Debunking pregnancy do's and don'ts myths

in #health7 years ago

We have all heard of the stupid do and don't list that so called experts say during pregnancy, now I have experienced this and know it to be a load of rubbish so here is why it's all bull, but please think and do research for yourself also.

1- caffeine. They say to avoid caffeine completely and just drink water but newsflash, tea is so low in caffeine it can't possibly do any harm. As for coffee, it wont hurt having your average three cups a day, because honestly you will suffer from unbelievable headaches otherwise, and you don't want to suffer that too along with the nausea. Despite what people say you can also drink pop and juice as it in my past experience it helps nausea, especially ice cold.

2-cold cuts of meat. Another stupid one people follow is no sandwich cold cuts. why? The meat is cooked and kept fresh in the Fridge so is perfectly fine. Why avoid that chicken sandwich if that is what you are craving?
Think and don't believe everything the experts say.

3- tuna. They say you can't eat tuna because of the mercury which is rendered harmless by your digestive system, yet want to inject you full of mercury via your bloodstream??? Hmmm, something is funny with this one especially when tuna is full of essential vitamins and minerals for your body. I ate tons of tuna and my baby was amazingly healthy.

4-flu shots- contrary to what doctors say you don't need a flu shot while pregnant. If anything it has been proven to cause miscarriage and stillbirth. Again we all know how harmful vaccines can be so don't mess around. The flu will also notkill your unborn child as the midwife told me, because they will instead develop natural immunity via your blood.

5-You can fly. Despite what they say you can indeed fly until the final month or so, and it is perfectly safe.

6-You can eat raw egg. If you are a lover of cookie dough then good news, you can eat it as eggs are now made safe. I mean, just look at all those people who drink raw egg in a bodybuilding training regimen, even though it sounds absolutely disgusting.

7- nuts. By avoiding nuts you are actually more likely to cause a nut allergy. Exposure is the key.

8-castor oil. They say castor oil helps bring labor on but please don't do it. It passes through to the baby, causing them to excrete in their liquid and inhale it. Once inhaled it makes your baby seriously ill and has killed many previously healthy unborns. DO NOT DO IT!!!

9- bringing labor on. Labor will start when it starts and nothing you can do will start it so don't try. If you are a week overdue then it means the baby isn't yet ready for the outside world for a good reason. Be patient and wait, nature knows best.

10- ice-cream. They say to avoid soft ice-cream like mcflurries etc, because of the machine but why? The machine is cleaned regularly and no risk of ill health. If you are pregnant and craving that mcflurry have it, you deserve it.

11- vitamin tablets. You DO NOT need to take artificial vitamins when pregnant. Instead eat a healthy balanced diet and that is enough. You will not harm your baby by not taking them,which by my experience they say to scare you.

12- baby formula. Baby formula is extremely harmful and full of sugar and chemicals. Not only that but it's full of soy which reduces testosterone in males and can cause infertility and their male organs to be underdeveloped. In girls it promotes cancer of the breast and cervix. The most dangerous thing is the high risk of cot death. Breast is best.

13- breast is best. Breast absolutely is best. It gives your baby vital fatty acids and natural immunity to everything you have had. Plus you and baby develop a more chemically balanced bond which helps baby sleep safely and significantly reduces cot death. Lest I forget it's also free!!!

There are many more I could add because the list is that huge, so please everyone use your minds and think for yourself, do research. If the machine is clean, if it's cooked, if it's a liquid that contains water, if it's full of healthy vitamins and minerals, you can eat and drink it!!!!
Don't fall for the list these so called experts giveyou because you will eat and drink nothing otherwise and deprive your unborn. The good rule of thumb is, if your body is craving it then it needs it so give it what it needs, but absolutely do AVOID VACCINES because mercury injected does alot of harm!!!!

Enjoy your pregnancy and don't worry. Nature is the king or queen and knows what it's doing!!! Don't be scared to eat and drink what you want!

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