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RE: The Allergic Dermatitis - warning, photos of skin condition...

in #health7 years ago

My spouse is also suffering very badly these days from asthma. She went to a naturopath that had her alter her diet and for a time it did make her better. I have a feeling she is slipping up on following the diet and now it is worse.

As for the skin rashes, I strongly suspect you are under a lot of stress and it is causing the rashes. Both my son and I get skin rashes breaking out when under stress. Stress is a real killer and causes all sorts of problems.

Hopefully you can get your health issues under control soon. Diet is only part of it. The mind is also very important.


I'm sure I will have it sorted out soon. I am pretty sure that this skin condition is specifically a reaction to sorbic acid, a synthetic substance that is added to almost every processed food, it is in all drinks, all types of margarine, basically, if it's not a raw material, in Europe, it has Potassium Sorbate in it.

But yes, I am under a lot of stress. Detoxing off everything, even if it was also making me sick, is stressful, in itself. I still sometimes think about drinking alcohol but it is easy to remember how deadly the detoxification process could have been, and the fact that it causes me to ingest toxic sugars and preservatives.

I am sure after a few days with no ice creams I will see this allergy disappear. It takes about 12 hours for the reaction to start and about 3 days for the reaction to totally clear. So within a week I should be a lot better.

It is kinda interesting to note that my allergic asthma basically started, after nearly 2 years of no problems, just as I returned to Amsterdam prior to Steemfest. At Steemfest, I was stricken so badly I hardly got so see anything from the first day, just staying still, sitting down, sometimes lying down, just so I was oxygenating properly.

The asthma has not really stopped since then, except when I have fasted or eliminated the causes, which are for sure food, primarily wheat, but also rice, potatoes, solanaceae in general, allium (onions garlic) and even melons (cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin). It doeesn't leave an awful lot left. Even milk, I think I have problems with. I probably need to try and eliminate this also. I have switched to goat and sheep milks though, and all of it fermented, but possibly I need to eliminate these too.

Have you tried intermittent fasting (or only veg broth for a day)? I'd bet your gut microflora is a mess, and fasting can kill the bad guys quite effectively because they need food more frequently than you do.

Can you eat organic white rice? It's not nutritious, but has very low levels of lectins, so might be ok for basic calories (if you're struggling to get them) if whole rice isn't.

Have you tried raw milk from organic grass-fed animals? as you say, A2 milk (goat/sheep) is probably best if possible? If you can get a safe supply, that would be much better than heat-treated stuff, as the enzymes are still active to help your body digest before it feeds the pathogenic bacteria in your gut instead of you. If not, fully fermented sour cream might be your next best bet, as the proteins are minimal, and lactose already converted.

When I gave up drinking, I had all sorts of problems which I attribute in part to nutrient deficiencies, mainly B vitamins (alcohol depletes some of them badly). They gradually went away as my diet improved. You can get functional vitamin tests, which might guide you, thought they're not cheap.

I happen to be taking a decent quality B complex supplement now, and yes, pretty much exclusively goat/sheep milk, in the form of unpasteurised, fermented products yogurt and white cheese. There is types of yeast in the cheese, but cheese yeasts are not the same as the ones that feed on sucrose/glucose/fructose. The source milk of these cheese and yogurts are probably pasteurised, however, though on the other side, the acidophilus will very likely be the famous Bulgaricus strain.

I have thought about switching from the yoghurt to the sour cream. Here you can get sour cream even made from the fatty goat and sheep(and even buffalo, possibly) milk, called 'zakvasvena smetana'. (or something like that). I hadn't thought about that I may still be having issues with the milk proteins still, I have to really eliminate the ice cream >_< before I can be sure of that, because they have not just A1 protein but also Sorbate and probably wheat starch based additives.

The idea of fasting is a difficult one... I am struggling to get any sense of satisfaction from my food and I am finding myself wanting to eat a lot more than I think I actually need. Clearly my body is not absorbing half the nutrients. On the bright side, despite all this, I have had a massive improvement in the qualities of my end-product after eating... no more liquids, at all... and rarely I need to go more than twice a day.

I just am not metabolising the fats adequately, I can see that well enough from this end product, being pale and buoyant.

Big thanks for making some good suggestions. I think I am also going to look at possibly spending a 36 hour period in very low light, as this seemed to work to trigger fat metabolism and abruptly end the withdrawal symptoms when I was in the first week of detox. I am sure that I have got more than enough sunlight most of the time, I even sit in the sun for like 3 hours in the morning directly shining through my window right onto my seat where I sit at the computer.

