Can Plants Think and Feel (Why Gratitude Toward Food Might Help Weight Loss)

in #health7 years ago


This Is A True Story

Plants are very similar to human in nature.

We all come from vibrations, I mean quite literally the way that we exist is through vibrational matter that slowly develops a consciousness and thus forms the collective thoughts, structures and actions that make us up.

Now I know that can sound far fetched, but quite literally the idea that we are only sacks of skin, living grueling lives, tirelessly working ourselves until the meer years of retirement which we subsequently end up dreading and then die is pretty lousy.

I know that isn't my fate, and I don't think it is your either.

Although this theory of a consciousness, of vibrational matter, and the ability to truly communicate to other species of lives (with thought alone) is one that actually has been proven over and over again.

The Thought-to-Text Coincidence

How many times have you thought of someone, then randomly received a text/call from them?

Most people I know talk about this strange coincidence over and over and over again, but never put pieces of the puzzle together.

The Mind Itself Can Influence, Manipulate and Send Matter

Yes, I am one of those people who truly believe in the power of the mind and consciousness of all beings, being not only interconnected, but the reason that we see this reality we are currently in today.

Now quickly, lets explore quantum physics in order to truly back up what this weird coincidence proves.

A Brief Understanding of Quantum Physics


Quantum physics quite literally is a physical realm unlike the one we perceive today, and it contains a multitude of studies and concepts which show the influence of matter from thought, movement and so much more.

Quite literally the definition is a theory of matter and energy based on the concept of quanta, especially quantum mechanics

Now in research conducted even on sending a text message to a phone, its been shown that the weight actually fluctuates, which lend the question "is that text message passing through the brain and you somehow know who just sent it prior to it getting to your phone, or is it that their thought of you telecommunicated a sort of message prior to its arrival."

Strangely enough this pops up more than you would think.

As Alexander Graham Bell and then Napoleon Hill (author of Think and Grow Rich) not only talk about the power of the mind, but of this telepathy or telecommunication, Hill even goes into (as the end of the book) spirit guides and a consciousness being able to help guide and influence daily life.

Now let me pull it back.

How This Applies To Plants and Losing Weight

how this applies to weight loss.jpg
Alike so many studies buried away from us today, there is one that curiously peaked my attention when a friend brought it up.

That was one of the creators of the lie detector, Cleve Backster, who conducted an incredible study, not only lending light to the ability to influence energy through thoughts, the ability to communicate with those not near you (i.e. before receiving a text) and the area of quanta in the quantum theory, but also that plants contain consciousness and that they can be influenced by you.

Cleve essentially hooked up the galvanic stress response to plants and then tried over and over to get the plant to elicit a stress response.

But nothing worked...

Until he had a thought.

That thought was burning the plant.

And this elicited a huge galvanic stress response by the plant. But this could have been a coincidence right?

Wrong, he even traveled states a way to test the same plant and this parapsychology of consciousness didn't have distance as a factor in working.

This tells us one thing, that plants feel and react to what is going on around them, especially the thoughts that you feel.

Then why did you say you can lose weight from this?

While gaining weight seems to be as simple as eating more or less a lot goes into it that isn't seen.

Oxidative phosphorylation, cell health, cardiolipin health, ability to digest certain food nutrients, amount of nutrients to help in utilizations of those food nutrients, stress, serotonin levels in the brain and the list goes on and on.

Now one of the key components of weight gain is stress and the wrong type of foods.

Although, its widely known that if a cow is stressed during its death that the meat will be bad, and that no one will want to eat it, while similarly if plants are stress prior to piling them in the gullet, then they can increase internal stress and therefore mess with weight.

I'm not saying this is a make or break it, but it can definitely help.

How do you reduce the stress of the plants and even help your own weight loss?

Gratitude, positive thought, and thanking that plant for giving you nutrients well deserved

Its that simple.

Plus giving gratitude has so many other amazing benefits that most people aren't aware of.

I hope this helps!

And if you have any suggestions for any other articles please let me know.


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