Essential Oils And Your Emotions

in #health6 years ago


Essential oils support healing in five stages:

Healing the physical body

Essential oils range from being antibacterial to antiviral and anti parasitic in nature, they help the body in fighting harmful microorganisms; purifying glands, organs and body systems; balance body functions and raise the body’s overall vibration.

Healing the heart

As oils redeem our physical health, they provide us with the energy we need to penetrate the heart and enter the emotional realm. As our overall vibration is raised suppressed emotions bubble to the surface demanding to be expressed and let go of. The only way to overcome your emotions is to go through them.

Releasing limiting beliefs

Healing is a process, in order to receive happiness and abundance we have to let go of trapped emotions. It is essential to surrender to your experiences so that you can continue to heal, resisting the process will only make your suffering greater, when you let go and trust the healing process you will find happiness, love, joy and gratitude in life. Don’t let your beliefs hold you back from the healing you need to face.

Spiritual awareness and connection

Essential oils assist individuals in taking an honest look within but they don’t do the work for you, you still have to endure and go through your pain, grief and traumas to truly heal yourself. Knowing this gives you a wisdom in your healing journey, it’s okay to feel your pain just remember to let it go after it’s served it’s purpose. Find an awareness of yourself and remember to reconnect to the things that inspire you and bring joy into your life.

Find inspiration and your life’s purpose

Essential oils can assist you in finding the inspiration you seek in life to carry out your life’s purpose, when it comes to our healing we are forced to look within ourselves to better ourselves and your life’s purpose, your passions, your happiness will surface along with suppressed emotions. When you cleanse your heart you make room for what you can do to make yourself happy and often how you can give back and help others, essential oils are a tool that many people can benefit from and once you find success within your experiences you will want to share it to help others.

Internal, aromatic and topical use:

For internal use drink one drop in 8oz of water. For topical use mix a drop into fractionated coconut oil and rub onto abdomen. For aromatic use 5-8 drops into a diffuser or 1-2 drops into the palms of your hands rub together and inhale

I use doTERRA as my trusted essential oils because it is one of the only brands you can ingest internally due to their high quality and distillation method!

click here to learn more or to purchase them:




I'm a big fan of essential oil use but have never used the doterra products. Do you find them to be better?

Yes DoTERRA is the highest purity oils, they have helped me in so many ways!

Great excursion reading!
But are oils really good for the heart?? Different from what has been in the news.

I use essential oils as often as possible. I use them for cleaning and I use many of them for different skin care. Thank you for sharing so much information so I can continue to use them for the health of my household and myself.

Well. I have checked your content. I have to say that you write about interesting things. I
definitely will follow you.

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