It does mean a lot of sleeping, as well, of course. I have been reluctant to do the full winter-metabolic forcing again, but maybe if I do this, and then maintain zero non-lactose carbs in my diet, the last gasp of the candida will be suffocated :)

well you seem to know more about biology than me, the only thing i can add to your post is the fact that rest is as valuable as anything, training and exercise are also wonder "drugs" :D

I'd say just have 2 hours at least of stress free time, just go around doing nothing, chill out without anything hopefully, find a good place to "meditate" or recenter enjoy yourself and the little things, stuff like that, that would let your nervous system rest more and not get hiwired therefore lowering the amount of inflammation and the amount of "nervous" responses.

Moving in general also does that, so I hope you spend at least half an hour walking a day (which is a standard for gandparents), You can also try some recreational activities, like playing sport for the fun of it or maybe even some martial arts, it does wonders for your resilience and mental toughness.

I can attest that this is good advice, in fact, I intentionally go out of my way to do exactly this, every other day, and I really need to focus more on the rest time! When I was done rescuing my miners from serbia, I intentionally pushed myself hard dragging those two things around, doing some good, heavy, yet productive resistance exercise. I probably would be building more condition were it not for the allergy and the not letting myself rest enough, but even as it is, you can already see my biceps are developing from all this heavy lifting.

I keep looking at skateboards and I'm starting to think I need to get one again, I love walking, and I walk at least 3-5km every other day, but the heavy jumping exercise, I love that feeling of being able to leap up and down flights of stairs, vaulting stuff, and all that.

It was all these drugs especially cigarettes, that ended my teenage days as a skateboarder. I suppose it is fairly common also at my age (41) to have a renaissance... Wait until you see what craziness I have done to my hair now! I've been holding that one back while I get used to how it looks myself, it's been some time since I did hairstyles.

resistance training is great for the cardio-vascular system and greatly improves bloodflow, cardio training does a similar job but boosts your constitution more or less, both are great stimulation for the body and breathe in more oxygen and blood into everything, rest and recovery are also important, that is why professional body builders take anabolic steroids and extra hormoes, because the body doesn't have to produce them and they boost the recovery from exercise, therefore they can overtrain. Too little rest and there is always injury, or worse off long-term problems could be caused from over-training or well being over ambitious. In your case that's probably not likely.

I used to free run a lot, that was one of the better parts of my life, I still do it sometimes, although I miss the freedom aspect, it was so easy to let go before, now I tend to find excuses :D

Also I think having mid-life crisises is a good thing to get a better perspective of where you want to be.

I haven't done hairstyles but I have grown some hair and it's nice to have in a sense, there are more options if you have it :D

skating is great I've only driven boards a few times but it was awesome, just watch the knees with the jumping haha

and I can only say now is a great time to get to it, it's still summer, the sky is clear and so on.

oh yeah drink lots of water, 2-3 liters a day preferably and make sure you eat quality fat and have enough vitamins and minerals to have a good absorbtion of the nutrients. That's a big topic and I don't feel well enough inclined to help there, I have similar problems so it's probably best not to help :D I need to get a better picture of the whole micro, macro nutrient and lipid balances and everything concerning nutrition like metabolism and probably many other things.

You should be fine, but be careful because it sounds like a chronic condition, since it returns.

the only thing I could add is walking barefoot, there is no end to the benefits there, just pick a decent spot where the decadence of the modern world hasn't spread too much. I like what you two with andy have written so far, time to improve my knowledge of diets.

Yup. It's not really a mid life crisis. I just was about to kick the bucket if I didn't fix it! You would not believe the incredible pain I have suffered from these health problems, and still, they have their talons stuck in me, and I'm not gonna rest (metaphorically) until I've got them under control.

Yeah, the will power thing is hard to deal with if you're otherwise stressed too.

If you're not absorbing fats properly, you might be low in your fat soluble vitamins too (A, E and D), do you like liver?... and if you're low in D, you probably want to make sure you get plenty of sun if possible (I don't think you'll generate it through a window though because it blocks a lot of UVB).

The way I see it, whilst you're still toxic (and even if your diet is good, maybe your microflora are still producing too many toxic metabolites), you need to detox, so you don't want to be stopping it until it is no longer needed. Instead you want to keep it at a level that's not going to make you feel like you're dying, and at the same time, stop the build up and production of more toxins.

