4 Tips for drinking when training your fitness

in #health8 years ago

At times when you're training hard there are definitely days when you just want to have a drink. Some people tell you that you absolutely should not drink because it hurts your athletic prowess. I think in the long-term a drink here or there won't really hurt you that much and if it's something that you really want it may benefit you in the long run.

Here are some tips for drinks that you should have and drinks that you don't have to avoid. They're definitely certain types of alcohol that are better and or worse for you depending on what they contain.


If you really need to have a drink, liquor is probably the worst choice for you. Yes in comparison to many other alcoholic beverages it is a low-carb low-calorie option but beer and wine offer the potential for more health benefits. Beer and wine offer the benefits of antioxidants and could possibly help your car pass a health and maybe even type of cancer prevention.

Pay attention to color

Paying attention to the color is super important. This is important for Liquors, beers, and wine. If you have to drink liquor then pick liquors that are clear. Dark-colored liquors typically have more toxic compounds that are formed during the fermentation process.

Now for wines, the opposite is true and you should choose red wines over the white wines. There have been various researches that have shown that red wine can help block certain diseases by boosting the energy production of yourself.

Stay consistent

Research from the American Journal of Epidemiology Has shown that individuals who on average drink 8 to 14 glass of wine per week is actually healthier. For some reason, the individual to drink on a more consistent basis could possibly up to 60% less likely to get sick.

All in moderation

Binge drinking definitely will not help you be a better athlete, help you feel good, and definitely does not help your health. so make sure when you decide to have a drink here or there that you do so in moderation. binge drinking no matter what will not benefit you and your health.y production of yourself.


8 ways to drink like an athlete

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