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RE: Vaccines Are The Single Most Effective Medical Treatment Ever Invented

in #health8 years ago

I'm old enough to remember the Polio, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Mumps and Measels epidemics. I had friends a relatives who died.

That no longer happens.

Vaccines are one of the best things that has been invented..



In the old days vaccines were made to cure and treat people. Now modern day vaccines are just business where health is pushed aside to not interfere with profit.

Actually, vaccines have NEVER worked...historically, a disease appears on the "medical landscape," let's say begins to run its course, infecting hundreds, then thousands, and maybe even millions. When it arrives on scene, very little is actually known about it...relevant data is collected over countless days, weeks, months, maybe even years...while this is taking place the medical community hatches a plan to earn more profits through the use of things like "vaccines." Tons of money and research go into the development of the vaccine to "treat," NEVER cure (there is no profit in a healthy population) the condition. By this time the disease has run its course and begun to vanish by itself as better hygenic conditions are instituted in places where the pandemic has cropped up. By the time the vaccine arrives on scene, the disease has all but exhausted itself, which magically coincides with the arrival of a miracle drug (vaccine), which the medical community then touts as being an effective means of remedying the situation.

I think that is part of the problem. Most people around today have no idea how deadly and disabling these diseases were.

I had chickenpox, measles and mumps myself. I still have faint scars from the pox. Mumps are painful. I don't recommend it.
Anti Vaxxers are just like those who banned DDT in times past, and are personally responsible for the resurgence of malaria and the deaths of millions , mostly children.

I can't upvote this enough

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