What Excitement Caused Judge And Juror To Do !

in #health8 years ago (edited)

As we walked along I started to sing” Why was I born so beautiful",
But before I could continue with the second line my walking companions chimed in with - " Why were you born at all"?
(To the tune - All things bright and Beautiful)

Well a good laugh is one of the many pleasures and benefits of walking. Ending the walk at a pub is another of course.

Pubs. Toilets.

Why do I associate toilet with the word pub. None, other than it's a way to introduce this snippet of news featured in the publication Londonist - http://londonist.com/ toilet-humour-the-peculiar-world-of-the-London pub toilet.

‘The United Nations estimates that 2.5 billion people lack access to any reasonable level of sanitation and November 19th is/was World Toilet Day, a chance to reflect and consider ways to help in the fight to improve sanitation for the less fortunate’.

Public toilets are a great bastion of British humour, the scene of many a joke, embarrassing situation or choice graffiti.

After Jaws in the toilet !

Came Daleks !

I’ll bet if occupants of these toilet heard Exterminate Exterminate !

‘Variations of ‘Please adjust your dress before leaving’ would be a sight to behold!!

One clever joke/puzzle I remember seeing on a pub toilet wall went -

L O L O,A Q I C,I 8 2 Q B 4 I P.

I'll put the answer at the end of the post if you haven't worked it out.

In addition to the health benefits of walking, anyone on a weight loss course will find companionship is beneficial to weight control as well. If you aren’t keen on exercise routines and food restrictions, then there is something comforting and helpful knowing your suffering is shared.

This was the experience of a walker in our club – He told me

“A photo of my beer belly side on” was the final straw

I had to do something! There was a burning desire to live longer and come off blood pressure tablets.

I think I 've used the wrong approach in the past which led me to fail and resulted in doing more of the bad stuff like eating and drinking too much.

I found it very difficult to lose weight as a result. Friends and work colleagues were on a local programme so I thought I would give it a go.

I love the companionship and the realisation that others look the wrong shape too and have the same aim as me. The exercise is enjoyable, it’s like a friend’s night out with exercise and laughter instead of beer, and it was free.

Since I’ve been doing the sessions I have more energy. I can now fit into ‘normal’ clothes. Nice comments from friends keep me motivated. My blood pressure is right down – no more nose bleeds. I sleep better and have lots more self-confidence.

I would advise others to see their doctor first for a check-up, start with small changes and sign up for a programme. You’ll soon be flying and enjoying life once again!”

No question then – Exercise is normally beneficial and it is enhanced even more through enjoyment in the company of others.

I love cooking with wine – Sometimes I add food. W.C Fields

There is a growing realisation that we cannot carry on indulging ourselves with food and drink in careless abandon without consequence, usually in an increasing waist band and risk of below par health.

Increasing thought is being given to health and diet by more and more people worldwide.

If only we could eat and drink as much as we want of whatever, whenever, knowing there was a pill to cancel the excess!
But there isn’t.

The best answer is a regular sensible diet with perhaps the occasional indulgence, as in – ‘A little of what you fancy does you good’.

The perfect blueprint of the lifestyle I mean is in the excellent book ‘The Flexitarian Diet’

As the author – Dawn Jackson Blatner,RD,LDN says, and I quote

“I am a vegetarian who is flexible enough to eat some meat, poultry and fish occasionally”

The Flexitarian Diet: The Mostly Vegetarian Way to Lose Weight, Be Healthier, Prevent Disease, and Add Years to Your Life-

It was my experience too from running our very popular vegetarian restaurant for 32 years, that the majority of our customers were not total vegetarians.

The Mediterranean Diet also comes out well in reports by nutritionists.

Living well is a way of life in the Mediterranean, where eating a diet that is based on fruits, vegetables, grains, olive oil and legumes such as beans, lentils, peas and peanuts is the daily norm.

Legumes are a particularly healthy food being low in fat and high in protein. Legumes are also very high in fibre and other nutrients

Fish and seafood are consumed often, cheese, yogurt, poultry and eggs in moderation, meats and sweets rarely.

Physical activity is encouraged as is enjoying meals in company with others.

That is a quick general overview – There are numerous dedicated publications which should be consulted if thinking of going further.

I see the combining of diets as ideal and a pointer to the future because it offers the best of the best, a synergy of good food and healthy lifestyle.

And to help here is a free 85 page downloadable now eBook. No catch, no details required, no email address needed. Just click the blue download link below. I get these ‘give away free’ rushes of blood now and then.

To Download click -

The Juror Who thought his Luck had Changed

People attending the local law court were often in our restaurant. A news reporter told me this brarmer of a story –

In an attempted rape case a juror fell asleep. The victim was asked to describe what the accused said to her prior to the incident. To spare her embarrassment the judge allowed her to write it down.

The message was then folded and passed along the jury. Each of them gasped open mouthed at the sexual intent expressed.

Sitting next to the dozing juror was an attractive woman. After reading the note she refolded it, nudged him, and he awoke with a start.

He read the note and looked at the woman wide eyed with excitement. With trembling hand, he read the note again and put it in his pocket.

When the judge asked him for the note he refused to hand it over, saying it was ‘personal.


Public Toilet. Londonist.com
Keep Fit Cartoon Shutterstock


Funny stuff, thanks for sharing! :-) It's bad when you gotta go but you see a line for the bathroom!

Thank you Kenny. Yes I must be careful not to be thought obsessed by toilet humor,but just writing that reminds me of a book I read compiling the best of it. There were some eye watering ones I recall,and I mean clever not crude or rude.

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