EMF Effects: Let's Talk About DNA!

in #health7 years ago (edited)

We are diving into the world of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiofrequency (RFs) to take a look at how energy affects us all. 

We laid out some basic information about EMFs and RFs in previous posts. It will be helpful to have a firm understanding of them, because in upcoming posts we will go deeper into the science realm. Because this information is  very important to the health and existence of each and every living thing on this planet, we will do our best to make it as understandable and accessible as possible for all. Please put any questions you may have in comments for discussion!

Let's have some fun as we educate ourselves and expand our minds!

We will take small bites of this pie at a time, because it is a vast subject. Here is a sneak peak of some topics we will cover in this series:

1.) Overall health effects in regard to EMFs
2.) The importance of grounding in regard to EMFs
3.) Items that cause the most direct exposure for humans to EMFs
4.) How to eliminate and mitigate the effects EMF exposure  

Without further ado, let's get into today's topic: how do EMFs effect DNA?

We'll begin at the beginning: what is DNA?
DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. It is our genetic material that is present in the nucleus of every cell in every living organism. 

It has come to our awareness that some people believe that DNA is used to create life, and then its job is done! This is a misconception; it does not just hangs out in our cells until we pass that onto our children. DNA is constantly active (or should be). 

DNA … contains the genetic instruction for DEVELOPMENT and FUNCTION of living things. ~ source

What does that mean to us?
DNA is the code to create proteins, the basis of all life; the exact types of proteins made depend on the type of cell. 

We need our DNA to function efficiently day in and day out. It creates the proteins for growth, maintenance, and cell death. The expression of DNA is seen in everything in the human body from digestive enzymes to eye color!

It is fundamental to life. The cell does not function without consulting the genetic code and then making appropriate proteins, and disease and potentially death result when cells do not function properly!

What effect do EMFs have on DNA?
All energies on the electromagnetic spectrum affect DNA - to what degree is debatable, but it certainly does have an effect.

Below is a presentation by Martin Blank, PhD, from 2010. We highly suggest watching this brief 20 minute video for a much better understanding of how EMFs affect DNA.


In case you can't watch the video, here are the highlights:

1.) Cell phones and other wifi devices sit on the upper end of the RF zone (TVs, radios, etc.), just below microwaves.

2.) In this zone, energy is nonionizing; it isn't powerful enough to knock an electron out of an atom. There is not enough energy to break DNA strands at infrequent, low exposure either...but even though the strand may not be broken, damage is still possible.

3.) Replicable scientific tests have proven a biological reaction happens when DNA is exposed to any amount of EMF. It produces stress proteins when exposed to very low energy, and may break on either a single or both strands if under bombardment. 

4.) Any time your body senses an environmental threat such as low pH levels, significant temperature increase, presence of alcohol in the system, or exposure to any form of EMF, it goes into cellular stress response. The DNA then creates heat shock protein (HSP), which is a type of stress protein. Cells react to even very low frequency EMFs as harmful!

5.) What happens to the DNA during this process? Great and important question! The DNA will start making the stress proteins to try and alert the body of the unfavorable conditions happening so it can do something about it. The cell itself will communicate in its own language that it is under threat; if you believe in innate knowledge, this is a wonderful example.

6.) This is meant to be a very short term solution so the body has just what it needs to protect itself, just like when your body makes cortisol or adrenaline when you are under stress or attack. We then have to detox these things which then adds more stress to our body systems, and it is reasonable to think the same type of response happens with the HSP when our cells are no longer being bombarded with EMFs. Our bodies are not meant to live under these conditions day in and day out, not to mention when the DNA is only making one of the 20 stress proteins it can't do its normal functions. Each different coil of DNA is affected differently based on the type of EMF frequency.

7.) There have even been tests done now on people like genetically identical twins.  In studies, their DNA is no longer identical because of exposure to things such as EMF's after they have been alive/exposed for some time. 

8.) Studies show damage to reproductive cells, brain cells, and the blood brain barrier when exposed to EMFs from something as small and simple as a cell phone.

There are a bunch of other gems in here on topics we will discuss in detail later, such as DNA as a fractal antenna, but you should still watch the video for yourself. Don't take our word for it - Research it!

Before our next post take a moment to consider the following:

1.) If DNA is side tracked in making stress protein because of constant exposure to EMFs (and other things), then what is it not doing that it should be? What type of disease can this process change be attributed to if our DNA is no longer working optimally?

2.) How much time do you spend around EMFs? Is 100% of your time spent near or in direct contact with devices that emit wifi? What effect is that having on your body short and long term?

3.) Special consideration for women; we are born with all the eggs we will ever have for reproduction already in our ovaries. If those ovaries are being subjected to constant EMFs, which we know has an effect on DNA, what happens if the next egg we fertilize has altered or non-functioning DNA?

4.) No one is immediately dropping dead from cell phone or wifi use, but what ARE the limits for safe exposure? What happens after years and years and years of daily use? Smart phones are so new that we have yet to have extended studies on the effects of their use. If we know that there is at least some damage is happening on a cellular level, then how much more functional, efficient, and healthy might you be without EMF exposure - what might you be capable of

We're going to focus our upcoming posts on not only this problem, but more importantly on solutions! In modern civilization, there's no escaping EMFs, so we're going to figure out what we can do about it and what can be done to protect ourselves.

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself!

For additional resources on this topic, please check out some of these links and the ones above:
Video: https://vimeo.com/17266941

*This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience.



Thanks for the interesting article and especially the video @gardenofeden , I learned a lot about the world of DNA

You're welcome!

Certainly something that needs to be seriously looked at, especially with the new G5 tech coming on the scene. There's some evidence at the same time, showing the possibility that our DNA is being altered in a more positive, evolutionary way via the current spikes in the Schumann Resonance and the unusual activity of the Sun. We just happen to be getting blasted as I write, with an incredible amount of protons stemming from a coronal mass ejection. Thanks for the great post!

The Double helix structure of DNA is the perfect structure for a electrical antenna in one direction and a perfect antenna for magnetics in the other direction.

Also, the EMF scale is not this linear piece of garbage science tries to force everything into. Waveforms are multidemensional; not just amplitude and frequency.

Really good post that gathers how DNA damages is linked to wifi/cellphone radiation. This is a topic I haven't covered yet, great job. We are in this together, and the more angles this topic is uncovered the better seen from my point of view :-)

Interesting post about DNA i have learn many things from this post thanks @gardenofeden for sharing this post.. you are a great writer and keep sharing ...

Greet Post, thanks @gardenofeden

@gardenofeden This is actually some incredible function! Followed.
Thank you for posting this Beautiful moment in time for you. Followed.

Very good post.thanks for sharing

Thanks for the information sir.

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