Seeking the 'Pure Genius' IRLsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Seeking the 'Pure Genius' IRL

So, my family and I enjoy a television show called Pure Genius. It’s about a billionaire tech entrepreneur who builds a hospital in San Francisco and fills it full of cutting edge tech and highly proficient doctors.

He leads his team with the attitude that every medical problem can be cured. In the show, there are some conflicts with the FDA, and the one drawback is that the show is not nearly anti-FDA enough. (IMHO the FDA should be abolished along with the Federal Reserve.)

Otherwise, the show is awesome, complete with the necessary romance lines to keep your girlfriend interested.

It’s inspirational actually. The lead character is almost unbelievable... human beings should be like this guy. I should be like this guy. This hospital should already be built. Anyways, I highly recommend the show.

If anyone knows people who are working on a project like the medical facility in ‘Pure Genius’ in real life, please let me know in the comments below.

Let’s cure the basal disease, aging.


Funny how they use the term 'governed' when an internal combustion engine is mechanically restricted so that a vehicle can not surpass a certain speed. Humankind is also governed in this same way. The Welfare-Warfare State restricts our potential. We need to meet in a place where we can fly full throttle free-will! No taxation. No regulation. No punishments for victimless crimes.

There is a lot at stake. Perhaps lifespans of 100+ years. Perhaps just simple human liberty. But the one thing that I know for sure; the few with the vission, the character, and those tallents, that bring tears to my eyes... must come together. Must build the _____. And launch. (note that the blank _____ stands for whatever your vision is.) #buildfreedom #outlivethecommies

If anyone else enjoys this show, let me know.

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