Importance in the care of the newborn by Nursing?

in #health7 years ago

Importance in the care of the newborn by Nursing?

When the child leaves the intrauterine environment to the extrauterine, a series of changes essential for his survival in the new world begin, one of the first is that he starts his first breath without the dependence of oxygenation by the umbilical cord, second is to treat to maintain its thermal comfort since it will not depend on the body temperature of the mother and third is to start feeding for proper nutrition.

Based on these three abrupt moments for which the baby goes through at birth, the care of the newborn provided by the nursing professional is focused. Being this essential to ensure the good health of the baby and the quality of life that comes to have in the future.

The correct evaluation of the child in the first hours of life allows to detect in time congenital diseases and malformations that are derived to the corresponding specialist for a correct treatment, the good maintenance of his body temperature avoiding current of cold winds that entails him to suffer from hypothermia, and The correct orientation to parents of babies is also very important, since it prevents accidents or errors in the handling of the newborn to occur when feeding, bathing, dressing, cleaning, and other tasks in which parents less experienced are not right-handed.

That is to say that we can reach the conclusion that nursing care for the newborn is necessary, essential and essential for the baby's life.

Skills of a Pediatric Nurse as a basis for the best performance of their profession, is clearly essential so it is important to cite the following definition of it:

A specialist in pediatric nursing is trained to provide specialized nursing care during childhood, make an accurate diagnosis quickly and correctly, and their ability to react depends on the child's life, especially in the first moments of life, it is a An exciting profession that affects the quality of life of the newborn, of an effective attention and of the correct orientation to their parents depends on their social, labor integration, their productivity.

Within the initial care, there is the cure of Credé which is to place in each eye of the newborn drops of Gentamicin, or penicillins in order to prevent conjunctivitis of the newborn, basically secondary to the gonococcus, which can be acquired in its passage through the birth canal.

They aspirate their nasal passages, to extract fluid that can remain of the fluids during the birth, in order to avoid aspirations and respiratory complications in the baby.

He cleans his skin and dresses quickly to avoid the cooling and complications that hypothermia can cause in the newborn.

Anal, and esophageal permeability is verified, which are some of the congenital diseases that can occur in babies and that are difficult to detect in their intrauterine life.

It is administered intramuscular vitamin K since it favors blood coagulation thus preventing bleeding.

The first vaccines are administered, mainly the Anti-polio and Antituberculous vaccines, although these vary according to the national vaccination scheme that is approved in each country.

And you should immediately stick to the breast of the mother, to suck the colostrum which is like your first natural immunity that will provide breast milk, to prevent future diseases.

Evaluate scores of the newborn as it is the test of apgar and capurro for early arrest of diseases and malformations.

Good, my friends, the actions of a nurse are paramount, although sometimes in society they are seen with simplicity

@felixrodriguez Specialist in Patient Care in Critical Status.

Graduated from the University of the Andes Mérida Venezuela.

Photos of my Authortage taken with Cell Zte 990. In the Birth of Mi Daughter Valeria del Valle.


Movies always skip over this part.

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