ship was quarantined at sea due to a mumps outbreak for over a hundred days and was just able to port on May 2nd, “The USS Fort McHenry was quarantined during viral outbreak. It has gone 112 days without a port call, which is exceptionally rare as port visits typically occur every month or so.” All service members were vaccinated.

Despite all the controversy and the fact that this issue is so contended, why are Ritter, Linehan, and Elliott, so hot on this? Could a conflict of interest be the issue for Ritter and Linehan? The feverish pitch for vaccine mandates without reasonable debate and an actual bill, is more than enough cause to think that there is. Ritter is a partner at Shipman and Goodwin, one of their clients, Boehringer Ingelheim is attempting to enter the human vaccine market with three new vaccines, including a novel flu vaccine for immunocompromised individuals. Linehan’s husband is a scientist at Boehringer Ingelheim. BI is also a partner of the Human Vaccines Project​, which lists veteran vaccinologist and rubella vaccine developer Stanley Plotkin MD as a board member.

When it comes to healthcare informed consent is a human right, a God given right. The government does not have jurisdiction to legislate healthcare nor religion. Those decisions are between a provider and their clients, not the state. There are great laws already on the books to contain disease outbreaks. Vaccines are a false sense of security and should not ever be forced on citizens. Parents have a God given right to do what is best for their children without the state. The science is not settled.

Linehan Conflicts of Interest

Ritter’s Conflicts of Interest

Reference Links

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Hartford Clip 3.19.19

Children’s Health Defense

St Jude

Whooping Cough

The CDC Mumps

Mumps Lawsuit

Brian Hooker Statement on CDC Whistleblower

Sharyl Attkisson

US War Ship


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