Tips for staying healthy during stress

in #health5 years ago



Create a healthy routine and stick to it

This will give the feeling that you are in control of your life.

  • Do not go to bed later than usual, do not abandon good habits and hobbies.
  • Do not close yourself from people, but rather, communicate more with friends and family. Social connections are a good helper in protecting against stress.
  • Take time out for activities that bring you joy: walking, playing with children or pets, reading, and so on.
  • Stay away from what usually annoys you. If possible, limit contact with people who cause stress. Especially before bedtime.
  • Take care of yourself. Try to find time for relaxation and pleasant things.

Eat well

Naturally, in a state of severe stress, there is no strength to make a complex menu for a week in advance. But it’s enough to plan cereal with fruit for breakfast, a whole-grain bread sandwich for lunch, and a vegetable salad or fish and potato for dinner. These are simple dishes that are much more useful than fast food and sweets.

In the afternoon, try not to have a snack right at the workplace. Stand back for at least 10-15 minutes to dine quietly, and ideally breathe some fresh air for some time. This will help recharge and calm down.

Do not forget about physical activity

This is a powerful way to relieve stress that fills the body with endorphins. If it’s hard for you to start, remember how good it is after a workout. Imagine how tired and happy you will be after an intense load.

If you do not have time or money for the gym, do it at home . It’s enough to allocate half an hour for this, and you will already feel better. For example, try short interval training. If you consider yourself guilty for spending time on sports during such an intense period of your life, try to change your attitude.

And now more than ever it is important for you to maintain health. Perhaps in the beginning you have to be stricter. For example, say to yourself: “On Tuesday, by all means I find an hour of time and train.” Gradually, this will become a habit, and you will notice a positive result.

Try to get enough sleep

Staying up late to cross out as many cases as possible from the list, you will only make it worse. Try to sleep as much as possible, this will help control stress.

However, he advises not to abuse sleeping pills. It is not bad as a short-term solution during a period of acute stress. If you sleep very little and feel that you are close to a nervous breakdown, it is advisable to take it. But do not rely on pills constantly: this can lead to addiction. Try to improve your sleep in other ways . And in any case, do not prescribe treatment yourself, go to the doctor.

Seek support

Share your feelings with friends and family. Also feel free to seek professional help. Perhaps your stress has grown into something more serious. If you have panic attacks, heart palpitations, ongoing sleep problems, you should be wary: all this may indicate an anxiety disorder .

Put protective factors in your routine that will reduce its negative impact on your health and mood. Move, communicate with people, do not give up hobbies.

Without such healthy mechanisms of psychological adaptation, people begin to turn to the unhealthy. For example, they drink coffee or energy during the day to stay awake, and in the evening they switch to alcohol so as not to think about problems. But this way you only harm yourself in the long run.

Remember: whatever the stress is caused, it will pass over time. And it will be easier for you to transfer it and return to normal life if you take care of yourself now.

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