A Long but Still Very Short Look at Vaccines

in #health7 years ago (edited)

foreword : my markdown capabilities are currently lacking, and im learning as i go. so forgive the shit format.

A man asks his doctor.. “Do you have anything highly toxic and hardly effective for my newborn baby?”
The doctor answers… “As a matter of fact, Ive got just the thing. After this one we will need him in every 2 weeks for the next 2 years for more. If hes not retarded yet, just you wait. He will be.”
Not Funny? Its late.


  1. Vaccines are poisonous, harmful, toxic. They are highly destructive, especially for children/infants, who get the most. There is decades of evidence against and very little for vaccines. Autism doesnt exist, just a number of different items on a checklist constituting a spectrum or range.

  2. This is going to be long i think, ive already rambled for a page with nothing to show- so im going to include an image that will be the TL;DR. The Image is long but basically offers a blurb or sentence for almost everything that i thought of and wrote down before i found the site that created the image, so its a really good TL; DR. I’m going to put the image at the bottom bc its long af and hopefully something I wrote catches your eye first, or not. A few complaints were the author didnt back up her image with any proof but I thought she did a wonderful job so the proof will be in the links I provide. I dont know if my work even constitutes work considering other people have already done this better than I have, lol….

Okay so I’ve been following/learning/researching vaccines for some time in the last 5 years sort of passively, and then pretty actively learning in the last 2 years. I spent around 10 hours today yesterday reading up on all the things i could remember worth looking at and about half the time listening to interviews on it as well. I dont think it really affects me directly but I have 2 cousins who have ASD’s pretty bad and I now know that autism doesnt really exist and is just a scapegoat word for mercury poisoning/damage or heavy metals poisoning/damage, basically just vague brain damage due to vaccinations. Hence the spectrum. Its like getting sick from mystery meat on a much greater, permanent scale.

I didnt plan on writing more than one part but I spent all of yesterday finding the things I could remember from the past few years, and it was a lot. Initially my plan was to write it as 2-sided as possible, but as the sun began to set I realized there was so much evidence against vaccines and so little for it, that I really couldnt be bothered. Especially feeling the way I do.

I. Ingredients

Consider the importance of the food, vitamins, and supplements that we take everyday. Is there not a lot of value and importance put on gluten-free, or supplements for getting big or whatever? Why should it be different for the shots we get? I’m going to show some of main ingredients in vaccines.

A. Thimerosal/ Ethyl Mercury

It is important to note that this ingredient has been banned in most of europe and asia. In 1977 Russia released a study finding adults injected with ethyl mercury were later found to have a high rate of brain damage or something to that effect, upon which basically everywhere other than North America banned it. This articles covers it, and much more. The point is that Mercury is toxic to all humans and every infant vaccine has a mercury free version. If the bottle or vial the injection is taken from isnt shaken, the doses will have uneven amounts of mercury, so someone is getting fucked. Children’s brains dont have the same protective functions as adults do, and the Mercury is a preservative. This means it will bind itself to parts of the brain, causing cell membrane to stiffen and age rapidly.

In 2005, RFK jr. wrote an article for Rolling Stone/Salon depending on sources about a 2000 cover-up involving the CDC and American Government on the effects of Thimerosal. A 2008 study published in the Journal of Neurological Sciences found via urine analysis that those with severe ASD’s had significantly higher levels of mercury intoxication than those with mild ASD’s. Also worth noting is that an important biochemical in your body’s detoxification pathway called glutathione, was significantly lower in those with an ASD than with the control group.

The numbers vary depending where you read them, but in the early 90’s they at least doubled the mandatory vaccines in kids. The amount of mercury/thimerosal in children skyrocketed, and there has been found to be a direct correlation between this and the explosion in autism rates- but no cause and effect technically. Many things i reference will reference this and I cant tell you the exact numbers just that the connection has been made by so many that its pretty hard to dispute.

I’m trying to read this thing published by a dr sakamoto et al, in it they state and back up that more than 165 studies have shown thimerosal to be harmful to human health but it costs 25$ and i dont haz extra money for that so ill take the word of the article referencing it. This is the article list by the same author. Its all very long, but a wealth of information.

“Mercury exposure has been associated with nerve cell degeneration, adverse behavioral effects, and impaired brain >development. It also has been linked to degenerative chronic conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. The developing fetal >nervous system is the most sensitive to its toxic effects, and prenatal exposure to high doses of mercury has been shown to cause mental retardation and cerebral palsy.”

