How to prevent malaria while travelling?

in #health7 years ago

Due to advancement in medical sectors, particularly in preventing and controlling malaria, the death rate is coming down over years. But still every year a good number of world populations is being affected and dead by this mosquito-borne disease. Travelers are prone to malaria especially when visiting particular countries where the prevalence of malaria is very high. Here is some advice for travellers to prevent having malaria:

  • Learn about malaria prevalence area: Sub-Saharan Africa, Central and South America, South East Asia, Pacific islands are top of the list of the high-risk area for malaria. Pregnant lady and those whose spleen has been removed are at higher risk. A brief stay in this area is also risky.

  • Be safe from mosquito bites: Sleep in screened room spraying with insecticide, each evening. You can also use pyrethroid vaporizer. Alternately, you can sleep inside of a bed net impregnated with permethrin. Wear long-sleeved shirts and trousers. You can also apply diethyl toluamide containing repellant in limbs.

  • Take prophylactic medicines before travelling: There are a number of drugs which can be taken prior to travel. Although these drugs have a failure rate, it is recommended to take them before going to high risk here.

  • Be careful after travelling finished: If you are not feeling well up to 6 months after returning home from abroad, consult with your doctor without any more delay.

Courtesy goes to: Oxford Handbook of General Practice


Thanks for ur tip

And Thank you for your kind comment. Much appreciated.

Hello happy New Year!

Thanks for the wish

Welldone @hafiz34,
The drug people are most likely to comply to is Malarone® because of its short time of 1-2 days before...& 1 week after visit.

MALARIA is a huge illness especially here in the Sub-Saharan Africa. Its worse for Pregnant women and children.

So its a good job you did!

Upv by Dr. George

Thanks for the comment. and sorting out one drug for the readers which is easier to take to prevent such illness. Much appreciated.

MOsquitoes can cause dengue and malaria. I am very scared of mosquitoes.

That is not a matter of shame. These little creatures may bring us a lot of sorrows.

Thanks for the prevention advice .

Welcome buddy. May I ask why your name is safa marwa? two religiously important structure for Muslims!

good job dear @hafiz34
I like your post

Thanks buddy for your comment. much appreciated.

Needed this. There are a lot of mosquitos in our place and I'm worried about dengue and malaria. Thanks, Doc!

Nice to know that it would be helpful for you. Thanks for making a comment and reading the post.

very helpful post bro, thanks for sharing

You are welcome sis! thanks for reading and leaving one comment.

Thank you for posting this. It's so educative and useful, high quality content. Upvoted it! :)

It would just be easier to stay out of any potential malaria area.

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