Exercise, and the root of addiction.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

I've always been the kind of person who scoffed at the physical fitness world. As runners cross my path I might casually ask them “What are you running from?” or “hey, you want a cigarette?” I thought, “how silly we are, we live in a culture where our lives are so disconnected from our physical nature that we have to artificially stimulate our bodies”. Hard bodies, vanity, the quest for physical perfection..... it all seemed so superficial to me.

what are you running from?
Photo credit: nellis.af.mil - U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Christopher Hubenthal

But then I learned about dopamine receptors!

There are a lot of ways we artificially stimulate our dopamine levels. From coffee, to cigarettes, to drugs, alcohol, internet porn, even over-eating! When our brains get those un-natural surges of dopamine, it responds by reducing it’s amount of dopamine receptors. If you are anything like me, you may have abused yourself with copious amounts of cigarettes, recreational drugs, and internet porn (occasionally all at the same time). The result being that you may find it difficult to feel good without a beer and a smoke. Dopamine receptors are the reason why. Now, my brain doesn't have the right amount of receptors to feel good from the simple things. "Recreational" drug use, coffee, cigarettes, and porn addiction don’t seem so innocent anymore. Do they?

Not only does dopamine affect your mood, it increases your memory, concentration, movement, and ability to learn! Oh... so thats why I suffer from depression, can’t remember shit, or stay focused on anything? In fact, there is also a direct connection between the brains dopaminergic system and social anxiety disorder. Which means an imbalance in your dopamine regulatory system can have a negative effect on your social skills.

This all sounds very familiar!
Photo credit: commons.wikimedia.org

Now comes (previously scorned) exercise to save the day! Exercise not only increases your dopamine levels, but actually increases the amount dopamine receptors your brain has(increasing your ability to feel good, concentrate, and remember).

I’m realizing many of the things that I thought were good, because they made me feel good, actually reduce my ability to feel good in the long term. It's starting to sound a lot more reasonable to put down the six pack and get on my bike.

If you suffer with depression, or addiction(as so many do), all of this information can be pretty mind blowing. At least it is for me. Why didn't they tell us this stuff when we were kids? Instead of “this is your brain on drugs” and “Just Say No!” What might be more helpful is for people to understand that substance abuse actually reduces your ability to feel good. Sure, we all know that by experience or observation, but it sure is nice to have some science explain exactly whats happening, and what we can do about it.

Drugs are bad. Mkay?

Now, you may be wondering what all can be done to increase both our dopamine receptor density, and our dopamine levels. Fortunately there are a number of natural ways we can do this!

  • Fasting
  • Eating less in general
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • A diet high in omega 3
  • Cutting out the coffee, smokes, and booze\drugs

That's enough motivation for me, I think I'll meditate for 30 minutes and then go for a ride!

Get on your bike and ride
Photo credit: commons.wikimedia.org

Further reading:


At my experience sports aré really good to reduce anxiety. But eachone do what he can

@inquiringtimes Great article! I didn't really have a problem with cigs/drugs/alcohol/porn, but I have always said "running" is a "four letter word"....you know the one I am talking about...lol! I have definitely seen how intermittent fasting and eating better has helped me lose some weight though and feel better...

thanks for taking the time to read it. For sure, all of the ways to reverse the effects of addiction are healthy for people who aren't struggling with bad habits. But, I think we can all deal with depression from time to time.

[comment from another post] (for my records and future research)

@elfspice53 · 8 hours ago
I am so keen to get into the exercise... champing at the bit really hard. As I learned from previous experience, though, you gotta take it easy every other day, or you start to slow and slow and then hit a brick wall, and can't progress.

L-Glutamine, I am quite sure it is key to me getting somewhere. I just never bought it before because it was so expensive compared to how much income I had, back in Australia. It was almost 9 years ago I was last working out. I managed to get to army entry level fitness. I only didn't get in because I confessed to them that I had psych problems.

The thing was, I had kicked out the sugar, the caffeine, the alcohol and the weed even. I was doing my best to try and stay ketogenic, but I just felt like I was starving the whole time. The allergies just kept getting worse.

Just 3 days of L Glutamine, and I'm already feeling a lot better. The rash is still there, but I get no asthma anymore. I am starting to feel increased strength in my muscles. My brain is faster, I am able to focus more.

L Glutamine is critical, if the cause of your health problems is leaky gut, it should be the first line of treatment.

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