Healthy life devices - earplugs for party

in #health6 years ago

Hi, guys!

I often tell in my blog about how many sport activities I do. One of them is dancing, and it includes zumba, aerobic dance ect. I have such work out practices about three-four times a week, and I noticed one difficulty with them that needed to be solved.

Music on such classes is too loud. I don't know how the others can survive it, but I can't. It's so loud that I have a headache after 40 minutes of exercising. Once I told our instructor about that, and she said that I'm just not yet enough "involved". But I know better what is bad for me, and if I still feel like I have hearing troubles during 15-20 minutes after the class ended - this means that every time I go there I injure my hearing.

So, I found a solution when I looked for it!

Did you know that this world invented special earplugs for concerts? I never heard about them before till the day when I started looking for something like it. I understood that regular earplugs weren't suitable for my situation, cause at least while dancing I still need ventilation of ears, plus I still need to hear the music. 

These  earplugs allow to do both:) Can't wait to give then a try at dancing class!

Take care of yourself!

Love, Inber


I can't believe the answer you got for saying the music was too loud! Wow! We tipped a waiter a nice tip to shut off the crap they had playing in a restaurant!! LOL A lot of clueless people running things in this world.

Happy to see you're taking good care of your ears! What a horrible thing to put the music so loud during such classes. Did the miss the memo about how bad this is for our ears?

May be they have another opinion. Well, if I just went there once - it could be OK, but damaging my ears nearly every day... No, thank you:)

Friend this you say is very important, and very dangerous, more than you think, the sound very loud and in a continuous exposure, it is very harmful. It damages many organs, destroys the ciliated cells of the ear so that in the long run people will become deaf, and also cause digestive disorders, and in the reproductive organs. In addition to the headache. It seems to me very well that you have achieved a solution, but in the same way it would be perfect for your coach to become aware of it.

You know more about it then I do, but I'm sure I did right to buy this device:) I don't want to become deaf just because other people think that it's "not too loud":)

@inber, Yes, for sure this world now reached to an position where we can see whatever we want, it's just remained as matter of research and then what you want, it will be proceed from your handset.

And yes, everything is comfort when it comes to the activities and specially dance because, if we have effective earplugs then that gives effectiveness to our activity.

But many ignore if they have any issue but in reality we have to understand one thing and that is, whenever we choose one activity then we have to be ready to make that phase more effective for us.

And dancing is an great exploration where we can deep dive into an music and then develop an relation with music and then living that particular song. 🙂

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