Burn the Belly Fat and get in the Best Shape of Your Life Blog Post 2 of 4: The Top Down Bottom Up Cleanse
Okay guys,
You know how sometimes your system feels clogged up, backed up and it doesn't matter what you do, you're not losing fat and not gaining energy?
You might be working out hard, you are watching what you eat, but you're just not losing that spare tyre around your belly.
You feel stuck and you are becoming disheartened.
It's time to give your fat loss journey a turbo boost.
So today we're going to give you some absolute amazing hacks to help you burn that belly fat, clear out your system and look and feel amazing.
So today's message is all about the Top Down – Bottom Up Cleanse.
So let's get into it.
Now, why on earth would you want to do this Top Down, Bottom Up Cleanse?
Number one: Like we've already said, your system feel sluggish or you've been following the LAW and doing your morning Fat Burner drink and sometimes you get a headache when you do that.
Click HERE if you haven't read part 1 yet: Burn the Belly Fat, it's the LAW
That's your body backed up with rubbish that it can't get rid of. And more importantly, the big thing is when people's try and improve their health and lose the weight, they think about what they can add to the equation.
I get so many messages like;
'Hey Stu, what exercise can I do to lose fat? And the first thing you want to do is stop doing the dumb stuff that's causing your problems in the first place.
So that might mean cut back on the sugar. That might mean cut back on all the carbs at night; cut back on the midnight snacks. And it might also mean you've now got to clear the backlog of all that crap in your system.
So you're going to need to cleanse yourself.
Now I'm not talking about the five day juice fast or eat pink Himalayan salt and meditate on a mountain top. I'm talking about quick wins. That's what we're all about: quick wins. Momentum. More energy and faster results.
So how do we do that?
Well, there's a top down approach.
There's the bottom up approach and I'll leave it up to you guys to work out which one works for you.
Quick Tip: Starting out, do them both- Top Down AND Bottom Up.
When you've got a lifetime of crap in your system, you want to give it every opportunity to get out of your body, your system, your cells.
So what is it and how is it done?
It's been shown to clear out your system clear out allergies clean out built up mucus clean your skin up give you more energy and help you lose excess body fat and weight rapidly.
Because we're going to clean out your liver and give you the opportunity to get all the crap out of your system. And also give your kidneys something to filter. So by following the LAW in Article 1, the morning Fat Buster drink gives your kidneys something to filter and clean them out. Well this time we're looking at that other big tube.
We're looking at your digestive tract, we're looking at your intestines.
If you have been eating heavy, fat laden, sugar laden pastries, pastas, animal products and all that heavy shit in your system, it's messing up your health. It's putting a lot of load on your liver, kidneys intestines.
So we want to clear any excess rubbish out of your liver, out of your intestine so that your liver can do its job more efficiently and break down the metabolic waste products and expel them from your body. What that means for you is you're going to have a much cleaner system and a lot less debris.
It's going to help you speed up your metabolism and eliminate the fat and give you back the body that you deserve, as well as giving you a bunch more energy.
So how do we do it?
Well, I'm going to give you two protocols here. And then the end of it all, I'll tell you which one I prefer for simplicity, and which one I prefer if you've never done a cleanse before.
So the first one and this is not in any order, the first one, we're going to do the Top Down cleanse.
Now what that means is it's a combination of Psyllium husks and Bentonite clay.
You can do this for one day, two day, three days, I have derived the greatest benefit from doing it for three days, but I also recommend you again to drink a LOT of water.
Now what this does is you're giving bulk of insoluble fiber to your gut in the form of Psyllium husks that's going to go through and just gently clear out any debris that's lodged in your intestinal walls, and then that's going to create a
void for your liver to then start dumping rubbish into your system.
Now, of course, if your body is dumping a lot of rubbish out of your system, you don't want that coming back into your bloodstream when it's reabsorbed through the walls of your small or large intestine.
So the way you get around that is with Bentonite clay.
Now the protocol for the 3 days is that you alternate the Psyllium and Bentonite so you're clearing rubbish, and clearing the toxicity out of your system so it doesn't go back into your bloodstream and poison you.
The best one I found for ease of use and simplicity is from Don Tolman and you can Click HERE to find out more AND get your own cleanse kit if you want to do your own Top Down Cleanse.
The key principle is if you want to scrub your body out of that rubbish, you're going to drink a ton of water. Yes, some people get a mild headache from that while your body is clearing out.
So that's the Top Down cleanse.
Like I said, if you've never done a cleanse before, do that first.
It's going to give you some self discipline and some focus because you're going to be effectively avoiding solid food for anywhere from one to three days, which will help burn some fat in the short term, but also you're going to give your digestive system a rest so your body can do some healing and repairing, and you're also going to be cleaning out your system.
So it's a good way to kick start your weight loss journey and regain your fitness and burn the belly fat.
Now the second approach is the Bottom Up Cleanse.
This is where you're going to use enemas.
I'm going to be super specific on enemas.
You're going to use water at body temperature.
We are not going to be using coffee.
We're not going to be using paraffin or any of those single use enemas.
Here's how it works:
It looks like a water bottle with a tube that gets inserted where the sun never shines.
And if you Click Here, we're going to show you a video on how to do enemas properly.
Now, this is the best, simplest, easiest ongoing process and once you've done it a couple of times, you'll find it takes you 15 - 20 minutes and you'll find your energy levels absolutely boost and you're going to feel cleaner and lighter than you have in years.
So that's the Bottom Up approach to cleaning out your system, burning your belly fat and having the physique and body you deserve.
In the next article we're going to talk about three simple and powerful exercises that you need to do to hit every major muscle group and get in the shape of your life.
Until next time, stay awesome.