A cup of cocoa a day helps prevent the flu!

in #health6 years ago

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#Daily Cup of Cocoa Helps Prevent Flu#
When the wintry flu season strikes do you crave a comforting cup of hot cocoa? It could be your body's innate wisdom at work.

Nature works in mysterious ways. Just when cold, dry weather chills us to the bone and flu season is in full bloom, we crave a comforting cup of hot cocoa. As it turns out, that chocolate craving may be our body's innate wisdom at work.

According to a Japanese study a daily cup of hot cocoa during influenza season may be just what we need to avoid the flu and stay healthy.[i]

The Japanese researchers conducted a three-part chocolate study that included cell tests, animal experiments, and human trials.

In the cell studies they found that cocoa extract inhibited the flu from taking hold in canine kidney cells. The cells had been infected with human influenza A (H1N1, H3N2) and B viruses, as well as avian flu viruses (H5N1, H5N9).

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