Study finds best way to help prevent Alzheimer's!

in #health7 years ago

You might say this headline says it all: No aluminum, no Alzheimer’s disease.

A new research paper published by one of the world’s foremost experts on the topic outlines some of the most important things you can do to keep this horrific memory-robbing condition at bay.

Of course, to hear members of Big Pharma tell it, Alzheimer’s disease is still a huge mystery that they’re working nonstop to crack. They want us all to wait for some pie-in-the-sky miracle cure they promise is coming along any day now.

But professor Christopher Exley is onto something even bigger.

And that’s a way to prevent Alzheimer’s by eliminating our exposure to a substance that’s right under our noses — and often our armpits, as well.

Sweating it out

There’s no doubt that cases of Alzheimer’s are skyrocketing. Currently, five million Americans are said to be diagnosed with it, and that number is expected to triple in the next few decades.
But, according to Exley, you can significantly lower your risk of developing this horrific disease by taking some basic precautions to protect your brain from the ravages of a heavy metal that we’re all surrounded by all of the time: aluminum.

As he spells it out, “Alzheimer’s disease is not an inevitable consequence of aging,” as long as — and this is the key — your brain does not carry the “burden of aluminum.”

So, how do you protect your brain from the aluminum that’s pretty much all around us in foods, drugs, and even personal care products? I’ll get to that in a minute.

Exley, a professor of bioinorganic chemistry at the UK’s Keele University, recently published a paper in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease that should be required reading for every single doctor.

A first-ever study that he and his team completed on the brains of people who died from what was diagnosed as familial Alzheimer’s (a genetic predisposition to the disease) has revealed “some of the highest concentrations of aluminum ever measured in human brain tissue.”

This has led him to conclude that, essentially, without aluminum, Alzheimer’s disease would not exist.

Both in early- (before the age of 65) and late-onset cases, as Exley explains it, “The catalyst for the disease is always the brain aluminum content” — and how “robustly” an individual’s brain can deal with this “aluminum burden.”

Some people, he notes, appear more genetically predisposed than others to retain aluminum in their bodies and brains. But the accumulation of aluminum, he says, plays a key role in the development of Alzheimer’s, which can even be duplicated in lab animals by simply adding aluminum to their food or water!

Now, aluminum, of course, is in a whole slew of products. But the ones that can especially put you in danger are antiperspirants, which have a double-whammy effect.

That’s because, Exley says, one of the most effective methods of getting rid of this neurotoxic metal is to literally sweat it out of your system.

One reason that women seem more prone to Alzheimer’s than men, he believes, is that they produce only half the volume of perspiration that men do. But in both sexes, he says, exercise is one of the best ways you can help rid your body of aluminum.

Of course, along with sweating it out, you’ll want to take steps to reduce the aluminum you’re exposed to as much as possible.

And here are the top five ways to do that:

#1: Ditch your antacids, as many contain giant amounts of aluminum. And that’s the case in both tablets and liquids.

#2: Read ingredient labels on baked goods, and put back any containing aluminum compounds. If you bake at home, it’s easy to find aluminum-free baking powder.

#3: Find out if your water is fluoridated, since other research has found that fluoride can send aluminum directly to your brain! If it is, install a filter that can remove fluoride or start using bottled water.

#4: Don’t use pots and pans coated with aluminum, and stop wrapping all that food in foil. Yes, it can leach out of cookware and food wrappings, especially in the case of acidic food.

#5: Stop using antiperspirants! Not only do they contain aluminum, but they literally stop you from perspiring — and, as Exley found out, sweating is your best friend when it comes to getting aluminum out of your body.

“No aluminum, no Alzheimer’s disease” Professor Chris Exley, June 9, 2017, The Hippocratic Post,

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