in #health7 years ago

Are you one of those people who just can't resist the urge to belt out a tune in the shower? Or maybe it's when you're in the car and you hear your favorite song? If so, research indicates you'll be healthier, happier, and maybe even better looking because of it!

Actually, it doesn't really matter where you sing or whether your voice sounds like Andre Boccelli or a cat fight, you'll still reap all the benefits. So if you're a little shy, remember the words of Big Bird on Sesame Street; 'Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear...just sing…sing a song!'


1 Singing gives a knockout punch to stress

Research shows that singing decreases the levels of stress hormones, particularly cortisol. Prolonged exposure to stress hormones disrupts the body’s metabolism causing a variety of ailments such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, PMS, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and elevated blood sugar. Not only does singing reduce these stress hormones, but at the same time it actually increases the release of pleasure-related ones, such as endorphins and oxytocin. According to one study, the benefits of singing appear to be cumulative too, as people who sang often and regularly were shown to have generally lower cortisol levels than non-singers.

2 Singing improves respiratory health

It strengthens the diaphragm, that flexible band of muscle that rests just below your ribcage. Typically, most people breathe only from their upper chest, but singing requires the engagement of the entire diaphragm resulting in truly deep breaths that increase lung capacity and strengthen lung functions. Studies indicate this may be helpful for conditions such as bronchitis, asthma and COPD. A Cardiff University study from 2012 found that lung cancer patients who sang in a choir had a greater expiratory capacity than those who didn’t.

In fact, London’s Royal Brompton Hospital started a ‘breathing through singing’ program for patients with asthma and bronchitis. They discovered that regular singing exercises improved patients' lung capacity so they were able to perform more strenuous daily activities. Apparently there really is something to 'whistling/singing while you work'.

3 Singing is the perfect workout

Singing is an aerobic exercise and a great workout for those all-important abdominal 'core' muscles. The deep breathing that singing stimulates exercises both upper and lower abdominal muscles, including many of the same muscles targeted by popular exercises like The Plank. Only difference is, the singing makes it seem almost effortless and it's a lot more fun!

4 Singing relieves depression and anxiety

Singing stimulates the release of mood-boosting serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin. These hormones have been found to alleviate depression, anxiety and stress. Oxytocin is sometimes called the bonding hormone as it elicits feelings of love, trust, and attachment. Studies have found that it is the oxytocin in particular that has made singing such an effective tool in the treatment of depression, dementia, and other related conditions. In personal observation, I can attest that singing can even stop a panic or anxiety attack in it's tracks!

5 Singing relieves neck and back tension

Let's face it, sometimes life is a real pain in the neck---literally! Many people accumulate tension in their upper back, face, and neck muscles which can be very hard to get rid of and very uncomfortable to live with. But when you sing, the combination of deeper breathing and release of endorphins and oxytocin, the muscles start to loosen up and relax and before you know it, those aches and pains just melt away

6 It's good for your heart

Singing lowers the heart rate, soothes the nerves, and lifts the spirits.
According to musicologist Björn Vickhoff of the Sahlgrenska Academy at Sweden’s Gothenburg University, “When you exhale [as you sing] you activate the vagus nerve, that goes from the brain stem to the heart. And when that is activated the heart beats slower.' Vickhoff also said that the controlled breathing used in singing is very similar to that of yoga and may have positive long-term effects on heart health and blood pressure.
“Singing regulates activity in the ... vagus nerve which is involved in our emotional life and our communication with others and which, for example, affects our vocal timbre,” he said in a statement released by the academy. “Songs with long phrases achieve the same effect as breathing exercises in yoga. In other words, through song we can exercise a certain control over mental states.”

7 Singing makes you more attractive

The deep breathing necessitated by singing improves blood circulation and oxygenation. This improves your complexion and gives your skin a healthy glow! All the endorphins and oxytocin being released puts a smile on your face and joyful, smiling people are naturally more appealing. As mentioned previously, singing loosens up stiff neck muscles giving you a more serene, youthful appearance. Those tight muscles can actually age you by exerting a downward pull on the tissues of your face. Don't let that happen--start singing now!

So there you have it. Now if anyone complains about your singing in the shower, you can just tell them they'll have to deal with it--it's your doctor's orders !


Effects of group singing and performance for marginalized and middle-class singers
Betty A. Bailey, Jane W. Davidson, Betty A. Bailey, ...
First Published July 1, 2005

J Behav Med. 2004 Dec;27(6):623-35.
Effects of choir singing or listening on secretory immunoglobulin A, cortisol, and emotional state.
Kreutz G1, Bongard S, Rohrmann S, Hodapp V, Grebe D.

Evol Psychol. 2012 Oct 22;10(4):688-702.
Performance of music elevates pain threshold and positive affect: implications for the evolutionary function of music.
Dunbar RI1, Kaskatis K, MacDonald I, Barra V.

Integr Physiol Behav Sci. 2003 Jan-Mar;38(1):65-74.
Does singing promote well-being?: An empirical study of professional and amateur singers during a singing lesson.
Grape C1, Sandgren M, Hansson LO, Ericson M, Theorell T.

Front. Psychol., 09 July 2013 |
Music structure determines heart rate variability of singers
Björn Vickhoff1*, Helge Malmgren2, Rickard Åström3, Gunnar Nyberg4, Seth-Reino Ekström5, Mathias Engwall6, Johan Snygg7, Michael Nilsson1,8 and Rebecka Jörnsten9


I knew there was a reason I did it! See, everyone else laughed at me, but I am just being healthy!

That's right! Just keep on singing Sharkface!

This is fantastic! Who knew that singing was so good for our health?!

I was singing once while driving with my son. He turned the radio down and asked me, "can you sing tenor?" I was like, "what?" He responded with, "Ten or twelve miles away." lol Kids are too honest.

I loved this article!

LOL! What a little 'freshie' as my mother would have called him!
So happy you liked article! I'll probably do a 2nd part to the post to go into the benefits of group/choir singing as well as resources for how people can get involved and find singing groups in their areas.

I'm going to say that to him next time he says something like that. LOL

I like to change up my responses, it confuses him for a few seconds. hahaha.

I'm looking forward to the next articles! Have a wonderful day eyeofthestorm!

Tak perlu cemas, kali ini saya akan bagikan beberapa tips gaya hidup sehat yang luar biasa dari para pakar kesehatan, dan bahkan Rosulullah saw. Penasaran kan bagaimanakah cara hidup sehat itu? Berikut beberapa langkah untuk menuju pola hidup sehat yang wajib kamu lakukan saat ini.

Haha I must be as healthy as a horse! Great post!

Thank you! I need to take the advice and start singing even more!

I wake up singing every morning and it goes on during the day...

That's great! Occasionally I wake up with a song or two, but I'm working on increasing it. How wonderful you can keep it going throughout the day too. I still have to remind myself.

I've always had a beat going on in my head... The singing just comes out constantly throughout the day and night...

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