I think there's a lot to be said to doing things to make sure your gut is healthy, and not inappropriately permeable (leaky gut), as I think that's the root cause of many problems. I think when our evolution diverged from plants, we just found a way to pick-up our roots, and carry them with us inside our bodies ;)

I wasn't clear about the window... if I had the window closed in the morning, and I hadn't covered them in aluminium foil, this space would be over 40°C, probably 45°C or worse in the morning. No, the sun is streaming directly upon me. So vitamin D is not the issue (and yes, much of the time I am just in my underwear when the sun shines on me, and it really shines on me 3-4 hours every day. I actually need more darkness, I think.

Vitamin A and E, however, now, I am not sure what else to add then. Liver, I suppose, carrots - being a much safer form as beta carotene and provitamin A. Vitamin E, I will have to look at that, I just recall that linseed oil was a source, but I'm wary of seed oils, I want to stick to nut oils, if it is vegetable.

As for the leaky gut, you are aware of Jack Kruse's theory that HERV originated in a virus picked up by early humans from shellfish, and this accelerated mutation that allowed us to rapidly adapt to the ice-age that was our time of inception, by making the gut more permeable.

Thus, the bigger issue now is that so many things in our food supply, especially, accelerate and intensify the leaky gut. Of course, this also means that there is a significant chance of a new viral mutation process taking place, indeed, I may be one of those infected by these viruses that will probably integrate into my DNA. If I survive! I'm doing pretty good so far.

You have given me a very good clue about fat metabolism there, A and E are clearly the missing ingredients. It explains also why I have been increasingly looking at carrots. I used to eat them like a rabbit when I was a child. I hate how fiddly they are to eat, and this is another source of a specific type of carbohydrates that may also help me stop feeling so damned hungry, one that will not give much advantage to the candida in my guts, also, but instead benefit my metabolism switching and staying switched to keto-dominant.

That's very interesting about Jack Kruse's theory, I've never heard that, I'll have to look it up when I've time! Out guts need to be selectively permeable rather than indiscriminating.

I think carrots are a good food, but if you start getting yellow skin, it probably suggests you don't have enough enzymes to convert the beta-carotene to retinol properly, in which case - if you are deficient in vitamin A - you'll need an animal source like good quality organic liver, or maybe cod liver oil. Chicken liver is has pretty safe amounts of vitamin A, but it's true too much is also bad, which is why functional testing can help.

I love good avocados, but careful in adding new stuff to your diet, as you might react to those too. Have you heard of the GAPS diet? It might be worth a try for you, since you tend towards high gut motility too.

The theory has a lot of substance to it, in my opinion. It also suggests that all this tinkering with food supply and genetic modification and bioweapons research is going to lead to unexpected consequences upon those who find a way to survive in spite of the poisoning being attempted.

I have found, since pretty much going practically full lacto-ovo vegetarian, that my gut motility has slowed down. The only thing that is upsetting my guts now is this stupid 'stevia' sugar stuff I got. I just put 1/8th tsp of this stuff into some buffalo yoghurt earlier, and the expected accelerated processing response occurred, again. Yes, that sack of crap is in the trash now.

I do already know that avocados tend to give me some kind of reaction, particularly the type that have those fibres that emerge from the skin part way. The type that is super creamy, that one I never have a problem with.

Spinach is absolutely, no questions asked, in its raw form, now my main green vegetable. It gives me fibre, which I have discovered I am a bit short on after eating so much dairy, and the pendulum swings the opposite way in regularity. However, it's not all a bad thing, since now maybe my gut is picking up a lot more of the slow absorbed minerals like magnesium and calcium. Magnesium, particularly is problematic, which is why I have 5kg of epsom salt that I am foot-soaking and bath-soaking on a daily basis (and it was helping before, and I feel the absence of it since I stopped doing this). Well, now, it will come from my food. And zinc too, spinach, raw spinach, is truly a wonder food!

I'm with you. Yeah, the creamy ones are the only ones I like too. Careful not to have too much oxalic acid from the spinach though... all things in moderation I reckon... well, the things you can tolerate.


Great! Seems you have it all figured out. I'm really happy to see that you are intent on cleaning yourself up. It seems like such a waste to see people putting so much bad stuff into their bodies and many times going to an early grave. I have high hopes for you. You seem like an extremely intelligent man.

I don't get it. ionlysaymeep is everywhere and actually earns rewards! How can someone who says just a sound earn rewards on here?

meep, well people think he is cool, so they don't care and they like talking to themselves anyways so whatever he says just advances the conversation :D

Amazing! Thanks for the reply.

come back to the post you might be interested in how the conversation has advanced :)

Thanks, I already saw all the great nutritional information if that is what you were referring to. This is like going to a nutritionist or naturopathic doctor.

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