Heal thyself....

in #health7 years ago

Quite one year ago, exactly in Mai 2016 I had an extremely awful motorcycle accident.
My left leg was turned over 90° broken bones in the whole feet, 4 ribs and the left shoulder blade were broken too.
A surgery in the nearby hospital was done 5 hours after, but the doc did an awful job, and I had to undergo another surgery 4 weeks after, which went excellent, an extremely professional surgery took place and all fractures were fixed. I still have 15 screws and two plates for the moment, but they will be extracted in September this year.
One year later now and endless pain at the beginning, I tried out what I'm talking about and try to propagate regarding healing.
A positive mindset, is the main reason I could heal as fast as I did.
I don't blame the MD's - we need them in such cases, urgencies, surgeries, accidents, etc.
Of course, without the surgery there were no chance to get 100% back. There is no way that positive thinking can change it in any way.
But: the most important is the fact that a positive mindset can speed up the healing process, can help to get a little over one's set of restrictions, pain and sorrows. What helped me along my journey was the fact that thinking positive, I could search for alternative methods to get back to life, I crumbled like a dog, I crawled on a walking frame and hobbled on a crutch going every day one step further, under pain, but never gave up my goal to get into a car by end of August.
Next goal was to get rid of my crutch, and walk in a sure way by End of October.
Done. End of the year I could drive my car over 2000km and the foot got less swollen.
I realized that lying in my bed and waiting for my next pain attack is an enormous loss of precious time, which we don't have on free disposition in this world. Reading some inspirational books, writing myself some thoughts in my dairy, going out and inhale some good fresh prana was the best I could do for that moment. And setting goals helped me also a lot on my way to healing.
As I already mentioned in some of my replies, to be healthy is my BIRTHRIGHT and I'm acclaiming it whenever it's needed.
Now, I also had some time to think why an accident happens.
What is the difference between an illness and an accident?
How can I contribute to heal faster?
Accident happens never by "hazard". My soul sends a message in a quite brutal way. But what was the trigger for this?
For me it was an extremely powerful lesson in my life, as I was ignoring the pain of others. I thought I will never have an accident, didn't even want to know what pain is, sick people are weak, etc.
So, I've got my lesson what pain is, what being 100% in a bed without a possibility to move around means, completely bound on a bed and needed to be washed by others instead of doing it myself.
I've got a little softer and more comprehensive to the pain of other people, about pain itself.
Nevertheless, I know our healing potential and self-healing power is unimaginable vast, huge, infinite when one knows how to use it.

An illness on the other hand, and that's what I found out is a symptom and not the cause of it.
Means there is something underlying which needs to be solved. The symptom (the illness) is just the logical follow-up the sign of our higher body-intelligence telling us that there is something wrong inside our mind. And my opinion on this is that there can’t be any doctor healing this kind of illness. Only oneself. The doc’s can prescribe something against (means fighting, resistant, conflicting, ignoring) the actual symptoms which are in principle just a good sign, an alert for something much more profound…
It’s like ignoring the fuel indicator in the car by covering it with a sticky tape…
And therefor I know, (real profound knowledge) that all illness coming from “inside” is revocable, is curable and needs the perfect attention from oneself, the inner voice and inner healer every one of us has inside. With the help of nature, and one’s thoughts and insights we can overcome the worst illness, by thinking positive, give the needed attention to the body signals and the believe in this great power everyone has.

Thanks for reading.


Congratulations to you for persevering, setting new goals to reach, using your journey in improve your spirit, and healing your body!

Thank you rose, highly appreciated. This is the power we have in us and it's infinite... We just have to trust it !

Thanks Livitania, always trust your inner healer, it knows best. And it's speaking to you (even through illness). Just close your eyes and listen to this whispering voice.

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