Western Medicine Is The Leading Cause Of Death In America

in #health8 years ago

Iatrogenic deaths--that is, those caused by doctor error, medical treatment, and diagnostic procedures--account for over 700,000 American deaths per year. 

Western medicine causes more deaths than heart disease or cancer. 

Factor in unnecessary surgeries, hospital infections, and adverse drug reactions, and one has to question why Americans continue to turn to the modern medical establishment for health & wellness when it has PROVEN to cause more harm than good.  

This is a sinister system where cures are suppressed, natural remedies are withheld, and treatment options are limited to those that generate profits for Big Pharma.  

Now that you're aware, what will you do? Is this the world you want? 

Check out Quinn Eaker's book Full Spectrum Health to experience an entirely new paradigm of wellness. 

For more information, begin by reading "Death by Medicine" by Dr. Gary Null, Dr. Carolyn Dean, Dr. Martin Feldman, Dr. Debora Rasio, and Dr. Dorothy Smith. 



People are brainwashed and so afraid. Just the simplest things such as referring to doctors as "health care providers" is a misleading and contradictory term most never question. In actuality, doctors are not trained in health care but in sick care. Generally the health care advice given by those trained in western medicine is based on the food pyramid and other formulas that really do not tap into the realms of true health.

Our planet provides natural remedies that are more effective, more long-term beneficial, and definitely safer than pharmaceuticals. Healthier choices and healthier states of mind result in healthier people and a general overall healthier planet.

Thanks for posting this and sharing some important facts about health. @quinneaker's book on health is a must read--authored by the healthiest being I have ever met!

Yes, Americans are trained that if you are sick, you go to the doctor. They are taught to place the power of healing outside of themselves and into the hands of an "authority". Western medicine is controlled by Big Pharma, the biggest and most powerful industry on the planet. There is little to no profit in telling people how to heal themselves through proper breathing, hydration, rest, nourishment, and exercise! Nature has indeed provided a solution to every ailment, and we at the GOE put a lot of energy towards reconnecting people to this primordial wisdom.

Unless you have poor vision, diabetes, heart abnormalities, many types of cancer, bacterial infection, diarrhea, need a hip replacement, sustain injuries from a car crash or gunshot, etc. I'm pretty happy with Big Pharma when I need it. Mother Nature wants to kill you, not "provide a solution to every ailment". Good luck with nature when you have a swollen and infected appendix or gall stones or are dying from an asthma attack.

Western medicine has its place. Mostly in emergency trauma situations. We never said there is NO value or place.
Yet the FACTS of our meme are true. There is nothing to argue about there. You can follow us and we will educate you as to safer, more effective alternatives, or you can do your own research (we suggest starting with iodine, colloidal silver, the dozens of cancer cures that exist, comfrey, and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to address most of the conditions you've named). Of course, if you have no interest in learning or health or acknowledging the failures of the current system, you can cling to and remain unchanged in your paradigm. Western medicine is extremely successful in keeping consumers coming back for more, it is NOT healthcare at all but sick care. It is very good for people who are sick all the time and have no idea how to naturally help themselves, and you can stay dependent upon it if you prefer. We prefer to be thriving, self-sufficient bad asses. We're enjoying great success with nature!

Mr Jake is obviously not awake. If he were awake he would not be trying to push is nightmare on us.
Sanitation and lifestyle have NOTHING to do with western medicine. This is just logic and reason.
If he did any research at all (which he obviously has not) he would know that doctors in 12 years of med school spend 1 hour in nutrition training/education.
If he he did any research he would see that doctors are commonly in the top tier of stress and sickness and are nothing close to examples of health.
So not only are they not healthy but that have no training in being healthy. There is NO way that anything such as this could be anything but sick care.
On top of all of that there are THOUSANDS of studies (way more so than 99% of pharmaceuticals) proving natural remedies as capable of dealing with almost all viruses and diseases.
If ANY research were done it would be obvious that cancer has been cured.
If any research had been done one would know that the medical industry FORBIDS any doctor to study or cure cancer. It is disallowed. Why? Because its a multi trillion dollar industry and if people figured out a plant could cure it their trillions would be gone.
Ok thats MORE than enough to make the truth clear. I find it HILARIOUS people are so stuck in cognitive dissonance that they argue despite FACT.

