Vaccines- The First Time I Sprained My Ankle In The Rabbit Hole -GO SEE ´ VAXXED´

in #health8 years ago

I was vaccinated in 70s and early 80s, about 15 vaccines all up and i never experienced any problems* immediately after. I believed they were a necessary thing to raise the collective health of all.

I grew up thinking I lived in the best, free-est, most lucky democracy in the world!
I believed the government cared for us. I believed doctors were the smartest people around.
I believed the governments preferred us alive to dead because I believed the entire fraudulent money system was real, and they we´re "making money off us"

I was raised by good rational self educating people who taught me from very young, that if i believe something to be different even from every other kid in my whole school... that i could and should honour my own feeling and seek more info, but always to honour myself at least as equally valid as the mass consensus ideas.

I found myself totally disillusioned by the university system studying first year psychology.
It was so male dominated and non-sensical to spend a year studying these madmen like Freud, Skinner etc as GREATS.
I dropped out.
I did a massage course which got me interested in essential oils and traditional herbal medicine

Year after that i went to holistic medicine school to study Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbalism and Massage. It was 1992.
One subject was Naturopathic Philosophy. In that course I learned how natural, traditional, proven, ancient collective wisdom was currently (last 100 years) being degraded by the Rockefeller medical cartels and controlled by witholding funds to med schools and universities.
Thus bringing in our dependence on medicines we cannot grow and make ourselves, and not cures but medicines we will become dependent on for their constant profit.

Learning about this stuff softened me up. I was 21 years old, I really believed governments were doing the best for the people

James Corbett does a great job exposing Rockefeller Medicine

I was pretty sure JFK got shot from the front but that was about the extent of my conspiracy theorising.

One day at school we had a lecture about the history of vaccines.
We also looked at how most of these diseases were on a downward trajectory on their own without the vaccination programs by sanitation, plumbing, better nutrition, clean water and better housing.
The vaccines were introduced at a very opportune time... scarlet fever stopped being a problem for all of us and we have never vaccinated against it.

We studied many aspects and I just sat there incredulous.
"But I´ve been vaccinated and I´m fine..."

I only knew how marvellous vaccines were and I thought the lecturer was paranoid and just being resistant to "modern medicine".

One of the books on my Homeopathy class reading list was an anti-vax publication filled with a lot of interesting info. I read it a few times but I never really followed up on the sources.
It was the early 90´s before internet and too sunny to go to the library as well as school.
See why we remained asleep to so much for so long?

One day we had a lecture on how the introduction of the SV40 (Simian Monkey Cancer Virus- from diseased African green monkeys) in a vaccine given to millions of people around the world, incubated in those people, and now decades later IS STILL PRESENT in the cancers of many people.

It is a virus of monkeys that Merck pharmaceuticals put into vaccines because, well, the bottom line is, there is a eugenics agenda and they are a leading part of it.
Also because everything is really a big experiment and we who willingly go along with whatever they ask are the guinea pigs and we actually give our consent, so ultimately we are responsible.

No one cares about me as much as me, I have to live in this body so I started to think twice about which procedures i accepted.

Then we had a lecture about the increase of childhood minor diseases and autoimmune problems, seizures brain swellings and ear nose and throat chronic problems after vaccinations.

We looked at the history of vaccines, how they were inventing a galloping cancer vaccine to kill Fidel Castro, and how the creation of AIDS was linked with the World Health Organisation and a smallpox vaccine.

This lecture conveniently collects all this research and is funny too!

The Quiet Killer - The same vaccines you give your children may be killing them
Test what you think you know about cancer and vaccines. Probably one of the most important videos you'll ever watch.

This was all too much for my little crumbling 21 year old straight and well brainwashed head.
Granted, i had just crawled out of 13 years government indoctrination.
I was yelling at my teacher THAT is RIDICULOUS to suggest the World Health Organistation would do wrong,, deliberately or accidentally, merely for PROFIT.
I knew I was a caring person so it was impossible for me to think anyone else would willingly go along with a eugenics/chronic sickening to make profits and dependent clients

I left in disgust basically told my lecturer he was a kook and a conspiracy paranoid and it was a shame he had gone off the deep end as I had enjoyed many of his other lectures.

