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RE: Soy: An Unbiased Reality

in #health5 years ago

Hey, stopping by because you asked for it :)

I don't eat soy. For several reasons. Mainly because it's industrial holly grail and consequently poisons the environment in many ways.

Secondly, only fermented soy is good soy.

I won't go into explaining and debating my claims. I'll simply stick to them. It's my decision.

About eating meat and everything involved with it. Yes, it would be muchX better not to eat meat on a planetary scale. Actually, I believe this is the only way to save our civilization.

Yes, it looks like we don't want to save our civilization.

In the end, it doesn't matter. nature will prevail no matter what we do.

Have a great weekend.


As long you're consuming it in a way that fits you it's alright.

And when it comes to saving the civilization that's when most if not all of the carnivores i've met stop arguing. Nobody has seemed to offer me a rational argument against the meat production industry or perhaps an alternative.

Sorry, I don't understand your last sentence

Nobody has seemed to offer me a rational argument against the meat production industry or perhaps an alternative.

Why would I need an alternative to the meat production industry? It's harmful and poisonous and unneeded, that's all. You don't need alternatives to meat because you don't need meat. Simple as that :)

I mean, I don't like to think in black and white.

In an ideal world, we would all be vegetarians or vegans but practically there will still be a substantial of meat-eaters.

The point is, how do we produce meat for them without harming both the animals and the environment?

Option 1: Produce lab meat (too expensive)
Option 2: ? ..Remains unknown

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