B. Aluminum

Aluminum is a heavy metal that is included in most of the vaccines in the CDC schedule, in the form of an aluminum compound. It is used as an adjuvant which bolsters your bodies immune system antibody response. This is in response to whatever given antigens are included in the vaccine. they inject you with the chicken, and the egg.

There is no known physiological need for aluminum. In my hometown a 2011 study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry led by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic at the University of British Columbia found that the ASD numbers in children are greater in countries where children are exposed to high amounts of aluminum containing vaccines.

The authors also noted “the increase in exposure to Al [aluminum] adjuvants significantly correlates with the increase in ASD >[autism spectrum disorder] prevalence in the United States observed over the last two decades”.Not surprising considering “If >a significant aluminum load exceeds the body's excretory capacity, the excess is deposited in various tissues, including bone, brain, liver, heart, spleen, and muscle. This accumulation causes morbidity and mortality through various mechanisms.”

An MIT researcher conducting an investigation into the pathology of autism found evidence that the neurotoxicity of aluminum was greatly increased when combined glyphosate. The same glyphosate of Monsanto fame, you realize how fucking everywhere this stuff is right?

Everybody has admitted to the dangers of aluminum, there was a 357 page document titled “Toxicological Profile for Aluminum” released in 2008. The CDC has not denied any of this, they know the facts. Nobody cares, we are the useless eaters.

C. Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is poison, plain and simple. Highly toxic. I know google isnt always right, but just google it and it tells you people can be pretty badly effected by even 0.1ppm in the air! As an adult, a single acute exposure can result in Malaise, headache, sleeping disturbances, irritability, and impairment of dexterity, memory, and equilibrium may result from a single, high level, exposure to formaldehyde. "Ingestion of as little as 30 mL (1 oz.) of a solution containing 37% formaldehyde has been reported to cause death in an adult." …………… we inject this into children en masse? Wtf why not bleach also?

Its fucking laughable because im quoting the CDC page on medical management of formaldehyde above but the CDC page on formaldehyde specifies there is no evidence suggesting danger to children. This has to do specifically with their vaccine business and the implications for lawsuits and I will tie this into some other shit later in part 2. I just dont want to read about formaldehyde anymore its so gross and at least in my opinion pretty self explanatory.. Im done writing on the ingredients ill include a list of the rest, some of which are almost as bad and important as these.

D. Other less important but still horrible shit in vaccines

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Animal and Human DNA- PUKE

Polysorbate 80

Triton X-100- detergent anyone?

Phenol- neurotoxic

2-Phenoxyethoanol- neurological toxicity, liver, kidney etc. problems

II. CDC/ Merck

If you asked the mafia if they were criminals and they said no, would you believe them?

A. Conflict of Interest/ Fraud/ Whistleblowers

This shit is way too tied together for me to break into separate sections, so I’ll just tell it how it is.

Simply put, there is and always have been major conflicts in the allopathic medical industry, but thats its own thing which I’ll get to. Here we have to recognize the connection between the CDC holding 57 vaccine patents and also creating the vaccine schedule which has over doubled since the early 90’s and can have kids kept out of school if not followed. There is an obvious relationship between their promotion and advocation for the use of vaccines and their profiting from vaccines. This is nothing new.

William Thompson is a CDC whistleblower who came out in the summer of 2014. According to him, he and other co-authors on a paper actually threw out data to whitewash the paper and deem the MMR vaccine safe. It isnt. According to him vaccines are still a good thing…..

“In 2004, according to a report I have seen, Thompson wrote a letter to CDC Director, Julie Gerberding, warning her that he >was about to present troubling and sensitive data about the MMR vaccine at an upcoming conference on vaccines and autism.
Thompson’s meaning was clear. he had found a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.
Gerberding never answered his letter, and Thompson’s presentation at the conference was canceled.”


“These documents demonstrated a 3.4 fold increase in the incidence of autism in African American boys, expunged from the >final study results in a violent act of scientific fraud. Dr. Thompson has since corroborated the CDC’s retroactive alteration of >the data to eliminate the signal of harm. In light of a 2004 letter confirming CDC awareness and suppression of these findings, >CDC head, Dr. Julie Gerberding committed perjury before moving onto her position at Merck in the Vaccine Division.”

In 2009, Gerberding left the CDC to head up Merck Vaccines, which produces the MMR vaccine……………………………………………. You honestly couldnt make this shit up.

Two former Merck virologists filed suit against Merck in 2014 as well, claiming several levels of fraud. They say Merck knowingly defrauded the USG by selling them the Mumps vaccine which was far less effective than advertised. Merck tested the vaccine against the same strain in the vaccine rather than the actual virus which is just laughable, they also added animal antibodies to fake a strong human immune response. On top of this, they faked the test results that had animal antibodies included.

