5 Surprising Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight Fast

in #health7 years ago

There are a number of studies which prove that being obese or over-weight can lead to many health problems which include high-blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint pain, indigestion, and also depression. This makes it important to maintain your overall weight regardless of the age as it will help you to remain healthy for a longer period of time. If you are one of them who have been struggling to lose weight fast, then there are some of the surprising reasons behind that are as under.

Not tracking your diet - Usually when you have planned to lose weight, you follow a strict diet which might make it impossible for you're to track what you eat and how much you have eaten.
While keeping a track of your diet will help you to have a better insight on what foods are helping you lose weight and what foods are not. This way you can always make some alterations in your diet by neglecting some of the foods which are making you gain weight instead of losing it.
Protein deficient diet - Proteins are the building blocks of the body and someone who wants to gain muscle mass consume protein rich diet whereas people who are trying to lose extra weight from the body consume a low calorie diet. There are studies which prove that very fewer proteins in your diet can slow down your metabolism process and prevents the faster weight loss in the body.
Low quality foods - There are some of the cases in which people while being on a strict diet and exercise regime are still not able to lose weight and this is due to the consumption of food which is low in quality. Many of us opt for the processed versions of the foods which can lower down the metabolism and can prevent the fast weight loss.
Avoiding weight training - Exercising on regular basis is mandatory to lose weight as people with the same wish have to indulge in regular exercise to burn more calories but there are many of us who consider cardiovascular training like running or jogging is sufficient for the weight loss but weight lifting or training holds an equal importance. The mixture of weight lifting and cardiovascular training can boost your metabolism process and enable quicker weight loss.

Binge eating-The person who has just started a strict diet often suffers from the food carvings which is due to the intake of the food is suddenly reduced. These carvings will lead to binge eating especially later in the day which is not only unhealthy for the body but also prevent the weight loss. Binge eating of the healthy food also slow down the weight loss process in the body.81f2e712ca3ebb1aa963c07201787d78.png

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