Setting positive routines: family workouts

in #health6 years ago

Today marks a solid month of consistent work outs! Yay! Actually I have to correct myself as I have been working out pretty regularly since Kai turned 6ish months but the way in which I do them has completely changed! I used to struggle to fit them in, along with everything else I wanted to do, during Kais nap. But then I created my schedule and realized what my priorities were I realized that just wasn't possible anymore as I had other more important things that I wanted to do during his nap time so I decided to figure out how to make it work with Kai. Of course it takes a lot longer to get a good workout in but I have found a lot of benefits from doing this and not just benefits for me!


Sweaty after workout pic

The biggest benefit I've watched happen is that Kai now mimics our workouts along with us! He just wants to do what we are doing so he follows along and when he's too tired he jumps on one of our backs.


Kai during our jumping squats ❤️

I absolutely love watching as he gets on his hands and knees and does push-ups and lays down and does his little baby crunches all while making funny tiny grunting sounds! Lol! Oh and let's not forget about all our squats and lunges! We jump and count and he once again follows along and giggles the whole way!


Family climbing day

I've learned that sneaking in these healthy habits while he was sleeping wasn't me doing my best. Doing my best is being a good example and role model for our son! And showing him to care about our bodies is in my opinion a great start! So all in all after a month I'm feeling pretty great! Yes I may still be giggly and squishy but I'm getting stronger everyday and so is my little man!


Such a fun way to make it all work!


You are a super mom! This is your day, let's go have some fun!! <3


If you keep this up, Kai's going to be jacked when he gets to kindergarten.

Bahahaha! He's definitely already on his way! Boys freakishly strong! Lol!

The excuse I hear constantly for why mom's can't workout is that they "don't have time". They use their children/family as the reason they can't. So I tell them make them the reason you can and should! Set that example for them! 😘😘🏋️

Yesssssss! Exactly!

Your guy is your greatest work . He is so cute and sweet you are a beautiful mother too ❤

Ive seen super funny videos of parents are kids exercizing together actually

Squat with him! hehe

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