An Attitude of Gratitude

in #health7 years ago

Gratitude is more than just being happy when something good happens in your life.

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth up the bones" (Proverbs 17:22).

Gratitude is a choice to be thankful and count life's blessings rather than to dwell on troubles and hardships. Choosing to be thankful for the good things in life promotes a happier frame of mind. To practice this, make a list every night of at least ten things for which you are thankful. Gratitude will do wonders for any relationship. Expressing thanks to God fosters trust and love for Him.

While there are many studies that show the health benefits of various positive mental attitudes, one of the most interesting pieces of evidence is the placebo effect. Placebos are commonly used to test new medicines. One group is given the new drug while the other is given a useless look-alike. placebo subjects often report results as good or better than those receiving the real medicine. Mental outlook has a powerful influence on physical health. Attitude can make the difference in recovery from a major illness.

Grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, anger, fear, and resentment cause stress and wear down the body, resulting in a weakened immune system and poor health. Courage, hope, faith, sympathy, love, contentment, forgiveness, joy, and gratitude promote health and prolong life.


Here is great video about gratitude from Reid Wilson PhD.
