Healthy Living Tips In Islam

in #health7 years ago

Good night my friends are steemit users....

To night I want to share how to live healthily and according to Islamic opinion, hopefully useful for you all.

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A multicomplex life makes it easy for us to get strange and difficult to deal with, both by the body's own immunity and drugs. Then how tips for us to stay healthy without having frequent treatment? It's no secret that our body has an immune system that can protect the body from disease, if the system works! Sometimes likes an error too? If it were so, then what can make it! We are forced to seek treatment. However, it would not hurt, try a variety of healthy life tips to prevent diseases without depending on drugs. Everywhere, preventing it is better than cure.

Here are some Healthy Life Tips without treatment that we can apply in everyday life. :

  1. Not eating before hunger and not excessive in eating.

This lifestyle is applied by the Messenger of Allah and this really can and very suitable applied and made an example by people today. This is evidenced by various statements from health experts. What Rasulullah saw practiced 1400 centuries ago has been scientifically proven by the advancement of science.

  1. Sit when drinking

When the thirst of the Messenger of God always drink water by sitting first. This method is also proven to be scientifically healthy where when we drink water standing still there will be a valve that is not ready to receive water pressure and when sitting the valve is open and ready to receive water.

  1. Eating with the right hand

Eating with the right hand is also one of the healthy lifestyle. When eating using the right hand then the left brain is left where the nature of this left brain is always regular in thinking. While when eating using the left hand then the active is the right brain that has the nature of imagination and random. So eating with the left hand is considered less suitable according to a study.

  1. Do not blow hot food / drink.

Ibn Abbas narrated "That the Messenger of Allah forbade to breathe into a drink vessel or blow it". (Scientifically, when exhaling the drink, we will emit carbon dioxide (CO2), which when mixed with water (H2O), will be H2CO3 or equal to vinegar, causing the drink to become acidic.When this habit takes place in a long time will be able to damage the performance of the kidneys and can increase the risk of heart attack.

  1. No Sleep After Fajr.

Sleeping after dawn proves to be a source of disease in our bodies, one of the exemplary aspects of Fir'awn is its habit of not sleeping at dawn, so he is rarely stricken with illness. Fir'un just do not sleep after dawn, what about you?

  1. Sleep kailulah that sleep briefly before dhuhur time

Sleep is helped by the Prophet (s) because it can help and strengthen a person to wake up and worship at night, and can improve the quality of life for better conditions. The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) practiced sleep kailulah, and ordered all friends and all his people to practice it.

  1. Read the Quran

Dr. Al Qadhi, through his research at the Florida Great Clinic of the United States, proved that simply by reading the Qur'anic verses, a Muslim who speaks both Arabic and non-Arabic can feel a huge physiological change.

Decrease in depression, sadness, gain peace of mind, preventing various diseases is a common influence felt by the people who became the object of his research. Dr. Al Qadhi is reinforced also by other research conducted by different doctors. In a report of a study presented at the North American Islamic Medicine Conference in 1984, it was mentioned that the Quran proved to bring about 97% calm to those who listened to it.

  1. Monday-Thursday fast

Fasting twice or more a week can avoid obesity and prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is no cure, this brain damage has claimed almost 35 million people, but the prevention of this disease can be done. One of them is by fasting Monday, fasting is also able to prevent breast cancer and diabetes, as written Michael Mosley.

  1. Bath before dawn

Taking a bath before going to dawn turns out to have tremendous health benefits. dr. Midi Hariyani, SPKK skin and genital specialist from the brass archipelago said that with a bath in the morning can wake the body asleep where the body's metabolism is slowing down. Rather wake up the machine that was initially slowly raised. The body temperature will be increased to achieve stability. Heart becomes spurred to wake up, adrenaline increases, blood vessels become more smoothly to move so that the blood flow in the body becomes very good including the flow to the skin so the skin looks more fresh.

  1. Cut the nails on Thursday and Friday.

This is in accordance with the words of the Messenger of Allah (saws): "Whoever cuts his nails on a Thursday, it will come out of him leprosy and go to him al-'Afiah (health and healing)".

Thus the 10 motodes of health care as taught and practiced by the Messenger of Allah. Good luck, hopefully you can reap the wisdom. Wallahua'lam.

happy reading, may be useful for friends, and also hopefully my friends can keep their body healthy .....

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