Western medicine is very successful because it is very successful. Evidence based approaches to health, sanitation and lifestyle have extended our lives and increased our quality of life more than any traditional, "natural", "alternative" approaches ever have. By the way, hydration, exercise, rest and proper nutrition are very much a part of the recommendations of western medicine as well. You can keep your colloidal silver and dozens of cancer cures that don't work. https://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/hi-ho-silver/

@quinneaker, you are silly and misinformed and I won't be commenting anymore. Peace.

When people begin to truly wake up to the actuality that pharmaceutical companies are strongly invested in keeping people sick - that they are about identifying and merely treating their condition (as opposed to addressing and CURING it) - then the world will be on it's way toward actual health, and not just the appearance of it.

Thank you for this poignant reminder and for providing alternatives that are solution-oriented - souls like me are greatly appreciative of it. :-D

You're welcome! Everyone benefits when individual members of the community choose health and thrival.

The leading cause of death in most countries is heart disease because of bad diet...and also because people can't live forever XD

According to the CDC, heart disease killed 614,348 people in America in 2014. Conventional medicine caused 783,936 deaths and even more injuries and illness from unnecessary and inappropriate prescriptions, surgeries, and diagnostic procedures. It's shocking to see that the standard "treatment" option causes even more deaths than disease!

Its heart disease because 'conventional medicine' is not one cause and statistics for that would be very difficult to corroborate given the multitude of ways one 'could' die while under treatment. Even then it is not the medicine, but the person responding to it that faltered in most cases – like an adverse reaction for example. Whereas one knows heart disease killed this or that person. Generally, western medicine is a triumph in human endeavors and it saves more lives than it does not, unlike any actual disease which does no good at all.

Absolutely. Comparing "number of deaths" due to negligence or error in western medicine to other causes of deaths is a fallacy. You need to compare it to the amount of good it does and lives it saves.

Exactly. It may cause around 500k deaths per year, but is saves 100x, 1000x, 10,000x lives each year and across history.

Hahahahaha wow are you serious?
So your saying because western medicine saves some lives that it ok that because of negligence that close to a million people die?
Thats like saying "yea that drunk driver killed someone from negligence but cars do way more good for humanity than bad so its ok"
ANYONE including doctors should be held responsible for killing someone ESPECIALLY due to negligence.
I am not going to even spend my time responding if you are just going to get stuck in a cognitive dissonance loop.
You can comment all you want. Of course you can believe whatever you want but I will challenge you to a live video debate any day of the week if you want to try and argue that its ok western medicine kills lose to a million people a year.

False analogy, @quinneaker. The argument in the post is like saying that since some deaths occur from drunk driving, no one should drive.

Super disgusting truths here. Overjoyed you are talking about you.

I'm not sure where you are getting your 700,000 figure from. Johns Hopkins has the number at 250,000 and many in healthcare believe even that number includes so much in it's definition of "medical error" that it misleads people.

If you read this post, you'd see the source.

I read the post. There is no source. Other than a book written by people that are selling things. I want to know where you got 700,000 deaths due to medical mistakes.

We do not sell anything. All goods and services are offered by donation to our cause. If you don't find value in what we do, you are under no obligation to put your time, energy, or resources towards it.

"For more information, begin by reading "Death by Medicine" by Dr. Gary Null, Dr. Carolyn Dean, Dr. Martin Feldman, Dr. Debora Rasio, and Dr. Dorothy Smith."

Here's the link: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=death%20by%20medicine

I don't want to read your book. I'm only looking for the source of the data that substantiates the claim that 700,000 people are killed due to medical mistakes. I doubt that this number is backed by anything close to a solid study.

Heh - many of these "doctors" that wrote the book are actually AIDS denialists. Sounds about right.

Gary Null and Martin Feldman:

And yes - they are selling things.
Literally the first things on his page are "Free Shipping", "Gary Null Brand Items", "Contact Sales or Customer Service".

The irony! "Medicine" killing people. Have you ever wondered why pharmacies don't sell plants, and instead sell pills? It's because they can be controlled rather than cultivated. Synthesized rather than grown. All for $

Because pills are a way for doctors to control the dose of the substance that likely came from a plant in the first place. Plants are notoriously hard to figure out dosage for, as the active ingredient that is the "medicine" varies from plant to plant - even within the tissues of the plant. Stop demonizing.

Iatrogenic is one of my favorite words. Was so relieved when I learned that it existed and was amazed that it was a one word depiction of what I observed and felt at the moment I learned about it.

Hyperbole and total BS.

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