Watch - See why this Takeaway is dangerous to Health - Post 14

in #health7 years ago (edited)


“A Camel is a Horse designed by a Committee”

I was not fond of committees when in business. We've probably all experienced the frustration of having a brilliant idea fudged and changed when put to a group for consideration.

It's the price of democratic decision making, and the reason why seemingly sensible ideas sometimes get bogged down and often never see the light of day as originally conceived..

Some committee members feel they have to justify their presence by contriving some input that is often trivial and distracting.

Heaven Sends Good Food, but The Devil Sends Cooks !

And that's where food recipes score. Many people have differing opinions, and they can indulge their creative flair by adding to or changing ingredients in a list without upsetting anyone intentionally.

Take my favourite dessert – ‘Bread and Butter Pudding’ - There must be as many variations of that as there are cooks.Versions now come with marmalade,or whisky.apricots. etc etc. You name it.

Yet it started as a simple creation to make use of stale bread,leftovers and food scraps that were never thrown out in cash strapped households.Making meals from nothing was a necessity, a challenge, and drove much invention,

Similar thrift was essential during wartime rationing when ‘Make Do and Mend’ and ‘Waste Not, Want Not’ were stirring phrases .There are other examples of using scraps and many became established favourites, like ‘Bubble and Squeak’, which used left over potatoes and cabbage in a fry-up.

Lucky Dip

Choice didn’t come into it.Whatever was available dictated.An example of that was mother’s Gotit Pie !

In the nineteen thirties we were vegetarians more often than not without realising.Because money in working class families often didn’t run to buying meat, it was a rarity.When there was meat from a rabbit or an old farmyard hen Mother made her Gotit Pie

This was mainly potato and onion with a thick pastry crust,peas beans or other veg.and got it’s name because those fortunate to find a bit of meat in their portion shouted ‘Gotit’ to laughter and shouts of cheat and unfair from the others..

So let's keep food simple.I groan when a celebrity chef demonstrates an exotic recipe on the television,because they usually require - Ingredients you can’t find - Utensils you haven't got -To make something you wouldn’t give the dog.


Beggars Can’t Be Choosers.

Nature is wonderful the way it compensates and balances. In times of shortage, you eat whatever you can get without much consideration for health issues.The extra effort required to find food,expends energy and burns calories and explains why people were considered healthier with wartime rationing.

My father went to work each morning as a farm labourer on a breakfast of 3 or 4 rashers of virtually all fat,cholesterol loaded, home cured bacon, barely a streak of lean meat to be seen.Yet he was as slim as a whippet. Hard manual labour efficiently converting and burning the fat of his diet into energy the job demanded

Gives a Whole New Meaning to ‘Take Away Food’

But for some there are dangers linked to food sourcing other than those posed by excesses of calories or cholesterol .Watching a BBC wildlife programme recently illustrated the extreme dangers some will face when not having a choice.

It showed the method used by members of an African tribe obtaining food for their family by stealing a fresh kill from lions.

Who Blinks First !

They operated in a team of three, and lay still and prone on the ground until the lions were gorging themselves.Then in a perfectly synchronised move the three rose as one and walked, side by side, straight towards the lions engrossed with their kill.

The tension waiting for the lions to become aware of the advancing men was chilling. I could sense my pulse increasing, and breathing tighten, as the men got closer and closer, still walking unhesitatingly forward as a unit.

Eventually the lions looked up from their meal and stared at the advancing men

At the last moment the power of the men's minds and focus won, and the lions scattered.

Phew ! I staggered to the kitchen and bravely made a cup of tea.If you didn’t watch the BBC programme, or not seen the video , you can do so here courtesy of the BBC.and the YouTube Share Link.

Consider The Meat Free Mondays' Campaign

'Vegetarian’ is the diet of the time. It's good for Health, Environment, the Animals and it is so easy to try in gradual stages.

Many recipes are similar to The Mediterranean Diet recipes, so offer additional choice particularly to anyone considering Pesco Vegetarianism.(Eats fish and seafood principally for health reasons)

The range of balanced nutritional meal options to choose from has never been so vast,varied and complete.

Acceptance and understanding of vegetarianism is normal now.There is a wider awareness of the issues. Many admire the stand being taken,and considering changes to their diet to help their health and the planets

Land - They’re not making it any more.

But it has taken a long time for warnings to be widely accepted that we are rapidly depleting resources that cannot be renewed.When countries become richer meat consumption increases.Combine that with world population expansion,and the pressure on land and water can only increase.

But awareness has been a long time dawning.Here is a warning made in a moving speech 162 years ago by Chief Seattle of the Duwamish Indians in 1855 when protesting to the US government about the forced purchase of his tribe’s land. (Source- Vegetarianism::A History. by Colin Spencer.)

“We do not own the freshness of the air or the sparkle on the water. How then can you buy them from us? Every part of the earth is sacred to my people, holy in their memory and experience. The white man does not understand our ways. He comes in the night, and takes from the land whatever he needs. The earth is not his friend but his enemy, and when he’s conquered it he moves on. He kidnaps the earth from his children.His appetite will devour the earth and leave behind a desert.If all the beasts were gone, we would die from a great loneliness of the spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts happens also to us.All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the children of the earth”


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3 ‘Steemy’ Love story told through old movie posters.Part 1
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7 She kissed what! 8 How to do it in the bath
9 What Excitement caused judge and juror to do !
10 Where 16inch condoms are labelled small
11 Will my great grandchildren go to the moon ?
12 This punk made Clinty the Police dogs day
13 Was my first car State of the art or just a state ?

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Potato.Google Advanced
Takeaway. BBC & YouTube Sharelink


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