I cant tell you when this was written, but its absolute trash and gives you an idea of what Gerberding does at Merck and this is what her linkedin has to say “‎Executive Vice President, Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy, and Population Health at Merck” so maybe not head of Vaccines? Idk and idc but shes there when the lawsuit against the same MMR vaccine was filed and still is. This woman is absolutely a criminal and knows whats going on, no doubt about it.

The CDC also shows their influenza and pneumonia deaths together so that it looks as though there are tens of thousands of flu deaths a year so that people take the vaccine. WHO says half a mil worldwide, yeah right. In truth, there are less than 20 confirmed flu deaths a year in the USA. sue me for quoting 2001 numbers.

B. The SPIDER group- Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research

Last summer this group of more than a dozen scientists wrote a letter to the CDC chief of staff. In it they talk about outside interests influencing decision making and policies being the rule not the exception. They talk about cooked data, redefinitions to improve stats. They also point out the prioritization of world health over domestic, which is not the point of the CDC. Its all gross. The CDC did confirm the authenticity of this letter.


This is a little over 2000 words, sorry if its not well put together. I have so many thoughts on vaccines that this hardly scratches the surface. I would like to do a second part that touches on the rockefeller connection aka the history of vaccines, the polio vaccine lie, gulf war, legal payouts, a number of studies, Ted Broer, GcMaf Cancer Industry connections, 60 murdered holistic doctors, and andrew wakefield smear/vaxxed. Also heavy metals/chemtrail connection. Maybe some shit i forgot or am leaving out.

I was going to do the whole hyperlink thing throughout the doc, but i had 5 chrome windows open with between 5-15 tabs on each (i counted) and it was hard jumping around especially because i wasnt writing it in steem, so i may have missed some. As such im going to include a list of links I used below the tldr image. Hopefully you read this, hopefully you think twice. Thanks.



http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/165315-overview - aluminum toxicity

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022510X08004310 - urine study
https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/phs/phs.asp?id=218&tid=39 - cdc formaldehyde


http://app.autism360.org/MumperPrevention.pdf -mmr study


Wow you sure can rant!

People who want to force vaccines on everybody are the ultimate busybodies. If you like vaccines, great, but you do you!

As soon as you have the idea that you need to force other people to do certain things with their childrens' bodies .... that's frightening

It's also hysterical that they think there's any way to succeed in forcing everybody to do it. Living in a world where some people aren't vaccinated is just going to be reality.

But let's remember:

Where you markdown experience was slightly missing your commitment to sharing this important information came through loud and clear. I give you an A+++

thank you very much for the kind words! hows it look now? if you have specific suggestions, please, feel free...

Your post is looking better. When I write a large post, I start out in a word document like Microsoft word so I can use the programs ability to check my spelling and grammar errors. Doing that, I also can utilize the thesaurus and that opens up descriptive words I might not have used. After I have played around in that program and have my written content where I am happy I 'select all ' and then 'copy and paste' it into Steemit. I then go about and add the extras like noting quotes, enlarging text, adding pictures, and all the other stuff.

It has been a learning experience for me too. Meanwhile, I love your stance on vaccines. When you listen to Bill Gates say vaccines are great because they will depopulate the planet you have to wonder where he got the idea that he should control who lives or dies. The Gates Foundation spends a fortune on vaccinating the world. Just imagine if they put their money to good use providing clean water and organic food for people instead of toxic vaccines. If he is unhappy with the numbers of people on this planet then he should go live on the moon after all he has the money to do so.

Bill Gates TED Talk

id promise you everything i own that sick fuck has been to the moon, if he is even human to begin with. conspiracies aside, he came from money so his self made thing is absolute bs and on top of that my simple question is how can so many "humans" like him make such blatantly inhumane choices? i think money is only convincing to a certain point, at which time worse things come into play. idk though thats all for different posts. thanks for the input, but i cantreally use microsoft word so i do the same thing on google docs. it was my first time really putting anything together, took me a day and a half or so all things considered. thanks for the input

All things considered .... Great Job. Have a blessed day!!

yup...we need to shout this stuff from the rooftops. Vaccines are dangerous.

no kidding! ive only barely had an effect on my mum. she didnt let my sister take the hpv vaccine at high school last year. Im by far the least vaccinated and the least sick out of my immediate family and friend group, its a lol. thanks for taking a look, its much appreciated. your work is great.

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