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RE: My experience with a Water Fast

in #health7 years ago

Great post! I'm starting to think it's a message to me, lol, as I was recently contemplated doing it since it's been a long while, then I read about someone doing this yesterday on fb, and now I came over to your page and here it is again ;)

I am a huge advocate for the water fast. I have done it many times, generally for detoxifying/kick-starting a diet purposes.
From my own experience as well as some research, the best way to do it where it won't negatively impact your body, is on/off over a period of time, say two weeks or a month. For instance you would fast for three days, then eat for three (keeping it lighter and healthier for those three) then fast for two, then eat for three, then fast again for one day and eat for four...basically you switch it up because it essentially 'tricks' your body and keeps it from going into starvation mode. In starvation mode instead of burning fat it will go after muscles because fat is meant as a reserve. But as long as you catch it and eat before this begins to occur, then fat will be burned.
I'm not a nutritionist by any means, so people should do their own research, but in the dozen or so times I've done this, it's worked really well. I've felt much healthier after the completion as well as losing a considerable amount of weight each time :)


Thanks for sharing! I am thinking of starting another one at some point here soon. But, not just a coupe days, I was going to try one of the longer variety...

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