Timeless Secret To Shedding Those Belly Fats!

in #health7 years ago

If you have been struggling with shedding off those excess weights particularly those of your belly, or you know someone that has been looking for a way out of this "fat mess", then grab a sit for yourself, invite at least two people, let them lean on your shoulder and then, take one line after the other and munch.
Warning: Don't rush it else you'll get more fat stored in your belly! Yeah, It has been proven that fast eaters easily gain weight. Well, I'm sure you don't want to. Hahaha

Sometimes ago, my mum prepared something and brought it to me. She said it's way too good for my skin if I use it lavishly on my skin. Then, I had some eczema on my back. I just got some of it, rubbed it on my palms and then took those hands and caressed my back with them. I did for not-up-to a day. When I checked again, those patches on back had gone. I was wowed by the result I achieved although I'd not read up any article on its beneficial effects on eczema.

Also, I would top my breakfast fast with a few teaspoons of this gift my mum gave me. Whenever I do this, I realized I don't get hungry for hours way into the evening. I also experienced a fullness of my stomach. I got curious. I remember there were days I wouldn't take anything for breakfast but some teaspoons of this and I still get a sense of fulness for a long period and I will eventually choose to eat not because I was hungry but because I knew my body needed it at that time.

This continued as long as I took some of it before I left the house. So I began my quest to know the mystery behind the sense of fulness I feel and reduced apetite whenever I experienced each time I took this substance.

I surfed the web and read up articles I believed might tell me what I already thought about it as a Physiologist. A physiologist is one trained to understand body functions in health.

All my speculations were confirmed. Ever since I discovered the potentials this substance has on the appetite, I deliberately reduced the frequency with which I consumed it especially orally. I did because it holds no future for my plans to gain some reasonable yet healthy weight. Hahaha.

So what's this I've been talking about? I guess you don't want to go without knowing it. Alright. Now, take a deep breath. Breathe in. Then breathe out. Now close your eyes I want to whisper it into your ears. Hahaha
Here we go...

It's a kind of nut. It has "two" eyes. It normally wears a thick cloth that will demand that you use a matchet to undress. As if that's not enough, after undressing it, you will meet another wall around it that will require you hit really hard but not with your fist. You've got to use a concrete wall or metal break through into it's juicy fruit. Plus, it holds some tasty water in its fleshy fruit.

Okay let me tell you what it is. It is coconut and what makes you reduce your food intake as well as help you in shedding your belly fat, is its oil. So, what I've been referring to is coconut oil!

Coconut oil has some property that makes it exert this food and body weight-related effects. This property it has is a medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). According to research, oils that contain medium chain fatty acids are known to be healthy for the body. They don't go to through the normal process of digestion. They are rather transported directly to the liver where they're processed. They don't get stored up in fatty or skeletal tissues. Storage of energy especially in the fatty tissues are responsible for obesity and accumulation of fats in the abdominal and hip regions.

There's a place in the brain that's responsible for telling you that you are hungry. There's also another place in the brain that tells you you have ate to your fill. They sense the fulness of your stomach and then send signals to the brain. Once your brain receives the signal, you will now receive the urge to stop eating. The place in your brain that detects when your stomach is full is called the satiety (satisfaction) centre. And that place that makes you feel hungry is called the hunger centre. The actions of these centres on your feeding habits are opposite.

What coconut oil does when you drink it or spice your food with it is this: It makes your stomach experience fulness even when what you eat with it is little. It doesn't mean you are actually full. There are some receptors on the walls of your stomach that become activated whenever the stomach is full. They are called stretch receptors. These receptors act like an errand boy. Once they feel the fulness of the stomach, they send signals to the satiety centre. This Centre interpretes this to be satisfaction with eating. It then send information to you to stop eating or not having the urge to eat again and for a long while.

Remember that taking coconut oil with your diet makes you eat less yet satisfied. So your body makes do with the little calories you have in your diet and also recruits body stores of calories to meet your energy needs. That means that more energy in your body reserves are used to generate energy from your daily use. If you keep feeding on any diet garnished with coconut oil or any oil rich in medium chains fatty acid (MCFA) your stored body fats will continue to reduce because they are used, that is, burned, so as to supply energy for you. MCFA are not stored in the the skeletal muscles or fat tissues. They are used up in the liver.

And so long as the energy you take in is less than the one your body stores, you can never gain weight. You will rather lose some body fats.

If you consume low energy foods with high amount of any oil that is very rich in MCFA e.g. coconut oil, you are sure to control your weight gain as well as lose some pounds of weight especially those in your belly region. That's where fat is stored the most and those fats are pretty dangerous for your overall health.

You can consult with your doctor especially a health fitness expert for further and appropriate medical advice.
You know I love you.

I hope this helps you. I'd love to know.


So much to learn about coconut oil. When I was small, I used to watch my mum prepare it. Actually, I like to eat the burnt remains when the fresh oil is fried to distill the main oil. We use it too in the family then together with our creams to give a smooth shiny skin. Thank you for this post, it's well informing and educating.

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