Health #02 | Are you a patient of Cholecystitis ??

in #health7 years ago

Hey there !  Welcome to the new episode of Imagicnation ! A blog where we will reveal the answers to some of the most interesting & curious questions related to science...

Today I'm here to show you what happens when you eat a lot of spicy foods !

Simply speaking, it usually affects our bile storing organ called the Gall Bladder leading to a condition called Cholecystitis

It may be of acute or chronic type. Chronic cholecystitis may be a result of repeated episodes of mild to severe acute cholecystitis. It is usually associated with cholelithiasis (gall bladder stone) in more than 90% of cases.


The causes include:

- Gallstones

- Obstruction

- Tumor

Here's a pic snapped by me at my own college showing the gross and microscopic views of Chronic cholecystitis !




- It is usually smooth and glistening. It may be dulled by subserosal fibrosis.

- Dense fibrous adhesion - May remain as sequel of preexisting acute inflammation.

- On sectioning, wall is invariably thickened, and has an opaque gray white appearance.

*In uncomplicated cases:

-The lumen contains fairly clear, green yellow, mucoid bile and usually stones.

-Mucosa is preserved (generally)

Fig: Chronic cholecystitis (Gross)


- Degree of inflammation is invariable.

*Mild case

-Only scattered lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages are found in the mucosa and in the subserosal fibrous tissue

*Advanced case

- There is marked subepithelial and subserosal fibrosis, accompained by mononuclear cell infiltration

- G.B. wall has buried crypts epithelium i.e due to reactive proliferation of mucosa and fusion of mucosal fold

- Outpouching of the mucosa through the G.B. wall form Rokitansky Aschoff Sinus (contain bile).

Fig: Chronic cholecystitis (Microscopic)

Fig: Normal gall bladder (Microscopic)

*What are the  symptoms??



*What are the complications??


*What is the treatment??


So guys that's all for today !

Hope you enjoyed that...

Drop your thoughts too

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