12 Months 100% Future Food: 43 Days Left And Why I'm Sending My DNA To The USAsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

I'm in my final period of the 12 months 100% future foods diet. Six weeks from now I'll be eating regular food again. But I 'm not just shifting back to my old diet and living habits. I have learned too much about nutrition and seen so many new technologies related to health and food that returning to where I was exactly one year ago is impossible. One of the main things I learned is that health, food, and lifestyle is a personal issue. This may sound like the most obvious thing to claim, yet loads of people are sticking labels to their lifestyles thereby limiting the possibilities.



If there is one word, I'd like to emphasize when it comes to health, food, and lifestyle it would be customization. And this is something YOU have to figure out for yourself. No book in the world will tell you how you can optimize your lifestyle. Of course, some books can function as tools. Just as there are documentaries, podcasts and Blogs you can use to figure out what works for you. But again, these are tools. Use them to your advantage. Don't copy paste them with the expectation they will change your life once you start to apply them.

Customization is key because, yes here it comes, we are all different. Think about some variables that come into play since the moment you set foot on earth. The list is gigantic. Now, look at general food advice. It's mostly based on averages. I'm going to use a metaphor Tim Ferris often uses in his podcasts; The moment Bill Gates walks into a bar the average net worth goes sky high. Get where I want to go with this?


Figuring out what type of diet or lifestyle works best for you starts with you. Don't look at averages. Because first of all you don't want to be average (Or maybe you do, but then please stop reading now and turn on the TV) and second of all, see Tim Ferris quote.

DNA Is Not Based On An Average

Over the last ten months on future foods, I've been breaking my head over the fact that the shakes which I currently consume are based on an average estimation of what you should get, nutrition wise. Don't get me wrong; I've noticed a significant positive change. But if I look at protein intake it's pretty high and with some brand way too much. I'm not an athlete. Perhaps I should become one, but that's a different story. My point is that I have seen how well these shakes affect me yet I'm bound by their nutritional structure. Just imagine what would happen the moment I could alter them to my specific nutritional needs.


Customization would make these types of future foods so much more next level. But, we're not there yet. As a matter of fact, I'm going back to regular food which makes it even harder to figure out what I'm putting in my body from a nutritional standpoint. That's why I thought it would be fascinating to get my DNA sequenced.



The kit is as simple as 123. I have to admit that it does feel a bit strange but at the same time very exciting!

23andme provides DNA sequencing services that allow you to figure out where your roots lay. They also offer the option to give you insight into your health. And that is where customization comes lurking around the corner. If you're not afraid of 23andme, you can spit in a tube and send it to them. That's exactly what I did, and my results should come in the moment I go back to regular food. With my genetic info I'll be much more capable of figuring out what will work for me, health, food, and lifestyle wise.

There's An App For That!

Because I've been focusing on all that's new and popping in the field of future foods for the last ten months I soon found a plethora of applications that can handle your DNA data. One that particularly stuck out was GenSmart.

It will help guide me towards optimal health by giving me simple, and achievable life hacks based on my genes and their impacts. The GenSmart app will give me nutrition, fitness, health and lifestyle guidance to help me learn about my body and change my habits so that I can figure out more precisely what works for me.



The app will function as an assistant. Through the data, it receives from 23andme it creates a playful narrative between you and the app based on prioritizing your nutritional focus points. I can't go too much into detail as of how this UX story will unfold but I've talked numerous times with the CEO, and I'm very excited to get started! I feel this is only just the beginning of a serious shift in nutritional and lifestyle perception. And with the current growth in knowledge about how we can use genetic information to understand ourselves better, alter diseases and potentially cure illnesses comes an excellent opportunity to start customizing the way we live our lives.

As always I'm super curious what you think about the above written. Insightful comments will be upvoted 50%.


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