Deepening my health journey

in #health6 years ago

In 2004/05 I got mono. It lasts about a month for most people if they even have symptoms. I was wiped out for an entire year.

That was the year I graduated from grade school. I didn't attend most of my classes all year and somehow still made it through. Looking back, I probably should have been home doing nothing for a couple of months more. But what did I know, I was 14/15 years old back then.

I went through life from that point on with a really weak immune system. I got sick all the time. I was at my worst when I attended business school, after two years, I left just before I fell off the cliff.

Since then, my health has fluctuated. I felt really good for the past six months and then I started deteriorating again. That's how it goes, cycles of feeling better then worse. For a while, I was never well. I was always on the spectrum of being sick, recovering or getting sick.

I'm desperate to feel well again. I want to heal and to have a somewhat normally functioning immune system. So I'm going on a journey.

The first few forays into this new territory have led me to find out that I'm not alone, I'm not crazy. Others feel like this more than a decade after having mono. I've also discovered that the virus, name Epstein Barr, which cause mono has been linked to a good deal of autoimmune diseases, like chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. As of now, I don't have an autoimmune diagnosis, but if things continue as they have, I believe I could end up with one.

I'll be learning more about herbs and natural ways to heal. I've been recommended a cleanse but when is it a good time to do a cleanse? I need to make it a good time - now. I eat fairly well, but I will be looking at adding more of certain things into my diet and avoiding others. My life shifted for the better when I started avoiding lactose. I know how much power there is in the food we eat.


I pray for guidance and a safe path to healing. The Most High can heal anything, I pray that I will be healed and would appreciate you joining me in that prayer, but above all, I pray: Thy will be done.


I have autoimmune disease. In my case it is RA and I've had it for about 20 years. I too had a bad case of mono in high school and so did many others with our problems. So here are some ideas for you and take them or leave them :)

I am in many fb groups for autoimmune diseases. Some are natural and some are ok with all the drugs. In either case, I am in the groups I like for the support. This is not easy and no healthy people want to hear how tired it makes us to try to brush our hair or take a shower. I would be lost without my groups.

I used to take every drug known to man for about 12 years. I got off them when I lost "half my size" because I figured my new smaller body needed a reset. Those drugs were very hard on me and led to a lot of secondary problems. Now I take very little and try to control this with food, rest, exercise, and positivity. (So easy!)

I eat the aip way for the best health in my case. When I am strict, I do better. This is basically organ meat, fish, other meat, bone broth, vegetables and coconut oil. I uses things like turmeric and ginger as staples. Very exciting but it works for me.

At least know your anti-inflammatory and inflammatory foods and eat/avoid as needed.

Yes, this definitely goes in cycles and you do better if you act accordingly. If you need to rest in bed for 3 days, do it. Don't worry about what anyone says, and just do it. But get up and exercise gently every few hours and eat and drink well as best you can.

As far as cleansing, you need to do this carefully. I do Dry Skin Brushing and wrote two books about it on Amazon. Here is the first one and chapter one is for free to read on both of them.

The main point I would make is to really clean up your act for a month or more before you do any cleanse. You can get rid of a lot of toxins that way and then the cleanse will not try to kill you. I went in blind the first time I started Dry Skin Brushing and it really for horrible for 10 days. Now I love it and will never stop. And after that I have does some other cleansing protocols and they were not so bad or hard on me.

I will stop talking here now since this is so long. I can go on for hours more :)

Best of luck, keep trying, and trust in God to protect and keep you safe.

Thank you for this wonderfully long and thoughtful reply. I eat similar to you it sounds. I will write your tips down and go over them one by one and see which ones help me. I'm very thankful for you sharing your experience like this. I'm unfamiliar with dry skin brushing but will absolutely look into it now.

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

That's how it goes, cycles of feeling better then worse.
It should be better than instead of better then.

I know this is a bot and I find it very off-putting. First of all, English is not my native language and nitpicking like this can turn people off from even writing. Secondly, I'm pretty sure that's not a mistake but a bot that doesn't know how to read a full sentence. Do your homework bot!

And it calls itself a Nazi...

yes, very distasteful.

Hey . Hope you don't mind me saying and I promise this isn't spam but check out @naturalmedicine... there's a lot of good content based around healing and health and you might make connections that cpuld help you. Good luck on your journey... x

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't mind at all. It's nice of your to share a potential resource, thank you :)

Hey @frugallady! I am standing with you in prayer and believing for your healing. Don't know much about mono but will be reading up on it. Do let us know how we can all support and care for you! #steemitmamas

Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I believe in the power of prayer so keeping me in yours will be a wonderful support.

I'm joining you in faith to see your health restored to how it was originally intended to be, whole and without disease, immune system be strengthened. Healing and wholeness be your portion, @frugallady! :)


Thank you. For some reason reading this made me cry.

Really? Awww. Maybe there is a touch of love in the spirit. I'm a believer of Christ, are you too? Hugs.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am indeed.

Wishing you so much love on your journey! What we eat is definitely extremely powerful. Also how we think and behave has an influence.
Must have been such a difficult journey for you, but I hope you are learning along the way.
Often our bodies are trying to tell us something..
A cleanse would probably be a good idea, but, as you say, you have to put time and commitment into it.
Healing and loving thoughts to you!

Thank you. I started the cleanse after deciding that I really can't go on being so sick. There is never a really good time to do a cleanse, but this is a better than most times.

May you be healed in the name of Yeshua!!!! AMEN!

And thank you!

Sorry to hear you have had such a hard time. I hope you find what works for you and feel better soon. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Thank you. It's been a journey for sure. I'm grateful every day though as I know so many people dealing with much worse and harder things. I pray for healing every day now it's time to focus my actions on it as well.

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