Bad Decision *Wins* 🤔

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Discovering the mistake most people make when faced with an important decision that ultimately undermines their long-term success. 🙄


Now before I get into what and how that is, and a new way to start thinking about opportunities for greater success, (if you choose to do so) let me give just a little basic understanding on how we humans think. 😉

Most of our thoughts are habits, processes we have learnt from our experiences to date, most from our childhood and adolescence. Our habits are there for the general practice of life so our conscious awareness and focus can be dealing with the In The Moment situations.

Imagine for example, the first time you tied your shoe laces, all the time energy and stress it took, but now you do it while watching tv and having a conversation. It’s become an automatic system, a habit. But how tedious would it be if you still had to use all that energy and focus you did the first time, every time you put on your shoes, brushed your teeth, drove a car or anything you do regularly. 😳

We have habits of action and habits of thinking.

So Habits are very helpful and beneficial to living life, IF they support our Life and Goals.

Now when we are in times of stress or uncertainty, we automatically refer back to our habits to keep us safe. This is a natural survival instinct, just like the Freeze Flight Fight process, time is very important for our survival, so an automatic response can literally be Life Saving.

But in the area of New Experiences, which also includes that same energy as in stress, fear, excitement etc. If our Habit is not supporting new success then we will not experience that new success even if that success is something we truly desire. 😱.
I Know, Shocking Right … and many of us are unaware of this.

How we think is the driving force of how we Experience the life we live.

So now onto that New Understanding I promised that can lead to greater success. 😍

Good Decision vs Bad Decision vs Indecision!!!

“More is LOST from INDECISION than ever from a result of a BAD DECISION”
De’Borah Fortune Stott Business Development Strategist

Of course making a Good Decision is always best, I mean who wouldn’t want to be right all the time. 🧐 LOL But that’s just not typically how things go. The problem occurs when we often refer to Indecision (aka maybe, I’m still thinking about it, I’m weighing up the pro’s and con’s etc) over the fear of making a Bad Decision. We convince ourselves that taking longer to make the decision is being smart, safe, sensible, and think this is helping us. But in all truth its Indecision that holds us back from our Dreams, not a bad decision.

Making a Bad Decision actually is more beneficial in the long run than making No Decision. Indecision keeps you where you are at, there is no growth or new experience to build on or learn from. People and opportunities surpass you by you standing still and they keep moving.

Self Evaluation Moment 🤨

(ok if this information is starting a conversation in the back of your head called “justification” to disregard this, that this is not a case. That’s a sign that this habit is in existence and putting up its initial defenses for it to stay) 😉

“Procrastination the Largest Nation in the World”
Raza Aziz International Speaker, Author of “The Performance Zone”


Decision making is the force that shapes destiny. Personal, Corporate, Business Destiny. The secret then is becoming darn good by making more effective decisions. Are we always going to make the right the right decision yes or no? Absolutely not no way in a million years. But most people don’t have the guts to make the “Tough Decisions”, because they want to make the “Right Decision”, so they make “No Decision” and that’s a “DECISION”.

Tony Robbins

Watch the Whole video here

Now this isn't new, many people have guided us to better thinking for greater results, such as the 1937 classic self help book THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill.

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Chapter 8 Decision: The Mastery of Procrastination

“ACCURATE analysis of over 25,000 men and women who had experienced failure, disclosed the fact that LACK OF DECISION was near the head of the list of the 30 major causes of FAILURE. This is no mere statement of a theory, it is a fact. PROCRASTINATION, the opposite of DECISION, is a common enemy which practically every man must conquer….
Analysis of several hundred people who had accumulated fortunes well beyond the million dollar mark, disclosed the fact that every one of them had the habit of REACHING DECISIONS PROMPTLY, and of changing these decisions SLOWLY, if, and when they were changed. People who fail to accumulate money, without exception, have the habit of reaching decisions, IF AT ALL, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often.”

Now remember this was written back when a million dollars was more like a billion dollars today ;) SO its talking about the really really successful people of the time :D

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Andrew Carnegie (left) once told Napoleon Hill (right)

“Let me call your attention to a great power which is under your control, a power which is greater than poverty, greater than the lack of education, greater than all your fears in superstitions combined. It is the power to take possession of your own mind and directed to whatever and you may desire.”
Napolen Hill quoting Andrew Carnegie

Learn to say YES or NO and act with conviction, MAYBE is not an answer it’s a limitation.
As a stunt actor you got more consistently hurt for 1/2 doing a stunt, not from fully committing.
If you want it SAY YES, If you don’t want it SAY NO.
What is that first impulse, that desire that speaks from your soul, learn to listen to it.

