" DIABETES " 🍬 🍭 🍫

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Diabetes is a syndrome characterized by abnormality and abnormally high blood sugar concentration due to lack of insulin hormone or low insulin sensitivity or both. At the same time there are two main types known as diabetes, but there is a type A third is called gestational diabetes.

Symptoms of Diabetes: Part One .

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases of the day, a disease in which blood sugar levels are very high, and has several symptoms can be divided as follows: Symptoms of sugar in general: loss and weight loss significantly. The patient needs sugar to urinate heavily and permanently; he can not do without the house for a long time. Drink large quantities of water, so water becomes his companion wherever it is. The sight of the diabetic has deteriorated significantly; it is difficult for him to see things clearly. The appearance of some infections on the skin of diabetics, and the occurrence of other infections such as otitis media, inflammation of the finger and around the nails, inflammation of the gums, inflammation of the gallbladder, and many more. Nervousness and high tension. Lack of concentration and dispersion in children with diabetes. There are strange symptoms experienced by a patient with diabetes, which is his passion, and his love to eat sweets a lot, although by injury is not a fan of sugars, and not addicted to them.

Symptoms of diabetes: Part II.

 A woman with diabetes is subjected to severe irritating itching in her reproductive system. Children with diabetes have severe vomiting, which leads to severe dehydration. Children with diabetes have severe convulsions, which are very damaging to them. Diabetic patients often get dizziness. Older diabetics are significantly overweight. Diabetics are more likely than others to develop atherosclerosis, strokes, angina, kidney disease, and excess. The lungs were heavily affected, the sensation of severe pain in them, and the occurrence of so-called pulmonary tuberculosis. Causing a high risk of pregnancy in women. In some cases, it can cause miscarriage, cause the fetus to die in its womb, or cause deformities in the fetus. Affected by sexual desire when suffering from diabetes, especially in men. Feelings of diabetics are affected; they lose their limbs, feel pain, sometimes feel cold, sometimes heat, and sometimes feel completely numb. The appearance of boils is a frequent symptom of diabetes. Rotation of diarrhea and constipation of diabetics.

Symptoms of diabetes for the first category:

 Increased urination accompanied by increased feeling of thirst, the inevitable result is to increase the demand for drinking fluids. The appetite is constantly open to eating foods, and this symptom is clear when the first category of children. Weight loss. Frequent tiredness, tiredness, fatigue, tension, irritability, and anger. The pain of the limbs, and the infection of the gums and teeth. Deterioration of the mouth if the patient does not care about oral health. Increased patient exposure exacerbates inflammation and wounds, which may be normal in non-infected. Vision deterioration, persistent vision, worsening of type 1 diabetes, and progression to their second-class counterparts.

Symptoms of male diabetes:

ED, and loss of sexual desire. Weight loss and mobility, although obesity may be one of the causes of the disease. A clear imbalance in blood pressure, so we see that a large proportion of diabetics are also impaired blood pressure. A serious condition called tectonic acidosis, caused by dysplasia of the diet, which may lead in rare cases to coma causing death, and to rapid breathing and depth. There is a similar odor to the nail polish remover (acetone) in patients

Causes of diabetes :

 There are several reasons that clearly increase the risk of diabetes, including: Age greater than or equal to 45. A first-degree relative is a diabetic patient. Certain ethnic groups, and is known to have a high risk of diabetes. Physical inactivity. Hypertension, defined by blood pressure values  higher than 90/140 mmHg. Hypercholesterolemia. A high level of triglycerides in the blood, one of the fats in the body. Personal history of vascular diseases. Personal history of gestational diabetes. obesity. The genetic history of the family associated with diabetes. Women with PCOS. There is a double blood glucose tolerance. Pancreatic infection of the pancreas.

Risks of Diabetes :Part I.

 In type I diabetes, the immune system attacks cells that are responsible for insulin secretion in the pancreas and damage them, rather than attacking and destroying harmful bacteria and viruses, as it normally does. As a result, the body remains with a small amount of insulin, or without insulin at all. In this case, sugar accumulates and accumulates in the circulatory system, rather than being distributed to different cells in the body. It is not yet known what is the real ocular cause of type 1 diabetes, but family history seems to play an important role. The risk of type 1 diabetes increases in people whose parents, siblings, and siblings have diabetes.

The second part.

In people with diabetes (which may worsen and become type 2 diabetes) and type 2 diabetes, cells resist the effect of insulin, while the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin to overcome this resistance. In these cases, the sugar accumulates and accumulates in the circulatory system, rather than being distributed to the cells and reaches them in various organs of the body.

Complications of gestational diabetes :

The majority of women with gestational diabetes give birth to healthy children. However, if the blood sugar of the pregnant woman is unbalanced and not properly monitored and treated, it may cause harm to the mother and the baby. Gestational Diabetes: Hyperglycemia. Hypoglycemia. Respiratory distress syndrome. Jaundice. Type II diabetes at an advanced age. Death in dangerous situations. One of the most important complications that may occur in the mother because of gestational diabetes: pre-eclampsia. Gestational diabetes in pregnancy also follows.

Treatment of diabetes :

The treatment of diabetes in various ways to reduce the levels of sugar in the blood mainly. The most important methods of treating diabetes are as follows:Ways to treat all types of diabetes: These methods are no less important than drugs, as it aims to maintain the ideal body weight. Healthy diet, concentrated on fruits, vegetables and grains, includes high nutritional value, high fiber content and low fat. Reducing intake of animal products, refined carbohydrates, and sweets. It is also necessary to exercise continuously, as this contributes to the introduction of glucose molecules into cells, in addition to its role in increasing the response of cells to the hormone insulin. All diabetics must constantly measure their blood glucose level to ensure that the body responds to treatment, and to prevent complications from high sugar levels.

Ways to treat all types of diabetes: 

These methods are no less important than drugs, as it aims to maintain the ideal body weight. Healthy diet, concentrated on fruits, vegetables and grains, includes high nutritional value, high fiber content and low fat. Reducing intake of animal products, refined carbohydrates, and sweets. It is also necessary to exercise continuously, as this contributes to the introduction of glucose molecules into cells, in addition to its role in increasing the response of cells to the hormone insulin. All diabetics must constantly measure their blood glucose level to ensure that the body responds to treatment, and to prevent complications from high sugar leve.

Drugs that do not contain insulin are given in the form of oral pills or injections, and they have many types. Some of them stimulate the secretion of insulin from the pancreas, which inhibits the production of glucose from the liver, and there are types that increase the response of the body cells to insulin. The most famous of these drugs and the first used for the treatment of diabetes metformin drug. These drugs include rosiglitazone, chloropropamide, ribaglanide, acarbose and others.

Pancreatic transplantation: 

This process is especially beneficial for type I patients. When successful, the patient does not need to inject insulin again, but it also carries the risk of rejection of the new organ. This procedure is therefore usually performed for patients who do not respond to insulin, or for those who will undergo a kidney transplant.

The next time we come to we will address all the ways to treat diabetes  thank you.

Reference : 

  •  Medical Encyclopedia 
  • wikipedia

Most people don't know about diabetes. We all need to know what it is, how to treat it and how to prevent it. Thanks for sharing this post.
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