The right approach to a CV19 vaccine.

in #health4 years ago (edited)

The Gates Polio Vaccine...

Apparently just a question of how you use language... The Gates vaccine IS in fact a Polio vaccine, i.e. you take it if you want to get Polio.

Exactly how stupid would you need to be to take a vaccine for CV19 created by those same Malthusian lunatics??

Then again, you might figure you need SOME SORT of a vaccine against CV19 but were only 25 years old and didn't really want to die before 2020 was out, here is what I'd recommend.

Russia is a Christian nation (sort of like the United States was in 1950) and has nothing to do with Malthusianism or Bill Gates or Antonio Fauci or their schemes to rule the world using medicine as a vehicle of conquest. Everything I've read so far indicates that the Russian CV19 vaccine is both safe and effective:

The idea would be to get about a thousand dollars together, which is substantially less expensive than a funeral from taking the KarenVax/WarpSpeed Gates/Fauci vaccine for CV19 would cost, book a round trip ticket to Moscow (around $500):

And when you get there, tell the nice man something like:

Мне нужно сделать хорошую Россискую Вакцину против КОВИД-19!

(Or find somebody who speaks English and tell him you need the CV19 vaccine...)

That will probably run you about ten dollars. And then spend the rest of the day sight seeing and shopping and then fly home.

Make sure to get a look at the two gigantic new cathedrals!


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