Red, Fresh, and Healthy

in #health7 years ago


This fruit is very fresh when made juice, very tasty when made salad, very delicious when mixed into the dish. Not only does it taste delicious, tomatoes have thousands of benefits in it. Very useful to nourish our body. Not only for the health of the body, tomatoes are also very beneficial for skin beauty and hair health.

Today, @HealthWizard will write about the benefits that are very beneficial for the health of our body.

Benefits of tomatoes for healthy body, skin and hair :

  • Prevent Cancer

Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin A, C and antioxidants that can fight free radicals that cause cell damage. Tomatoes also contain Lycopene which can reduce the risk of some cancers, such as prostate cancer, cervical cancer, oral cancer, pharyngeal cancer, throat cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colon cancer, anal cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer.

  • Keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy

Tomatoes contain very high calcium. Calcium is very important to maintain bone so as not easy to porous. Calcium also strengthens teeth and keeps them healthy. Tomatoes are also rich in excellent Vitamin K to strengthen and repair bone. Lycopene contained in tomatoes can also prevent osteoporosis.

  • Healthy Eyes

Tomatoes are very good for eye health, because the content of Vitamin A is very high and the presence of several other nutrients such as niacin, thiamine, and folic acid can cure eye health disorders.

  • Maintain healthy skin

Tomatoes contain beta-carotene which can protect the skin from damage caused by exposure to sunlight. Tomatoes also contain Lycopene which can protect the skin from UV damage caused by the main lines of fine lines and wrinkles on your skin. Vitamin C content is high enough also very good for maintaining your skin health.

  • Strengthens Hair and eliminates dandruff

Extremely high vitamin A found in tomatoes can strengthen and nourish your hair. You can handle broken and brittle hair by using a tomato mask on your hair.

You can overcome the problem of dandruff by using ingredients from tomatoes.

Steps : Blend 3 fresh tomatoes, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, then stir until paste, then gently rub on your scalp, avoid scratching with your nails, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water, and let it dry by itself.

There are so many benefits you will get if you consume tomatoes every day on a regular basis, tomatoes can not only keep your health, tomatoes also can be used as a healing of some diseases.

Tomatoes are very good for your daily vitamin needs, tomatoes are also very good for the skin and health of your hair, so... stay beautiful and healthy. Please be nice to your body, so if you interest in our articles, please be sure follow @HealthWizard. Be Happy and be Healthy

Thank's steemian'

Image Source: 1,2,3

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