She Kissed What !!

in #health8 years ago (edited)

In Spring a young man's fancy turns to love. For me such heady days are long past. Aah ! So lesser excitements have to do.
For me now, the four letter word for something intimate two old people can do together is read, and the only names in the little black book are doctors.
Approached by a lady of the night offering super sex - " Err, I'd better have the soup I think"

Spring brings many exciting sporting events onto the count down calendar as well. The cricket season ,motor racing, the University Boat Race.
Which brings to mind the unintentionally funny blooper by a radio commentator describing the jubilation at the end of a close boat race finish.
Impulsively, he screams " And there's a young girl down at the finish line excitedly kissing the cox of the victorious crew"

The campaign to remind parents of the dangers of obesity in children is being renewed on both sides of the Atlantic.
The government here are using a cartoon to draw attention and give impact to their initative - Change4Life - in which families are offered vouchers for healthier products. - The New Change4Life campaign encourages families to make sugar swaps
Netmums survey shows two-thirds of mums are worried about sugar in their children’s diets.

web site
They are facing an uphill battle I fear. Children today are confronted wherever they turn with enticing, attractively packaged, sugar loaded snacks and drinks, and many take such stuff in their school lunch boxes.
In my day - We took an orange and an apple.,

About Turn - More concern about sugar than fats !
And in America. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee that helps shape America's official dietary guidelines eased some of its previous restrictions on fat and cholesterol and recommended sharp new limits on the amount of added sugar that Americans should consume.
The panel said that Americans were eating too much salt, sugar and saturated fat, and not enough foods that fit a “healthy dietary pattern,” like fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish and moderate levels of alcohol.
If we look at the diet and living style that the top countries in the health and longest living league follow, it is noticeable that they eat predominately plant based foods, similar to the mediterranean diet.

Breaking News

Stay Young - Live Longer - Live Better - By looking after your Telomeres.

Telomeres are the shoelace like protective caps at the end of the chromosomes now known to determine how well or how badly someone will age.

Telomeres which differ in length by a tiny fraction of a millimetre can predict someone's risk of cancer and Altzheimers.That is the advice from the biologist Dr Elizabeth Blackburn,who won the Nobel Prize for discovering them.

She says seven hours of sleep a night, seaweed and cups of coffee could hold the key to staying young.

But too many fizzy drinks can age you as fast as smoking, making parts of the body almost five years older biologically.

Dr Blackburn warns tolomeres are rapidly worn down by chronic stress, yo-yo dieting, white bread and sugar.

But a Mediterranean diet, vitamin rich edible seaweed, (Kelp, Wakami etc) and a few cups of coffee a day could help to keep them long.

Tolomeres are important in the key reasons of aging because, much like the plastic caps which protect the end of shoe laces, they stop chromosomes which house our DNA from fraying, which causes aging and disease.

Full details are published in a book - The Telomere Effect - by Dr Backburn and Dr Epel.
Also read more here -

More on Tolomeres
According to scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine. A new procedure can quickly and efficiently increase the length of human telomeres.

We can turn back the internal clock says Helen Blau.PhD, professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford and director of the university’s Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology.

“Now we have found a way to lengthen human telomeres by as much as 1,000 nucleotides, - (nucleotides, along with amino acids, are sometimes referred to as the building blocks of life, because they provide the basis of the genetic code) - turning back the internal clock in these cells by the equivalent of many years of human life,”

Helen Blau goes on - “This greatly increases the number of cells available for studies such as drug testing or disease modelling.”

Find complete article here -

Is ‘Ole Blue Eyes'back ?
I saw him in London 18 months ago! I did!
I travelled there on the train and was in conversation with a gentleman sitting opposite.
He said he was going to a business conference " And you?" he asked. I said " I'm going to see Frank Sinatra"
There was a pause, and I could almost hear the cogs of his mind whirring " Shall I play along with the deluded old fart? But he said " He's dead isn't he!
I explained the format.
I've seen many London Theatre shows but the Frank Sinatra event was one of the most memorable (Proof - I've been twice!)
I think it's a combination of big screen, super sound system, and 24-piece live orchestra that makes it such a marvelous experience.
It has the advantage too of selecting his best performance of any song. I can't wait to hear the big screen version again of "Make it one for my Baby" and " New York New York" Mr Bojangles. Ooh, all of them.
When you hear the band strike up with one of the best recognized intros - da da dada da da da dada da, - it's goose bump time.
I expect I'll go again if it returns for a third season

Hang on - I've just thought - I’ll go again? A snag in being 90 is that you don't know how far ahead you can book!
Or as one old boy with a similar dilemma said - "At my age I don't even buy green bananas.

Credits and Links
Boat race image - best_pubs_london.jpg
Kids snacks Cartoon Eat less Sugar Image credit change4life
Sinatra Image credit London Palladium
Healthiest countries image Picture credit Best Public Health Schools .org
Cartoon orange v sign Image credit shutterstock
Sleep,coffee and seaweed headline image


Very humorous! I have heard of telomeres, and I'll have to find a way to work some seaweed into my diet I guess. Maybe eating seaweed doesn't make you live longer, it just seems that way. :P Good post!

Thank you Kenny. I must confess I hadn't heard of telomeres until yesterday,but I think mine must be in fairly good order. I have taken kelp tablets from time to time and see Laverbread as another source -(sometimes mistakenly called lava bread) is a traditional Welsh delicacy (Welsh: Bara Lawr) made from seaweed (Porphyra Umillicalis). The name is derived ...

Your telomeres must be in excellent shape, Ivor!

Thank you kiwideb. Yes I suppose I have good telomeres,but didn't know it until the Daily Mail article yesterday.You Kiwis must have good ones too seeing you are in the top 5 in the long living league. It probably explains also why the All Blacks are so difficult to beat. Grr ! Cheers.Ivor.

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