“The problem is not that you don’t have options, the problem is you don’t want to do anything with the options you have”
Jamie Honey 😃


In Breaking News…
Speed Chess, a game of Quick Decisions, ultimately brings in the Police

Recently in Canada after day 3 of the world Chess tournament a group of chess enthusiasts were standing in the lobby in the fancy hotel discussing their recent tournament victories with increasing vigor.
Police had to come and break it up due to complaints, because it was against the law TO HAVE BOASTING CHESS NUTS IN AN OPEN FOYER


And a BIG Thank You to @scuzzy for his Fantastic Freebies above

Source Tony Robbins Video
Source Book Cover
Source Andrew Carnegie
Source Napoleon Hill


You got a 14.29% upvote from @steembloggers courtesy of @thehoneys!

Fabulous 🤟

Nice insights there. Upvoted from the whaleshares show!

YaY Thank You 😍
I truly appreciate the support. 😀

The law of attraction!

Absolutely its all apart of it. 😃
There are many different teachers and sources of information that we can grow and flourish from. I'm eager to remind people again, as I know the first time I heard these things I was not aware of what I was missing until I discovered later that I had missed it LOL 😉
You don't know, what you don't know, until you know, you didn't know it 🤯

wow. Where have you been all my life. I mean, I was reading myself in the lines of your post. Thank you for this. Indecision, procrastination, fear, man, its my challenge

So glad to share, 30 years ago I was told by a very successful director "I was afraid of Success" it was many many years later that I understood what he meant. In my need to be right, my desire to be the best I could be, I delayed action, in this delay I missed opportunities, I was not all. I could be by trying to be the best. 🤯
I know it can sound backwards at times, but in the process of becoming aware you will have the chance to change the next time you have an opportunity.


Make a PLAN to make a decision Yes or No quickly, and then live into it.
DO the action with commitment
Then REVIEW how it worked, what was good what could of been better.

I'll be doing more post, little bits of info that can help live a more joy filled life 😃

ay jamie from whaleshare and you right living the life overthinking and sometimes making wrong decisions in life can sometimes help too so its a really positive post really well thought and insightful.

Hey there thanks @prfm. I'm glad you got something out of my post. 🙂
I strive to give information that adds value to others in some way. 🤔

@eventspeaker You did a nice job of creating a call to action within me.

Full disclosure: I was almost there anyway I have decided this year is the year of bloodyminded action with that in my mind, this gave me chills. Napoleon Hill the way he laid out the chapters in Think and Grow Rich led us to the secret (Oh no that came much later haha).

Tony Robbins does the same job with far more energy, vigour and juice.

Ever since joining the coolest chain on the block I have a mantra that I once read in a success book...

It is not Ready...Aim...Fire BUT rather Ready...Fire...Aim...Fire again...

Using this protocol we are constantly realligning and honing our skill. This also has the added benefit of us acting constantly which is where we find the gravy

Nice job, enjoyable to read and it gave me the little spark inside that I am on the right road, Keep Steemin' :D

YAY, I'm glad that you got some Value from the post. 🙂
My wife (@thehoneys) taught me that saying when we met, Ready Fire Aim
It took me a bit before I accepted/understood it LOL 😨🤨🤔😶🙄😐🙂😃 The Journey

LOL!! It did take a bit before accepting this one!! :) Welcome to the other side of insane crazy action!!!! Love you!!

Great motivational post! Very nicely written and presented in the podcast in an engaging manner! Bravo!


Thank You for that @thekittygirl 😃
I'm glad it has some value. I know that little changes in our thinking provide big changes in our experiences.
Hopefully people will give it a go and see for themselves. 😇

You got a 25.00% upvote from @stef courtesy of @thehoneys!

Why thank you 😃

You got a 7.84% upvote from @mitsuko courtesy of @thehoneys! .

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Well now... who would of though LOL 😂

Release the Kraken! You got a 3.44% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @thehoneys!

Oooooh the kraken... Lets get kraken 😉

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