5th Day as a Vegan, and I feel like Crap!

in #health7 years ago (edited)

I did the Master Cleanse from December 23- Jan 10, and got off coffee, sugar, dairy and animal products for 17 days. The last 5 days I have been trying to figure out what to eat.

Basically, I have been having a lemonade (lemon, maple syrup, cayenne) in the morning. Then vegetable soup for lunch or brunch with rice and lentils and turmeric. And then a salad for dinner. An avocado for a snack.

I ate out with my new boyfriend at restaurants and ate off the sides menu all weekend - so that was hit-or miss and then on Saturday I had thai spring rolls with tofu and plum sauce for dinner and a salad later.

Today I made some tofu to put into my soup mixture just to make sure I am getting needed protein... it tastes good...

I also got some peanut butter and dates for a snack and I have some spirulina, carob, cashew chunks that I can snack on as well.

I don't get it. Everyone says you feel better, but I do not. I slipped today, at the end - I had scrambled eggs because I am just so H - U - N - G - R - Y that I just wanted to see if eggs would make me feel better. NOPE. I think I miss stimulants a lot - coffee.

I don't know - I guess it will just take what it takes for me to get this... I am eating this vegetable soup that I made a few days ago, with rice and lentils added in. Today I made a raw squash slaw with veganese that was really good - but then I just wanted protein I thought... so I had eggs. It just made sick.

Then, I juiced collard greens, a beet, 2 apples, ginger, cellery and a bell pepper and drank that. I will try again tomorrow.

I also have IBS, so it's going to be interesting. Right now I feel super nauseous from the eggs. Going to bed. I learned - don't listen to your thoughts because I used food as a comfort for years... Food is to nourish you and I will get my comfort from God.


I think vegans could benefit greatly by eating butter and eggs. Cholesterol is loaded with nutrition, and you can source free range organic eggs and organic butter. I would question vegans, why go so extreme? You talk about loving yourself, are you really? Eat some eggs!

For most of us, veganism isn't about loving ourselves, it's about loving the animals. The immense health benefits are secondary to knowing that no animals were harmed in making my meals.

Hey friend, happy new year. Sometimes the detoxing is awful with cleanses, but you know not every constitution does great on vegan, too.

I have had periods of veganism and other variations of mostly plant-based eating and had to switch things up a bit depending on how I was feeling.

Hope you feel better tomorrow!

Hey @intituivejakob - yea I don't know - during the cleanse, which was the outgoing RX shadow, I was totally fine - it's now reintroducing food that sucks. If I could only just drink the lemonade forever all would be well. I will figure it out.

Pinterest is a great resource for vegan meals. I did a lot of different types of salads. Cold salads, but there are also hot salads.... Baked potato topped with balsamic vinegarette dressing and various veggies. I liked to top it with pico de gallo, aparagus, and broccoli. You could make your own dressing if you are avoiding sugar- use mustard and balsalmic vinegar. Burritos at home are really easy too, most tortillas are vegan but check the ingredients. Peanut butter jelly sandwiches. Tacos are easy to make vegan.

If you go out at all, Chipotle is a really easy option. You can also order the bean burrito without cheese at taco bell, and that's cheap and easy.

I remember when I first started, I was constantly hungry. Always have a granola bar or some kind of easy snack handy. I also had some issues with the amount of fiber I was eating, but I won't go into detail about those. I was told your body would get used to it after a couple weeks, but mine never did. Good luck- it's hard but worth it!

thanks! That is so helpful.

I can really relate to this. I tried to go vegan for a month and now I am a vegetarian/reducitarian. I eat meat a couple times a month and I eat eggs and dairy products occaisionaly. I can’t eat gluten, soy, and legumes and nuts I have to eat sparingly or it hurts my tummy. I’m trying to find the balance with this new diet. The first month really sucked and I felt like crap and never knew what to eat. I am feeling much better now though. I’m going to try and blog more about my vegan, gluten free food recipes. Good luck with everything I hope it gets easier soon:)

it's just nice to talk to others about the process. That helps me.

Me too! So nice to not feel alone:) my best friend went through the transition too. I love how many people are changing their diets and realizing the cruelty to animals that comes with animal products. Just reducing my consumption I am feeling so great :)

Yes I am back on today!

Nice :)

You are going through a massive detox, which means there is A LOT going on in your body. Being vegan for 5 days isn't enough to drastically change how you feel. Wishing you health! I hope everything levels out for you soon!! <3

thank you...am I still going through it even though I stopped the cleanse?

I think so. You totally changed the balance of all of the nutrients in your body. You will level off eventually. I think start slow and eat what feels most comfortable. Since you have IBS, I would read specifically about dealing with that issue.

You are probably already on this track, but I would follow an anti-inflammatory diet. And if it is legal in your area, give cannabis a try. It is one of the most proven natural healers of inflammation. Also turmeric, ginger, black pepper, plus ashwaganda to reduce cortisol. Maca if you have any reason to believe that any of your issues are hormonal.

thanks! I am allergic to cannabis, but I can use the other stuff...

True and good

A juice cleanse was the final straw for me finally going vegan (something I'd wanted to do for years). After the cleanse, my body no longer tolerated dairy. I slowly pushed through it after my first juice cleanse and then used the second one as an excuse to quit dairy once and for all. I was told by many (health professionals included) that my body didn't tolerate dairy after cleanses because I'm actually mildly lactose intolerant and I'm just able to "train" it to accept dairy.l (by forcing it to get used to it). Seemed kind of a silly thing to do just to be able to drink another creature's lactation.

Cow puss and coagulated cow puss - yumm

Vegans say you will feel better. They are not everyone - they are around 1% of the population in most countries, but they certainly like to talk about it!

You have inspired my art entry!

thanks ! I don't agree with you, but I like the art. I feel like crap but I am just venting. I will continue to work through this. I have other issues - mal-absorption - being one - hence my particular problems that I will resolve, and I will vent on here and get people's suggestions.

This stuff is so complex and the standard of knowledge on Steemit is mostly very low - I highly recommend following @kiwideb she knows a lot about all this including leaky gut, Gaps, paleo and a bunch of other stuff.

Or read this book for starters:


Sorry, just skimmed your post at first, i see eggs made you sick :( Not sure what to tell you other than look into gut health, perhaps your nutrition absorbtion is off. Great prebiotics are garlic and onions. good luck!

so interesting you say that because mal-absorption (ibs) people suggest onion and garlic are BAD. I will have to figure it out for myself, that's all. I don't want to use dairy because the dairy industry, organic or not, is CRUEL. Chickens drop eggs - that i know, unfertilized - and that's ok, but they made me sick after 3 weeks off animal products.

Thanks for caring about the animals

If you want more reasons to go egg free, look into how gen laying chickens are housed, or what happens to the baby males when they hatch. Or what they do to chickens' beaks so that they won't peck each other. The whole process is every bit as bad as the dairy industry, unfortunately.

My eggs come from local hens, but yes, I know and I plan on being vegan. Just having a rough go of it.

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