Colloidal Silver: The CURE FOR ALL SICKNESS (HIDDEN FROM FDA & Pharmaceutical Companies)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver, for those who dont know, was the original anti-biotic... I happen to find this fascinating... Pharmaceutical companies will do anything to make a buck off of us it seems. If silver is the cure all for everything...What does that mean for those companies? Well it means something negative for them, although it might be good for my silver holdings :D
It is very threatening for something as common as silver to be a cure for basically all types of sickness. You dont need to buy medicine for any type of common cold. You need to buy silver. Silver itself is an amazing metal. Not that it is precious, but because of its many utilities.
Surprisingly if you look up the research and effects of colloidal silver for sicknesses is limited. I thought I would find more studies done on the substance but it seems to lack interest. It is not approved by the FDA as well. That makes me want to get my hands on it more. The FDA is full of the biggest scumbags in history. Colloidal Silver is not widely used simply because it is a threat to pharmaceutical companies. PLAN AND SIMPLE, THEY DONT CARE IF YOUR HEALTHY AS LONG AS THEY ARE RICH AND YOU ARE POOR. THATS IT. CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO ITS CRAZY.



I personally make my own colloidal silver and copper. It's really easy and cheap to do.

Distilled water + Silver/Copper + 9volt battery

Have you listened to this video?

"It's really easy and cheap to do."

True, if you aren't particular about the quality...
There is actually considerably more to it than that, if you want to produce a quality result... Particle size, current management, target concentration, dispersion...

But yes, in a pinch, a battery and pure metal (for example, not an alloy like sterling) could save your life.

Thanks... not too bad. However, here's some of the "fine print" to more fully explain what I mean by the differences:

Nice thats very cool, I didnt even realize this existed, its wild. It makes you wonder why these metals where put on this earth, they hold so much value to mankind. If you think about it, our society realize on these metals similar to how are bodies do. Mankind, and the earth, is like its own breathing body, using metals to grow and sustain life.

The cure all for everything is a big statement man haha. I have never seen any medicine that cures everything. If you find it, you will be the richest man in the world

Thanks, friend @jacobcards, for publishing this important information.

I have an offer running right now, a special for Steemians:

There you can read about the life-changing results we've been seeing from the use of our product. We produce a fully automatic machine that takes all the guesswork out of making the highest quality ionic/colloidal silver. I'm happy to answer questions for anyone who finds this of interest.



EDIT: We will accept SBD by private arrangement if anyone is interested.

Hey im thinking about buying your generator. Would it work to make other colloidal metals? Im sure it would just checking. Thanks!

Hi, @jacobcards,

As happy as I would be to sell you one, I have zero information about other metals. I have concentrated entirely on using it with silver. What little I do know suggests that it is very likely that other metals would require different settings, different current limits, different methods.

And so, all I can say is that my machine works very well for making colloidal silver, but I don't think it will work for other metals.

Thank you very much for your interest! Please let me know if I can answer any other specific questions.

Ok cool! ill Probably make the purchase pretty soon. I will comment on this post to let you know when Thanks again!

Thank you, and no worries. :)

P.S. I want to be sure you have this link and special price:

Thats Awesome Thanks :D!

No, thank you! :D

I'm highly skeptical of these claims.

Cliched "if it sounds too good to be true, then..." aside, the fact that it has so little research or evidence behind it places so much importance on "specialized knowledge" (basically theories that are un-backed by current science and are in dire need of study/ experimentation/ replication, in order to have any semblance of proof positive evidence - who's qualified for this? who's put in the time and research necessary to derive a statistically reliable profile of this "medine's" interactions and reactions? side effects?) that anyone who tries this is placing themselves at great risk of unforeseeable side effects, perhaps with no real gains from using it other than maybe the placebo effect.

Watch this video, and you will think again.

There is no risk, to think so is ridiculous. You are at much greater risk when you take virus shots that actually make you sick.

Why is it ridiculous to think that there's risk? There's risk everywhere I look with foods and spices and herbs. For example, I eat a lot of red meat and I'm likely to have cholesterol and heart issues later on in life. Certain plants that seem safe to consume have small amounts of toxic chemicals which may take years of accumulating in our bodies before they start to show up as disease or mental disorders.

It's only logical that we place the most trust into the foods where we have the most body of evidence and a long history of usage to point to it being safe and healthy to consume. My life is too sacred to be experimenting with substances which may be toxic to my body and mind.

To much of anything will hurt you. And Those plants have toxic chemicals on them because of the fact companies are mass producing food and feeding people like they do animals. If you want non-toxic food grow your own garden and raise your own meat like I do. Food is not poison, neither are elements, its when pesticides and preservatives or (man-made substances) that our body or the animals we eat. The system doesnt want you to be healthy.

Sure, too much of anything can harm us, but the point is just the smallest amount of some things can cause us to become ill, go crazy or even die.

There is plenty of what we would call "natural" substances that are known to cause serious, sometimes irreversible, problems when ingested.

All I'm say is that I want odds on my side that I'll live a healthy life and don't consider the chances to be high when I have to trust the claims of a single man (the man in the video that you supplied me with); a man who clearly has incentive to sell a product. I might trust him more if he wasn't trying to sell me a product, but even that isn't enough. One man, no matter how good his intentions might be, can make mistakes of judgment and make wrong conclusions.

The pharmaceutical companies are the ones hiding this info so they can make tons of money. I suggest you dive into some research papers as well as history papers. In the silver war men would carry around silver coins so their bullet wounds wouldnt get infected. Silver lining would be put in milk buckets on farms because it would keep the milk from going bad. Im not making up its chemical properties I suggest you keep looking into it.

You have no argument from me about big Pharma, but that doesn't change the fact that I've been presented with very little evidence that the claims about colloidal silver are true.

It might be that silver is very antimicrobial, antifungal, etc, but that doesn't mean that it's all good. It could very well cause more problems than it solves (presumably later on in life) and history isn't always the best indicator of best (healthiest) practices.

In the 1800's and likely well before that time, people used to drain blood in order to remove what they called "phlegm", IIRC, which they were convinced was the cause of all illness. This belief led to them bleeding out many people to the point of death. Abraham Lincoln was treated in this way before he died. Perhaps he would have lived if they hadn't used that misguided method to treat him.

Believe what you want but I bought some at GNC otday I doubt they are selling a product that could potentially kill people. Me and the guy working there had this long conversation about how "he never goes without it'. This guy was an expert in vitamins and minerals so I will take his advice and still continue to use it. My sister was sick today with a cold and I gave it t her to test it out she says she cant believe how good she feels.

YEP! Just started using this at the recommendation of someone I consider a thought leader in the realm of true health freedom. Thanks for sharing this powerful info!

No prob! Thank you for the support! :)

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