in #health4 years ago

Eliminate bags and dark circles quickly with homemade eye tricks
Do you often wake up with bags under your eyes, or do you often have dark circles under your eyes that make your face look tired? If the answer is yes, you need to find a quick and easy solution that will allow you to remove them as soon as possible. These homemade tricks promise effective results in less than 20 minutes.

Undoubtedly, the eye contour is one of the weak points of men and women, since they show not only the passage of time, but also, all kinds of disorders. The result is visible in the form of bags and dark circles under the eyes. But... do you know what bags and circles under the eyes are, what causes them and how they differ from each other? Find out!

Bags and bags under the eyes: two different problems
Although both are located around the eyes, bags and dark circles are very different.

Bags are produced when fluids and toxins accumulate in the lower eyelids. That is why the tricks to combat bags are aimed at deflating the area as quickly as possible.
However, dark circles under the eyes are caused by the increase of pigmentation at the same level. The appearance is completely different and so are the recipes for treating them. Nevertheless, some tricks for bags can also be good for dark circles under the eyes.
Why do bags and dark circles form?
While bags and dark circles are different, they may share some of the same triggers. These include


Lack of sleep
Liquid retention
Certain diseases
Genetic factors
Exposure to the sun
Alcohol and tobacco abuse
Tricks for removing bags and dark circles
On the other hand, although there are very advanced aesthetic treatments to treat both bags and dark circles, they can also be easily removed at home.


Take note of these 13 homemade tricks to remove bags and dark circles and stop living hidden behind those dark glasses

  1. Apple. To combat eye bags, apply a spoonful of applesauce to each eye. Place a blindfold over them to prevent the applesauce from falling out. Leave this apple mask on for 20 minutes before going to sleep. You can also place a couple of apple slices directly on your eyes, although the effect will not be as powerful as with the puree.

  2. Turmeric. To lighten dark circles under the eyes, prepare a paste with powdered turmeric and water. Apply to dark circles under the eyes and leave for 10 minutes.

  3. Cold milk. Another way to remove dark circles under the eyes is to soak 2 pieces of cotton wool in cold milk and place them over each eye. After application, apply a bandage so that the compress begins to take effect. Perform this treatment for 20 minutes.

  4. Cucumber. Simply cut two thick slices of cucumber. Take it to the refrigerator for 10 minutes and then place it over your eyes, another ten.

  5. Almond oil. Apply almond oil under your eyes, before going to sleep, while massaging your eyelids.

  6. Chamomile. Prepare an infusion of chamomile, soak a cotton ball and apply it to your eye bags so that they deflate in the blink of an eye.

  7. Dad. Apply a slice over each eye, just like with the cucumber or grate a potato, extract the juice and apply with a cotton ball, leaving 15 minutes. This alternative is much more effective.
    Tea. After using the tea bags, take them to the refrigerator and leave them until they are very cold. Apply them to your lower eyelids, so that your bags disappear quickly.
    Mint leaves. Crush some leaves and place them under the eyes for 5 to 10 minutes.

  8. Tomatoes. Tomato juice is also ideal for lightening dark circles under the eyes. Apply to them and leave them for a few minutes.
    Rose water. Apply a cotton ball soaked in rose water for 15 minutes.
    Ice never fails. Place it on your eyelids and let it act to remove your bags.
    Lemon Lemon juice is very effective for both lightening dark circles under the eyes and reducing puffiness. Apply it directly, alone or combined with any of the other tricks.

As you can see, there are natural options that can help you remove bags and dark circles from your eyes in a short time. Although they are quick treatments, they are no less effective, you just have to be sure to apply them every night.


In this video you will see in more detail how to use these home remedies to improve your eye contour in 20 minutes.

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