SativaYoga Bikini Body Series

in #health7 years ago


"The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure you seek."

I agree with Joseph Campbell, who said that quote above. For most of my life, I feared inhabiting my body. I mean, FULLY inhabiting it. Cultivating deep acceptance of every cell, organ, bone, hair, function... and imperfection.

Being embodied, without shame or judgment. Is that even possible??

My practice of SativaYoga -- which springs from my relationship with Cannabis Sativa -- has helped me into a "bikini body" for the first time in my life. And it did so, from the inside out.

You might be surprised how nerve-wrecking it is to take a bikini selfie! The ONLY way I could pick one, and actually publish it, was with oceans of... acceptance. Unconditional acceptance of my "what-is-right-now."

And equal acceptance of my "what-can-be-10-days-from-now."

That's why I'm choosing to go about this 10-day challenge a little differently. That's why I didn't even mention the phrase "10-day challenge" until now, because I didn't want comparisons or expectations based on other fitness challenges.

People tend to build on the forms, templates and blueprints of others. Derivatives of derivatives. No thanks.

And not because I'm contradictory.

But because I am so regularly shown a fresh form for me.

And that's how this style of yoga -- SativaYoga -- came to be.

I listen + look inside me. And then, practice + act outside me.

That is true of how I manage my depression, fibroids and any other material challenges. As well as immaterial challenges, like shame and limiting beliefs.

It is how I overcame a very harmful belief in outer authority. And it is how I committed myself to a life of advocacy for, and celebration of, cannabis sativa.

Future posts in this series will expand and explore how SativaYoga renews our mind and -- ultimately -- our physical body. Because if we don't feel free there -- in our "flesh suit" -- where else do we expect to feel it?

I recommend watching this as prep for our next steps.

Thanks for allowing me to share this with you.

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Well...I can tell you ther is no need for you to be scared to post bikini picks.

But I can rely to this a lot as a man also.

A couple of years I was pretty fit but let myself go then and put on a couple ( actually many) kilos.
As I started to drop the weight again I still felt uncomfortable and still do a bit but it gets better and better especially after I started doing Yoga.
I never heard about sativyoga but atm I have an open mind about almost anything.

And I really like this "Because if we don't feel free there -- in our "flesh suit" -- where else do we expect to feel it?"
and atm I am thinking about how I want to treat my body to really feel free within it.
Looking forward for more

It's so amazing to me to read that you have these types of insecurities. When I met you I had to seriously focus on my own words just to keep from stuttering (and I'm sure I failed), because I think you are SO beautiful!

I am very interested in learning about your Sativa Yoga practice. Thank you for sharing!

@layl: Cody, you are so sweet! :-D Gracias, mi amigo. I remember meeting a super cool, PRESENT and eloquent guy, that I look forward to seeing again.

Thanks for your interest in SativaYoga. I'm so jazzed to share more about it!

WOW, you inspire me to do better Everyday! it was a good read today for me :)

That's great to hear, @stackin. Every day is a do-over :-)

You have to love yourself or you'll never be able to accept compliments from anyone.

-Dean Wareham-

Hilarious gif. Very true quote. Thanks, @tme!

I totally understand! :)

Good writing and beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing, 100% upvoted @chanthasam

Yoga is an art and science of living.

-Indra Devi-

LOL at yogadoge XD

Upvoted and followed :) I love the way you make me feel accepted just by reading this.

Well, @treeshaface, you just gave me that same great feeling... and I thank you for it, new friend. Happily following you back :-)

Unfortunately I came upon this post too late to do it any good with my $.02, but maybe you'll value the inspiration it gave me.

The anxiety you mention overcoming to post your (beautiful) bikini pic is not unknown to me, and not something I reckon I have overcome. You seem quite rational in your approach to life, and not only inspirational, but good influence on my own self image.


Did you put her up to this? ;-)

Hey, @theblindsquirl. Who are you referring to in third person? :-)

I was asking @frankbacon if he had a hand in this post. I had made a comment the other day that I was considering hiring some "smoking-hot" 20 something to build a persona around and make posts about poetry and bikini yoga photos.

It seems like a sure fire way to get lots of upvotes and big payouts.

I unfortunately am a 55 y.o. pudgy man with glasses.

Congratulations on your transformation and acceptance of your body image.

Thanks for clarifying, @theblindsquirl!

No, @frankbacon had no influence on this post. (Though I sure am grateful that he Resteemed it! Thanks, Frank.)

In 3 months, I'll be 47. And, despite 138 views, this post only received 39 upvotes. So, good thing I'm in this for more than the big payouts!

I hope you'll stick around for the series, because its entire point is to show that everyone who HAS a body, also has the ability to feel great inside it.

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