Post Cleanse Health

in #health7 years ago

I finished my 17-day Master Cleanse, and yet, I am still suffering from mal-absorption, or so says my tongue.

I still have toxins in the colon and malabsorption according to this chart... so I read an article by Susun Weed, who is my go-to herbalist, from Woodstock, NY, my former home-town, in which she talks about inflammatory foods and inflammation causing colitis and ibs (which I have).

I am not eating those inflammatory foods, but later she refers to drinking Stinging Nettle infusion to heal the adrenals... I am also praying for an answer to the malabsorption problem.

Also, turmeric, she says is an anti-inflammatory - which I have used instead of ibuprofen, but maybe I need to add it to my daily regime.

I have had this problem since I was a kid. I hoped I would get it in this one cleanse, but probably not.

I am not seeking help from Western Medicine, so first I will have to diagnose the problem and then find an answer to it.

I am trying to go vegan - and so I need to be able to absorb nutrients. I am at optimal health for me when I eat a grass-fed burger and salad per day...but that is totally immoral to me now, so I have to find a solution. After the cleanse, I am off all animal products, so I am trying to stay off them and get my health needs met... we shall see. I am generally healthy, other than my gut issue, but as I age, I am sure this will catch up to me if I don't do something about it now.


Well done :)

Your on the path, you will reach your destination. Just keep at it, Health is just long term commitment.


thank you! for that vote of confidence - I feel so lost... but maybe I am not.

Absolutely, turmeric amazing anti- inflammatory. My advice add garlic too . Garlic best anti infection thing.

thanks that is true! I'll eat more garlic -

Health is so important . How you care to yourself you will see it when you getting old

wow :) Numbers nothing . How do u feeling yourself its you.

I feel good. I am doing this for my moral health, mostly.

Congratulations! Keep going like this. Btw add somethings too for bone health. Its most important. Our body need to carry us

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

Thanks for that. I m nurse and i just wanna help to people.

Will hopely work if used with great precautions, sometime things wont work but it does takes time.

Get well soon! Good luck on your regime.

I like youngevity products for getting that spectrum of micro nutrients that the body needs. Dr. Wallach is a pretty amazing guy who can cure almost anything with nutrition alone. Also many great gut boosting products. I do not own any part of youngevity by the way, only recommending out of compassion. I may make a post about them and the importance of wide spectrum nutrition, best of luck!

thanks for the tip - I am not going to be able to afford products at the moment. Just food.

Nice going.

Yeah western medicine rarely focus on curing patients merely finding medicines for the symptoms so we come back again and again!
They are efficient at curing pain but not finding the underlying causes :/

I am vegan and eating seeds and nuts is a must for me especially when i workout hard, try a nice seed mix, intense nutrition and good fibers. Perfect for delivery of nutrition to our intestinal bacteria.

Best of luck :)

thank you for the tip!

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