He looked at me with an annoying smile as if to say, you´ll learn

This was back in 93, no one had internet. Someone in my class passed around a photocopied pile of notes like a book about "the Illuminati", the 13 banking familiy bloodlines that control all finances in around 170 countries.
I had never heard the world illuminati and i thought it was rubbish info, and i thought the chaotic nature of life meant no one could hold this kind of power, really, over us....

In my summer hols between 92 and 93 i told my parents what i had learnt about vaccines just to be contrary one night at dinner. Mum and Dad went off at me like i went off at my teacher.

Some years later back at home at my parents house again we watched a TV documentary about Dr Wakefield linking the possible connections. The documentary was clearly skewed to make Wakefield look like a kook, and the parents testimony was totally down played. They were made to look like they were looking for someone to BLAME (most parents said that their kids had had the MMR vaccine and in the days weeks following began experiencing many complications from chronic infections to full blown self harming autism).
They ended by just showing lots of doctors in white coats and lots of studies and figures to let everyone know, DO NOT LISTEN to DR WAKEFIELD, jush git yer daim vaxsheens!

I remember at the time pointing out to my folks, "look, they are not giving ANY weight to ALL these parents saying the SAME THING, that right after the vaccine the probs started."

A few years later my brothers son had a bad reaction. He went into a seizure swimming at the beach soon after a vaccine. Then he had constant ear infections and sickness flu like symptoms, really fussy eating... until after his MMR vaccine my brother told me, he stopped giving eye contact when he came home after that one.

I remember being in the sea one day with my brother saying... " you know it might have been the MMR vaccine, people have been saying this for years...". He kind of acknowledged that it may have had something to do with it and has proceeded to do everything in his power to help his son live as normal a life as possible.
He is a magical, beautiful and wonderful boy just as he is but if we could stop anyone suffering what he has been through we must try.

Around the late 90s there was an article in The Australian mainstream press about how the World Health Organisation started AIDS when ending smallpox, basically what my teacher had told me a decade earlier

The London Times – “Smallpox Vaccine ‘Triggered AIDS Virus.’”
The London Times – May 11, 1987 Dr Alan Cantwell, M.D.

So that was humbling. I started , after ten years and some life experience to realise maybe I needed to keep my mind open. Maybe the government wasnt always good. Maybe some do put profit over people and many other good people dont know how they have been brainwashed to do the selling for both the govt and the big pharma collective.

Since then many friends have kids that have many health problems after vaccines and I have watched the stats in highly vaccinated populations go from 1 in 15,000 to 1 in 50 with autism in the last 40 years.
I HAVE to speak up about it. I would rather watch a child die from meningitis than suffer like some autistic kids who are in such physical agony, for years, decades, that they self harm and have to wear crash helmets.
Not that any death isnt a tragedy for those who remain, but sometimes one persons prolonged suffering is so painful.

Since 2014 we had this whistleblower William Thompson from THE CDC -top research body in the world to test the safety of vaccines -Thompson has confessed to being told to hide and skew the data so ALL the vaccine programs can continue... so no one gets scared off
(The data showing the vaccine was definitely damaging vast numbers, millions of kids internationally)

Everyone needs to see this documentary.

I watched Dr Wakefield be blackballed, struck off the medical register, treated like a criminal, his name was sullied for nearly 2 decades. He was called a fraud. Then just in the last 2 years a major TV producer and medical journalist named Del Bigtree just could no longer ignore the risks and in good conscience let vaccines be promoted unquestioned.
Bigtree spent much time analysing what Wakefield had gathered over the decades, and confirmed for himself that Wakefield was not a fraud.

