Cat Mustache Plants As Traditional Medicines

in #health7 years ago (edited)

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Cat whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus) is a plant that we often encounter in the environment especially in rural areas. This plant has even been utilized by the village community since ancient times. Due to have a very good property for health and treatment. Not infrequently we meet on the manufacture of herbal medicine using this plant. Nor the manufacture of modern medicine. Usually in the consumption in the form of pills / tablets, even on the use of secsrs trsdisionssl enough just boiled and water in drinking. These plants include the Tracheophyta plant (Vascular Plant) included in the subdivision of Spermatophyta (Produce seed), Magnoliophyta (Flowering Plant)

        Characteristic of this plant is a long trunk about 30-50cm, is a plant Magnoliophyta (Flowering Plants), has flowers such as whiskers of white cat animals or pale purple. With jagged leaves on each side about 1-3cm in diameter. This plant grows in lowland and lowland areas of ll level with an altitude of 500-900 meters above sea level. As well as with moderate humidity and moderate rainfall. This plant is easy to cultivate and able to develop well in a less good place. Breed by way of planting seeds. Because categorized seed plants.
        In the field of treatment leaves very useful. In traditional medicine as the name implies Orthosiphon aristatus is used for the treatment of diabetes, kidney stones, high blood pressure, gout and disruption of urine discharge. Traditionally the leaves of cat's whiskers are very easy to use by means of general use 30-60 grams of dried cats whiskers or 90 - 120 grams (wet) boiled, or are dried / brewed as tea. Urinary tract infections, frequent urination (anyang-anyangan), Orthosiphon stamineus (cat's whiskers), Phyllanthus urinaria (meniran), Commelina communis, 30 grams each, boiled and then drunk.

Utilization of cats whiskers plant as a medicine can use traditional or modern ways. That is the traditional way, gathering the cat's whiskers and mixing the potion with other herbs, making it like a herbal medicine to drink. In modern, can consume cats whiskers plants in the form of pills or capsules that are ready to drink. Therefore, it is not surprising if the Whisker Cat Whiskers serve as one of the main raw materials of herbal products, such as LhiforGin which is used to help shed urine stones and kidney disorders or Kumis Kapsul Cat is also efficacious to help shed urine stones, prevent the deposition of kidney stones, gallstones, overcoming urinary tract inflammation, and launching urine disposal.
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Cat whiskers contain 0.02-0.06% essential oils consisting of 60 kinds of sesquiterpens and phenolic compounds. 0.2% lipophilic flavonoids with the main content of sinensetin, eupatorin, skutellarein, tetramethyl ether, salvigenin, rhamnazin; flavonol glycosides, caffeine acid derivatives (mainly rosmarinic acid and 2,3-diaffeoil tartaric acid), methylripariochromenes A 6- (7,8-dimethoxy-2,2-dimethyl [2H, 1-benzopyran] -il), saponins and salts calcium (3%) and myoinositol.4,9,13). The results of leaf and flower extraction of Orthosiphon aristatus found methylripariochromen A or 6- (7,8-dimethoxyethanone). With the properties of pharmacological and chemical effects such as sweet, slightly bitter, cool, anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), urine peluruh (diuretic), urinary tract stones, and antibacterial.

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