The Fruit of Aceh kedondong is very beneficial for health

in #health7 years ago (edited)

In aceh, kedondong fruit is often used as one of the fruits used in rujak. The taste of the fruit is very sour kedondong. For those who like acid, this fruit becomes favorite food.
Image location: Samalanga at Dayah Nasyrul Ulum Al-Aziziyah

here there are many benefits of fruit kedondong for health and beauty. Even this fruit can also overcome and prevent various dangerous diseases, such as heart disease also lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.

  1. Cough medicine

Prepare 3 pieces kedondong then wash until clean. After that grate the fruit kedondong until finished. Without added water squeeze the water and give a little salt. Ready to drink 2x a day.

  1. Stomach Pain and Diarrhea

Use ± 15 grams of fresh stem bark and then wash thoroughly. After washing and then cut into small pieces, Boil with 2 cups water for 15 minutes. After the cold boiled water immediately strain, and the filter water can be drunk 2x a day.

  1. Treating ulcers and burn wounds

The kedondong leaf is also used traditionally to treat ulcer drugs, sore wounds and burns.

  1. Treating and Overcoming Diarrhea


Use approximately 15 grams of fresh, washed leaf stems. Then cut into small pieces and boil with 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes. Wait until cool and then filter and filter water can be drunk 2 times a day.

  1. Maintenance of the Digestive Tract and Diet

Fiber content in 100 grams of kedondong fruit that reaches 0.83-3.60 mg is very useful to smooth the gastrointestinal function.In addition, because it contains fat, protein and carbohydrates in low amounts, kedondong fruit can also help for those who are running the program Diet to lose weight. It's just that, if you want to consume the fruit kedondong to diet, choose the immature is true because the content of the fruit kedondong not mature is very high fiber and water. While the fruit kedondong mature high content of sukrosanya thus increasing the number of calories in it.

  1. Overcoming Anemia

For those of you who have anemia or lack of red blood cells is recommended to consume kedondong, by consuming 100 gr you already mengasup 30 mg of iron, can help the process of formation of red blood cells.

  1. Prevent heart disease

As mentioned above, kedondong contains calcium, as we know, calcium is very useful to prevent heart disease.

  1. Eye health

The presence of vitamin A content in the fruit kedondong so that it plays an important role in the health of the human senses of vision. This vitamin helps to channel the object received by the retina of the eye to the brain as an image. Compounds that play a role in this case is retinol.

  1. Increase endurance

With the content of nutrients contained in the fruit kedondong form of sugar in the form of sucrose is certainly very important as vitality and endurance.

  1. As an antioxidant

Thanks to the content of Vitamin A so that this kedondong fruit can function as an antioxidant. In addition to vitamin A, kedondong fruit also contains vitamin C. Of course, both types of vitamin is very active role as an antioxidant that can counteract free radicals. Both free radicals are derived from oxidation of the body and pollution from the outside.

  1. Wound healing

With the content of Vitamin A, so it can help to maintain the health of tissue in our body. Hence this kedondong fruit can help speed up the wound healing process.

  1. Overcoming anemia

Iron content in 100 grams of fruit kedondong reach 30 milligrams, can help the process of formation of red blood cells. In addition to iron, apparently the fruit kedondong also contain vitamin B1 that can help the production of red blood cells and increase oxygen flow throughout the body and prevent anemia.

  1. Prevent premature aging

Not only kiwi and mango fruit that contain vitamin C, because kedondong also have the same content. Vitamin C content can protect important molecules, such as proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates, and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from damage caused by free radicals, toxins, or pollution. Free radical is one of the factors causing premature aging.

  1. Controlling cholesterol levels

In addition to being anti-aging, vitamin C found in kedondong fruit also helps cholesterol metabolism into bile acids, which may have implications for blood cholesterol levels and the rise of gallstones. So this fruit kedondong useful to control your cholesterol levels.

  1. Body recovery

This certainly can not be separated from the content of vitamin C in the fruit kedondong so it can help to keep the body immune and help the sportsman in the process of restoring his body after doing heavy exercise.

  1. Maintain healthy bones and teeth

This is because the phosphorus contained in the fruit kedondong so beneficial to maintain healthy bones and teeth.


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