The information he was to uncover and expose, however, would mean he would be threatening many financial interests in the show he was a producer on.
Del Bigtree, the same as Doctor Andrew Wakefield, effectively kissed goodbye a cushy lucrative career to do the right thing.
Indeed, what no one had been able to do previously

VAXXED: the ABC News interview that Big Pharma didn't want you to see
This is the full UNCUT interview that ABC World News conducted with Del Bigtree of the "VAXXED" documentary now censored by Robert De Niro and the Tribeca Film Festival

Many people with vaccine damaged kids do not become activists. They do not want to put their heads up.
Most of them have been subtly told their poor kid had a pre-existing undiagnosed condition, basically, your kid was faulty.
They have enough stress everyday raising a child who may never be independent.

Most people just want to believe government is good... they say to me "we know the government is a good thing made up of good people because we are in it!"
Of course i think theyre naiive, possibly, self serving.
They think I am paranoid, perhaps bitter that I have chosen not to ´fit in´with the rest of society

Its been six years since i left Australia to live in a tent and pay my rent in yoga classes so I have 23 hours free a day to read. I am off the plantation so i am not affected by the Aussie community.
I dont have kids or a family so I can learn many hours a day and many days i never stop seeking

Unfortunately these days I wouldnt be able to fit in down at the local primary school and listen to all the other parents harp on about herd immunity and other myths, whilst dying to scream at them "YOU NEED TO RESEARCH LIVE VIRUS SHEDDING!"

People will all call you paranoid.

While we know the eugenics agenda is a real thing, written in stone, so we have been warned.
Whatever we go along with.
WE complied.

Do you know pap smears are to detect the presence of "abnormal cells" like human pappiloma virus (genital warts) on the cervix.
These warts are also called "pre-cancerous cells"
Where does human papilloma virus come from?
Some reports say monkey pappilloma, and introduced into us by vaccines...

As Doctor Tent says in his high comedic lecture, the reason why they call it SIMIAN VIRUS 40 is because they found 39 other monkey viruses before it...

  • I have had several autoimmune problems over the years but i am learning to reverse all these decades old viruses rumbling around in me by paying close attention to the last hour of Dr Tents lecture posted above.

So many of our symptoms are related to low level immune degradation over our whole lives...
thats why theyre called Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars


Thank-you SO MUCH for sharing a story about Vaccine Injury in your own family. We must all BE BRAVE right now and share these stories so that the world can't continue to say it doesn't exist and that we are lying.
Thank-you so much for talking about the movie VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe. People can now stream it live at VaxxedTheMovie .com

I just joined Steemit and my very first article I wrote and posted today was about "Be Brave" and share Vaccine Injury stories. My next article will probably be a review of the VAXXED movie. I love the work that the Vaxxed Team is doing to spread awareness.

@canadian-coconut I replied to you in the wrong box : /

I love this article! You have broken from the grip of the big government propaganda, and at such an early age. It took me twice that long to start to figure out that the government did not have my best interests at heart.

I saw that you had upvoted a comment of mine and I wanted to check out a few of your posts. I am glad I did. Your views are refreshing.

@canadian-coconut thanks for taking the time to read and reply, you make me happy that you are on steemit encouraging others to share stories... perhaps we can start a trend and get a collection of stories on here as it seems like anything prone to censorship needs to be on record here.... it will also help build steemits longevity with like 50 million new members of the vaccine injured... I have put it on Dels page but I think Polly is the one to talk to as she is collating like a warrior from heaven. Im off to read your story, love and blessings

@Elissahawke - I was already thinking the same thing that this might be a good platform to share personal, heart-wrenching vaccine injury stories. Thanks for mentioning it to Del.

thanks @celsius100, there is so much info now, i have seen facebook completely rip the floor out of the Big pHarma in the last 5 years especially. Thanks for sharing the truth -blessings

@elissahawke I can't believe all of the cool stuff on this platform that I never would have known exist. This is some of that cool stuff.

@domavila i love hearing your openness to something you only just conceived might exist.....

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