in #health6 years ago


A beautiful smile reveals a lot about a person. It can tell if you would smile back at the individual or turn your face the other way.

The mouth the gate way to our stomach is not given the much attention it deserves as much as we want it to function and chew a mountain of food. It mouth needs the most care because we are a reflection of what we ingest. It is therefore necessary to ensure the mouth which houses two major component organs, the Teeth and the Tongue. The two Ts of the mouth.

A clean white teeth accompanied with a fresh breath takes some efforts to keep maintained as such for that smile to attract the right kind of people to you.

I remember in my school days, there was this brilliant guy in my class. There was no question in chemistry, physics or mathematics he could not solve. Everyone thronged around him to solve one problem or the other, but before the end of first semester in our first year he had no friends. People could not stand his bad breath even though he was so brilliant. Well he got admission into another school to study Medicine and Surgery and left our school. I blame this on his parents or guardian for not teaching him to care for his mouth at a tender age.

Many people are not caring for their teeth properly and enough. To keep your teeth in its best form requires some regular visit to the dentist and the proper way to brust to keep your gum healthy.


Here are some ways we neglet the the proper care for the teeth.

Using the right Tooth brush
We most times want to use the hard toothbrush, this can damage the gum when used wrongly. You find some persons using a tooth brush for too long. The longest you need to use a brush should be 3 months or about 200 uses. Prolonged usage of tooth brushed causes bacteria and food particles to stic to the brush which causes its oun problems. After these uses, change to a new and better one.

Not brushing Long enough and using the right methods
The recomended time to brush the teeth is 2 minutes. One might think its too short a time until you set the time to achieve that for yourself. Most people brush under 2 minutes. For it to be more effective you can use the electric toothbrush for proper timing.

The technique you use in brushing is also very important. Place the head of the toothbrush at a 45-degree-angle to your gumline and use short, gentle strokes repeatedly over every surface of your teeth. Too much pressure while brushing can disrupt the surface enamel. When you want to brus behind your teeth, tilt the toothbrush vertically and use up-and-down strokes. If you have an electric toothbrush, you don’t have to worry about the angle of the brush; just glide the brush over all of the surfaces as the toothbrush does the entire work.

Brush your Tongue and Wrinse with water
Being in a hurry while brushing, one tends to forget the tongue. Bacteria in the mouth rests onthe tongue, they affect the teeth and general health of the mouth. Brush it from the back forward with your brush or a tongue scraper.

We mosly rinse withnwater but that is wrong. The fluoride to protect your mouth is dissolved or washed out when we rinse with water. A mouth wash or rinser containing fluoride is to be used. You can wait after 30 minutes to drink some water or a beverage.

Try to wash your mouth twice daily. These bacteria releases some enzymes and after a while the mouth starts smelling again. Proper brushing results in healthier teeth and overall improved oral health. Visit a dentist regularly, you can have a cleasing and polishing done to remove cavities and prevent gum disease.

Thank you.


I am @gloeze



Wow this article made me cringe about the bacteria build up on tooth brushes. I've been using the same brush for a year :(. I definitely need to go get a new one. That's a funny anecdotal story about your friend with bad breath haha. This article was interesting and well written, keep it up

You definitely need a new brush. Thank you for stopping by @jfitmisc and thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it.

Impressive. Our mouth is very important and speak a lot about our personal hygiene. What is a polite way to tell a friend about his/her mouth odour? Your answer will be highly welcomed.

If the person is your boss or an elderly, You can buy the person a new set of good quality brushes to last him/her a year (4 pieces) and a good tooth paste and mouth was as a gift for any celebration, then you just tell him/her some tips to maintain mouth hygiene.

You can also get someone close to him/her to tell him on n your behalf. I hope this helps. Thank you @simmoney for stopping by.

Truth is one other factor that contribute to teeth issues is the unclean conditions of many or our lifestyle. It is actually recommended that one does a scalling and polishing twice a year (every 6 months). This is to clear all the claques (yellowish accumulation around the teeth) which breads these bacterias.

Thanks for the call to action and feeding us with some quality information.

Steem on


Thank you so much @dorth, I appreciate you so much. Will definately steem on


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