Health Club Membership - The Cost of Commitment

in #health7 years ago

So you want to make a commitment to a health club membership? It's your New Year's resolution to get fit, take better care of your body, eat right, lose weight, etc. Before you plunk down that hard earned green stuff on this new found dedication, it is important to make certain you are not really wasting it.

Don't misunderstand me. Health clubs, overall, are usually worth every penny, if you utilize them. But to spend money on anything that you aren't completely positive you will use is a waste; period! Many of us believe that if we spend the money it will help us commit. This thinking fails us so often. If I had a dollar for every dollar I wasted in life, well, I would be one rich lady!

Dedicating yourself to a health regime is a fantastic idea, but like any purchase, try it on for size.

1. Ask the Health Club of your choice if they have a 30 day trial period, with no commitment.

2. Try a few different clubs with friends on a Guest Membership basis, with no commitment.

3. Work out at home, run in your own neighborhood daily, buy an inexpensive workout DVD, and see how long you can commit to one or all of these before buying a membership.

4. Find out before you buy your membership under what circumstances you can cancel, if the need arises.

5. Also ask before you sign up what the club's policy is if you become ill or injured, and are simply unable to use your membership.


Don't fool yourself into thinking that once you pay, this alone will be the motivating factor to get you out of bed early each morning and down to the gym. Attending a gym, utilizing all they have to offer, and getting what you pay for is a lifestyle change; one that can cost a great deal in the long run. Be sure before you decide, and save the money.

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